ATL-5-STEPThe real reason you do Discovery Sessions….

I was asked to help someone who was having trouble with the money part of signing people up after her Discovery Sessions. I bet no one has ever taught you these things.

You go into Discovery Sessions thinking you’ll help the client, show her how good you are, give your best…but that’s not what a Discovery Session is all about!

I hear coaches say, “I get to the end of delivering a great Discovery Session and my clients-to-be ask about working more with me … and I don’t know what to say, and they don’t sign up!”

This will help you.

I’m going to show you how to do the Discovery Session correctly – I bet NO one taught you these 5 Steps the way I do! Yep, you probably already have your own style.

But if it ends up with people not signing up, I guess there’s still something to find out, isn’t there!

An unusual training

1. Go HERE for the unusual Discovery Session training that will change everything for you.

If you truly want to make more money helping people and making a difference, you need more clients! This will help you attract and sign them up.

Every person I’ve taught this to has told me it works like a dream! Good!

In the 60-minute audio (with accompanying 3-Part Cheat Sheet that includes my Exclusive Client Signup Script), I reveal to you the 5 highly critical elements you absolutely must include when you do a new-client inquiry, a strategy session or discovery session.

Do you think you do good Discovery Sessions … but at the end you don’t know what you’re doing? And you flub the money conversation? Go HERE for the unusual Discovery Session training that will change everything for you.

How to set your fees

2. Here’s where to learn how to set up your services and your fees so your Discovery people will ask YOU about your programs and packages, and you will feel totally comfortable talking about them.

What would it be like to feel really great about your fees – so great you don’t mind talking about them?!?

IDareYouRadio.comCLICK HERE or on the Daring Dreamers Radio icon to the left to listen in on this shorty audio (16 minutes) that already gives you several important tips.
