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Dr. Stefan Ripich: Can You Cure Diabetes in 30 Days? Really?

ripich2Diabetes has to be one of the most controversial subjects people are discussing nowadays.

Controversial doctor Dr. Stefan Ripich says if people follow his program, in just 30 days he can help them get rid of symptoms and meds. Many would argue. Let’s see what he says about it.


What one item can you add to your food intake every day that will lower your blood sugars by one third? What one food is more dangerous than sugar? Why did the ancient Greeks diagnose diabetes using ants? How do your cells refuse sugar, and you end up with diabetes? Why doesn’t Dr. Ripich weigh people when they come to him?

Find out now – your life may depend on it!

“Don’t believe what you’ve heard about diabetes, ” Dr. Ripich says, “It can be completely turned around – even Diabetes Type 1 people can reduce their meds or even eliminate them.”

Read More

Nathalie Kelly: Miraculous Living Beyond Her Monster Traumatic Brain Injury


When her boat capsized, Nathalie Kelly was slammed in the head, resulting in massive damage to more than one part of her brain. This was no ordinary brain injury!

Listen in and find out how she endured – and actually grew from – years of having to simply lie flat and not even move a muscleeven her eyes

…how she persisted in trying to find answers, even through horrific headaches and completely debilitating dizziness and disorientation so bad she had to walk with 2 walking canes…

…and how she got through embarrassments and humiliations that are so common for TBI sufferers who cannot remember or cannot read or walk, and can no longer function in the simplest ways.

Read More

Colleen Flanagan: Why Intermittent Fasting Works So Well

Colleen Flanagan, also known as the Emotions Whisperer, joins me today in sharing with us how she lost a whole bunch of weight easily, effortlessly, and without ‘going on’ a diet.

Are you familiar Read More

Dr. Miranda Jorgenson: Why You Gained So Much Weight After Your Gall Bladder Was Removed

Dr.Miranda JorgensonHave you or anyone you know said this? “I Gained A Zillion Pounds After Having My Gall Bladder Out….”

Today I want to introduce you to Dr.Miranda Jorgenson, who will help us understand exactly why that happens. Discover why so many people gain uncontrollable weight after gall bladder surgery, and the six critical things you or someone you know can do about it.

(Special surprise! At the end of this article you will find a surprise goodie for you!)

Even if you still have your gall bladder, you may be experiencing pains, unwanted, uncomfortable symptoms, and uncontrollable wight gain.

If you know of anyone else who has this problem, or who has had their gall bladder removed, I invite you to share this particular show with them, because it may help them out, too.

Did you know that over half a million gallbladders are removed every year in the US? It is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures.

What’s really distressing is that even after having had their gall bladder removed 87% of men and 68% of women experienced weight gain after their gall bladder was removed. Many people still experience the same symptoms as before!

So … what can be done about about all this?

I invited Dr. Miranda to be my guest after reading articles about this problem on her site. Because I, too, suffer from massive weight-gain after my own surgery, and like many others, find it impossible to lose it.

12-11-logo-4-1hCLICK HERE or click on the Daring Dreamers Radio icon to the left to listen to our conversation, because you’ll learn a lot about what you can do now to alleviate symptoms and drop extra weight.

Dr. Miranda Jorgenson is a health and weight loss strategist, licensed Chiropractor and co-owner of Baton Rouge Chiropractic & Injury Center.

Bone Broth RecipeShe was the Physician Advisor to a large physician-grade supplement company for 6 years, and has had numerous articles published in DC Product Reviews, Chiropractic Economics, and The Original Internist.

She is the author of two physician references – ‘The Drug Induced Nutrient Depletion Index‘ and ‘The Ridiculously Easy Way to Introduce Nutrition & Evolve Your Practice To The Next Level.’ 

She is currently writing her book on weight loss for people who no longer have a gallbladder.

CLICK HERE to download the FREE printable Bone Broth Recipe!

Home-made Hydration: How to Make Sugar-free Electrolytes


I found out something really important after I was well again after having had my gall bladder removed.

I was feeling dehydrated. I knew I needed minerals and electrolytes, but I didn’t want to get a commercial sugar-laced drink. I didn’t know what to do.

So I googled ‘how to make electrolytes,’ and found out that you can make your own hydrating drink simple as pie! All you do is take a quarter teaspoon of sea salt (no iodine) and add it to a cup of water with the juice of half a lemon: voila! Electrolytes! Hydration!

The article I read said that the lemon has nutrients and minerals that we need, and the salt and acidic juice make the right electric charge we need to rejuvenate the system. Cool.

So if you need electrolytes after getting worn down playing sports, getting through an illness or having extreme diarrhoea, this is a home remedy that really works.

It’s not at all bad tasting, and if your body needs electrolytes it will love drinking it. It’s safe for little kids–better, actually, because there isn’t a ton of sugar in it. Sugar upsets the electrolyte balance, weakening it (never mind the other things we already know sugar does to the system).

Disclaimer: No, I am not a doctor or physician. I’m telling you about this because it works for me. If you try it and get hurt in any way, it’s your responsibility, not mine!

Dr. Pamela Wible, Creating Unusual, Ideal Health-Care Clinics


Dr. Pamela Wible is an amazing, off-the-wall, screw-convention, super-caring doctor who is creating major ripples in the health care world with her new model of health-care providing.

But she didn’t come by her ideas for that new model easily!

See, Dr. Pamela was born to a family of physicians…who all said, don’t become a doctor! But she decided to and went for it, anyway. And found that many med students were committing suicide!

Why were med students doing this?

These med students had become disillusioned and felt cut off from their dreams and ideals within a very short time. She said that she did, too, after a while – even though she had been so gung-ho to become a doctor.

Imagine the love, joy and fulfillment of your calling being destroyed because of too much stress, not enough sleep, too many hours worked. How soul-crushing.

Many doctors and interns who teach and mentor them have become so sarcastic and cynical a to further beat any remaining dreams to death.

What finally happened?

Dr. Wible: Pet Goats and Pap SmearsDiscover what happened to Dr. Wible when she finally caved in to her own despair and exhaustion.

You’ll be surprised and delighted to find out about the epiphany that led her to start the amazing, incredible, powerful project that is counteracting this very critical problem.

Pamela Bruner, Millionaire Energy Coach: 5 Steps to SuccessCLICK HERE or on the DaringDreamers icon to the left to listen in and hear her fantastic solution, as well as the response she’s gotten to her ideas.

Why Pet Goats and Pap Smears? You’ll find out why the name in the interview! You’ll find Dr. Pamela at

Click here to get her book: Pet Goats & Pap Smears: 101 Medical Adventures to Open Your Heart & Mind


Zoe Walton: False Emotions & How to Relieve Depression


I read this newsletter by a friend, Zoe Walton, who helps her clients with EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, and thought you’d appreciate it. So I’m reproducing it here for you. Pretty important stuff.

From this point on, it’s Zoe talking:

zoeThis is about “False negative emotions” and neurotransmitters. True negative emotions are genuine responses to challenges and difficulties that arise in our life.

They are feelings of loss, disappointment, abuse, shame, etc, arising from the past or present. We grow from feeling and dealing with these types of emotions and situations. They are a natural response to life.

‘False emotions,’ a term coined by one of my teachers, Julia Ross, are caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. You might be tipped off that you are feeling false emotions because:

  1.  these emotions have no identifiable  cause
  2.  you just feel a low level of blues, hopelessness or anxiety;
  3.  you have been unsuccessful in resolving depression, anxiety, sadness, even with years of therapy;
  4.  you have problems sleeping through the night.

A neurotransmitter is a chemical messenger in the brain that carries, boosts, and modulates signals across gaps or synapses of brain cells and between other cells in the body. Most neurotransmitters are made from protein or its subunits, amino acids. Serotonin, Dopamine and GABA are neurotransmitters that are essential for a positive, calm, happy outlook and a sense of well-being.

When Neurotransmitters are out of balance (or when receptors on cells responsible for receiving neurotransmitter signals are impaired) they have a significant impact on our mood and behavior.

When we are deficient in specific neurotransmitters a number of emotional symptoms are likely:

  •     Deficits in serotonin can lead to depression, aggressiveness, anxiety, panic attacks, food and alcohol cravings, irritability and insomnia;
  •     Deficits of dopamine include depression, stress, mental exhaustion, fatigue, low sex drive and low motivation;
  •     Noradrenaline is important for alertness, concentration and attention. Deficits of noradrenaline have been linked to depression;
  •     Deficits in GABA can lead to feelings of anxiety.

Brain cells need three things to survive and be healthy:

  •     Oxygen (so exercise daily);
  •     Glucose ( the brain uses 20-25% of all the glucose we take in as food);
  •     Stimulation – Neurotransmitters help to keep your brain cells healthy by stimulating them. Stimulation of brain cells lead to ATP production, this is the energy that runs all the billions of functions in your body.

If you are deficient in a particular neurotransmitter you will experience very specific emotions, sleep patterns and cravings. You can increase the amount of a particular neurotransmitter in your brain by taking some amino acid supplements. I have been doing this work with clients for 6 years with great success.

If you suspect you might be feeling false emotions due to imbalanced brain chemicals, my recommendation is to start with the following suggestions prior to embarking on a specific amino acid protocol.

  1.   Eat 4 oz of protein (about a chicken breast size of meat) three times per day. Or eat 40-50 grams of protein per day of you are a woman or 50-60 grams if you are a man. Write down your menu of a few typical days’ diet, then Google “protein content of foods” and check to see if you are getting enough protein.
  2.   Make sure you are either eating a ton of veggies to get your vitamins and minerals, or supplement what veggies you do eat with a good Multi Vitamin. Neurotransmitters are made from protein but they need “Co-Factors” ( B Vitamins, zinc etc.) to facilitate their cross-over to other brain cells.
  3.   Take Omega 3’s (fish oil, flax seed oil) because the brain needs Omega 3 to make Neurotransmitters.

Here are some reasons, and I am sure there are more, why you may be experiencing an imbalance of neurotransmitters:

  1.   Genetics- take a good look at your family members. If most of them are anxious or depressed, this may point to a genetic deficiency in one or more of the neurotransmitters
  2.   The standard American Diet- does not supply the proper nutrition needed to turn food into neurotransmitters and co factors
  3.   Dieting or eating Disorders- you may not be eating enough protein and vitamins because you are dieting or restricting food intake
  4.   Prolonged Stress will deplete neurotransmitters
  5.   Toxic substances like heavy metals, pesticides, illicit and some prescription drugs can cause permanent damage to the nerves that make neurotransmitters.
  6. This is can be a stressful season, so get plenty of rest, take time for yourself, and eat well.

Wishing you all a wonderful Holiday Season –

© Zoe Walton, Zoe Walton L.Ac , Certified Pro EFT, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner, San Rafael,CA

Deborah D. Miller: Helping Kids with Cancer Go Home Happy


I’ve been entranced watching Deborah D. Miller use EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques, to help kids with cancer in Mexico.

When I got Deborah on the phone, she gave us such a clear, powerful example of what can be done for kids with tapping. And not just the kids! Whole families, their friends and communities are being affected. Wait til you hear!

In the US, when you get those funny ‘chills’ that mean something moves you profoundly, it is called goose bumps. Here in Hawaii, we call it chicken skin – and I got lots of it when I was speaking with Deborah!

Choosing to live, not die

You’ll hear how kids who have chosen to die heal and live; how their friends help them tap even though they thought tapping was silly; and how whole villages and families in Mexico now know how to tap….Deborah’s work at the hospital ( isn’t about illness, it’s about creating wellness.

12-11-logo-4-1hClick HERE for the first part of my interview with Deborah. During Deborah’s work, she helps kids uncover beliefs they have that they ‘should’ die because they believe it will help a sibling live, or cause less stress in the family…you’ll see what she does to help them alleviate and resolve those beliefs, what happens when she does, and the incredible affect on the community at large.

12-11-logo-4-1hClick HERE for the second part of my interview with Deborah (about 10 min). What daring thing will Deborah do now, after she has been given $10K to help give Tappy Bear to the kids? Listen in as she describes how she is working on a special program to help kids, parents and practitioners, and what that will involve.

12-11-logo-4-1hClick HERE for the third part of my interview with Deborah (about 10 min). If you’re an EFTer, you may want to perk your ears up on this one….

More about Deborah:

Deborah specializes in empowering individuals by helping them release their blocks and inhibitions followed by instilling new beliefs that allow them to step into their own power.

She has created EFT scripts and audios to help individuals with the EFT process, particularly with kids with cancer.

Here are some of her sites:

Teleseminar Series: Helping Kids with Cancer – HERE

Discover How Deborah D Miller Ph.D., has been able to enhance the quality of life for kids wirh Cancer – don’t confuse its simplicity with its power to change lives! HERE

Free video about Kids with Cancer Project: HERE

The Oaxaca Project

Giving Hope to Kids wtih Cancer – Youtube video about project HERE

miller-bkThe Dragon with Flames of Love: TAPPING for KIDS is The Tapping Solution! This book (available in English, French and Spanish) provides EFT Tapping instruction as a simple, yet remarkable alternative for parents of children coping with a shocking diagnosis or dealing with any kind of chronic illness.

It’s a manual, a how-to-guide, that lovingly teaches parents how to effectively utilize a powerful tool known as Tapping in order to assist a chronically ill child.

This book is suitable for ALL ages and provides a variety of age specific scripts for children, teens and adults. Additionally, it includes EFT TAPPING scripts to specifically address the many challenges of being a parent of a sick child.

Click on this link to get it in Spanish here – El Dragón con Llamas de Amor: Tapping para Niños (Spanish Edition)

You can get the book in English, French and Spanish.


Dr. Mark Starr: Hypothyroidism and What to Do About It


“I never imagined I would become the modern-day expert on thyroid and its impact on chronic illness. When I researched mitochondrial disorders and thyroid, I realized they were one and the same.

The last landmark book written about hypothyroidism was by Dr. Broda Barnes in 1976. I hope my book will allow me to help doctors and patients get back in touch with this basic tenet of medicine.

Without this knowledge, patients go from office to office, searching for answers and too often getting just superficial treatment of symptoms.”

Dr. Mark Starr,

IDareYouRadio.comI invite you to join me on Daring Dreamers Radio with my special guest, Dr. Mark Starr. You can find this interview on iTunes, as well. Search podcasts for Angela Treat Lyon’s Daring Dreamers Showcase!

As you listen, Dr. Starr will answer these questions:
•   What used to be the name for what doctors now call fibromyalgia?
•   Why do fibrolmyalgia sufferers usually have hormone problems, predominantly thyroid?

•   How did Dr. Mark Starr come to realize that his muscle pain was because of hypothyroidism (low thyroid)?
•   What is a basal metablism test, and why does Dr. Starr consider that type of test for the thyroid more comprehensive and conclusive than the standard thyroid testing done by blood?

•   Why does Dr. Starr believe that the synthetic forms of thyroid hormone don’t work as well as the “old fashioned” dessicated form?
•   Why did the drop in deaths by infectious disease result in more heart attacks and other previously unknown diseases in the mid-1900s on?

•   Why, if you eat a low amount of fat in your high-protein diet, does your metabolism actually slow down and your need for thyroid skyrocket?
•   What will you get when you buy a $20 portion of a cow? (!)

•   What do milivolts have to do with your teeth, infection and health?

•   How many mercury frequencies are there in your aura?
•   Why does raw milk not get infected the way ‘they’ say it does, and what are the advantages of using it?

Get his book here: Hypothyroidism Type 2: The Epidemic


•   Raw milk in your area?
•   Dr. Jerry Tennant:
•   Prill Beads – try getting them on (get the $8 ones, not the $3 ones)

Important info:

There’s voltage in your teeth? Their relationship to your pH is important? Who’d have thunk it? Check this out:
Dr. Tennant’s amazing story HERE.
Healing is Voltage 2 HERE.
How Mercury Damages your brain HERE.


•   Solve the Riddle of Heart Attacks
•   The Demise of the Cholesterol Theory
•   Breast Cancer and Iodine
•   Iodine: Why You Need It and Why You Can’t Live Without It
•   The Roots of Disease Connecting Dentistry and Medicine
•   Root Canal Coverup
– by the man who invented the root canal procedure!

Dr. Starr is a medical doctor who specializes in integrative medicine, pain, hormones, and the prompt rehabilitation of acute and chronic sports injuries. He utilizes a wide array of alternative methods that allow the body to heal itself naturally. These methods include desiccated thyroid, bio-identical hormones, nutrition, homeopathics, trigger point injections, Hans Kraus’ protocols and exercises, Tennant Biomodulator, low-intensity lasers, and other energetic modalities.

Dr. Starr’s progressive approach to alternative medicine offers cutting-edge therapies designed to accelerate the healing of hypothyroidism, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, fibromyalgia, Candidiasis, arthritis, sprains, strains, and fractures.

Sally Fallon: Nourishing Traditional Foods You Can Make


I love this book!

Did you know that:

* That patients with severe burns are often force-fed huge quantities of eggs as a source of protein to rebuild loss of skin?

* That a study done with over 800,000 people by the American Cancer Society revealed that “non-egg users had a higher death rate from heart attacks and strokes than egg users”?

* The word ‘marathon’ actually means fennel?

* That you can make an immune-boosting drink from beets that has been consumed in Europe for thousands of years?

Where am I getting all this good stuff?

fallon-nour-tradFrom an absolute must-read, must-keep book by Sally Fallon: Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats

“This well-researched, thought-provoking guide to traditional foods contains a startling message: Animal fats and cholesterol are not villains but vital factors in the diet, necessary for normal growth, proper function of the brain and nervous system, protection from disease and optimum energy levels. Sally Fallon dispels the myths of the current low-fat fad in this practical, entertaining guide to a can-do diet that is both nutritious and delicious.”

I believe it will have more of an eventual impact than the ones Adele Davis wrote in the 60s that spurred such a health-food revolution.

Nourishing Traditions is not just full of plain old same-old, same-old recipes, it’s recipes that are geared to help you be well, often derived from folk tradtion based on regional foods that were used for various health-giving properties.

Stories Galore!

She includes pages and pages of anecdotes, scientific research, stories and folk tradition passed along for centuries, all rolled up in the one 600+ page book.

I thought you’d love this book if you are fed up (LOL) with being fed hype, BS and lies by the big food processors. Wait til you read what she says about cream and butter (page 88)! And on page 130, one small sentence about using MSG *only once* gave me chills. And why raw honey helps you digest bread and other starchy foods (page 490)!

All kinds of great recipes that, in very simple and do-able form, allow you to build your immune system, add vitamins and enzymes, and create incredibly good-tasting foods. I’ve been experimenting with these for a couple of weeks and haven’t found one I didn’t like or enjoy. I especially love the lemon drink made with whey that tastes almost like beer, but is not fermented with alcohol!

Click to get the book: Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats

More cool things about food

And here’s a good one: Patricia Hardman, PhD., who is the Director of Woodland Hall Academy, a school specifically for kids with hyperactivity and learning disabilities in Florida, says “We can change a child’s behavior dramatically by lowering his or her intake of sugar.”

She goes on to say that one child, who was tested 140 on his IQ test, was retested after a weekend stay with granny, who plied him with sweets.

This time, he came in at 100. After 3 days he was tested again and – you got it – back to 140.

David Wolfe: Healthy Foods, Longevity, Detox, Rejuvenation

wolfe I’m really interested in discovering ways to create real, lasting health and longevity. You may have seen the videos from David Wolfe I sent you last week. In case you did not, here they are again – I really like his work:

David Wolfe Video 1 – Immunity
David Wolfe
Video 2 – Wealth
David Wolfe
Video 4 – Product

I like how sincere he is, his great depth of knowledge, and the fact that he uses such easily attainable foods and herbs.

wolfe-bk-1 wolfe-bk-2Get his books here: Amazing Grace: The Nine Principles of Living in Natural Magic

Longevity Now: A Comprehensive Approach to Healthy Hormones, Detoxification, Super Immunity, Reversing Calcification, and Total Rejuvenation

Vicki Warren, Psychic: Uncurable with Only 6 Months to Live


Vicki Warren is a psychic who works with people on any number of topics, including archetypal patterns, health, relationships, police cases and many others.

She was told 17 years ago that she had only 6 months to live because she had an ‘uncurable’ condition.

IDareYouRadio.comWell, either I just interviewed a ghost, or she had the guts and wherewithal to buck the odds she was given to create her own choice in living!

The Internal Switch

When you listen in to my interview with Vicki, you’ll hear how she created her own internal ‘switch’ that helped her heal, (getting the amalgam out of her teeth was critical).

And why she made the decision to NOT go to doctor or hospital-recommended ‘support’ groups, and the dynamic thing she did instead.

My session….

When I had a session with her, she zeroed in on some issues I’d never spoken about with anyone, ever. What a surprise to hear her coming out with it all! And she also helped me resolve something I had been dealing with for over 50 years.

Get the demo

Coffee Doughnuts & God by Vicki WarrenWe also give you a short demo of how she works – you’ll hear at one point a surprising bit about my vertebra I hadn’t known about – and that checked out later to be right on!

As you can probably gather by now, Vicki lives for living, not for getting ready to die.

 If you’re on the same wave-length, you’ll enjoy this interview. I hope you’ll be inspired by this well-known and highly respected psychic.

You can also find her book, Coffee, Doughnuts & God) HERE.

Either click on the logo above, or go HERE to get to the interview.

Photo credit: Boardman Tree Farm


Stacey Vornbrock, Professional Sports Performance Expert






When I had surgery a couple years ago, my friend Stacey Vornbrock helped me heal so much faster that my doc told me I was 2 whole weeks ahead of where ‘normal’ people would ordinarily be after the type of surgery I’d had. He shook his head and told me ‘just keep at it, whatever it is.’ Too bad he wasn’t interested in how I did it!

I’m pretty accustomed to big, rapid results. But when she used her protocols on me, I was astounded at how *much* better I felt and how very fast it happened. I was able to sit up for longer periods of time and have the clear head I needed in order to continue my work. I know I’d have been in pain and a mush-head for far longer without her help.

From shy beginnings….

I watched Stacey start out as a nervous practitioner about bringing EFT to the golf world. Over the past several years she has evolved into an incredibly experienced sports performance expert whose clients are so famous she can’t even talk about them!

She’s gone way beyond the EFT basics, diligently using her very targeted and specific protocols to help people not only excel at sports, but relieve travel trauma (jetlag, altitude and weather changes…) and recover from body injury and surgery. She takes it even further to help bring back natural balance.

I’m so pleased to be able to introduce her to you and the beyond-the-beyond value of the information in the ebooks she has released!

(Can’t wait? Get her books right here!)

body-01 travel-cover-02 injury-3d-3h balance-02

I’m particularly pleased to recommend Stacey and her ebooks because I’ve experienced the results of using her methods myself, so I can recommend them 100% assured that they are not just good, but utterly amazing.

*And,* because I was lucky enough to have the privilege of designing and building the ebooks for her! So I have had pretty intimate contact with each and every page of all four books, cover to cover.

A process she took me through, herself, helped me help my body get rid of the anaesthesia and the  chemicals used in surgery, as well as the antibiotics and pain-killers I was saturated with. I felt nauseous and weak, couldn’t sleep well, and felt as if my guts were in backwards.

After we did the session using the body recovery processes, I felt immediate relief, and my belly felt more like the one I had been born with.

I won’t kid you – I still had low-level belly ache for the week before the last tube was removed – but these protocols (I used at least one of them them every day – I’m no fanatic!) helped me so much I hate to think how I’d have fared without them. I do *not* like pain, so I have been so grateful to have access to these processes!

In Hawaiian, there’s an old word, hele – pronounced HEH-lay – which means ‘get on it and get going’. I invite you to hele on over to her site and grab your own ebooks for yourself!: Get her books right here!

What’s very cool is that Stacey thought long and hard about exactly what you’d need to make your experience using her processes really effective. Here are just two of all the things I love about her books:

1. Rather than getting a book you have to scroll up and down to read (annoying!), she had me design it so it fills your screen horizontally for greater ease of reading, comprehension and tap-along-ability. And yes, you can print them out, of course.

2. And, rather than just getting an ebook, she also took the time to record a full MP3 of the same information so you can listen and tap along as you drive, run, race, walk, and play.

Having worked with her to create these books, I can tell you personally how picky (compliment!) she is – she likes to get things right and make them as clear and usable as possible. She didn’t let one thing get by her!

So – if you want to:

1.  perform at peak levels on a consistent basis
2.  heal quickly after trauma or pain
3.  significantly reduce soreness & pain after workouts
4.  recover physically and mentally after competition
5.  travel anywhere without jetlag, and adjust to new time zones, weather conditions and altitudes easily and quickly
6.  eliminate drugs, antibiotics and other harmful toxins and chemicals from your body
7.  resolve dehydration, extreme fatigue and over-acidity
8.  clear your energy of people, places and substances in your body and system
9.  bring your body back to its natural balance….

…then hele on over (with aloha) to Stacey’s site and get your own copies!

I won’t tell you which is my favorite, because you obviously have different needs. Whether you want to get well or get more fit or travel painlessly, you’ll find your own book to suit.

aloha –
You can help get EFT into every home on the planet–just share this EFT Basics site with everyone!


Fat, Tired, Diabetic, Legs Cramping, Lack of Sleep, Bad Dreams?

chubs2I used to suffer terribly from leg cramps at night. I’d also have to get up to go to the bathroom anywhere from 3 to 6 times. I tossed and turned, and had terrible dreams.

Do you have the same things happening to you? Isn’t it just a night-ruiner when those leg cramps hit?

Here are some tips I’ve learned…

These will help you right away if you follow them closely. Your results will vary according to how long you have been using them, and how closely you adhere to them.

They are not hard, but your habits may try to force you back into them – don’t allow your old habits to sabotage you.

Your job will be to keep watch on yourself and asking WHY you keep going back. When there is no good reason to go back, say NO! Then get back on track with your intention to create more health, comfort and ease in your life by controlling what you put in your mouth. You’re the captain of your body-ship – don’t allow old habits to control you!


Here’s the secret to less getting up at night to go to the bathroom: stop eating all white sugar products after 4pm. No candy, cake, cookies, sweeties, pastries, desserts. Period. None. (You can have half an apple if you balance it out with some cheese, meat or some other protein.)

Why? Because sugar short circuits your body’s energy system. You’ll notice that right after eating it, you get an inflated sense of well-being, increased energy and ability to power forward. But in a very short time, suddenly you feel more tired, more irritable, more unable to think straight or get things done. Then you go for more sugar, and off the cycle goes again.

This is called eat and crash!

Down the line, it messes up your kidneys and your ability to even want or to metabolize “good” foods. You get up more at night, you have bad dreams, you can’t sleep, tossing and turning and drifting off, only to jolt awake again. Leg cramps get you after a couple of hours in bad, or if you have it bad, the second you lie down and try to relax.


Leg cramps will go right away if you drink a glass of water – even a few sips will do it. You’re just dehydrated.

If you get foot cramps, walking on a cold floor for a minute will draw energy back down to your feet from your upper legs and helps the foot cramps go away. And again, drink water!

If you can’t stop eating sugar-laden food at 4 right now, start at an hour earlier than you usually stop eating at night. You can gradually ease back an hour at a time until you get to 4:00 pm. You’ll be so glad you did you’ll never want to go back.

If you really miss sugar, have 5 to 10 raisins after a meal, or you can have tea with a little Agave or Xylitol (natural plant-based sugar substitutes that has no Insulin Glycemic raising factors).

[WARNING – do not let your dog eat anything with Xylitol in it – it’s super toxic for doggies!]

The more you cut sugar completely out of your diet, the better for you it will be. So once you stop eating it after 4pm, continue until you simply don’t eat it at all.

You’ll find your weight balancing out, your dreams will improve, your strength will come back, and your body temperature stability will improve dramatically.


When I stopped eating sugar, it took me a month of eating 5 to 10 raisins after each of the main three meals of the day before I felt comfortable with cutting even those out, one meal at a time.

We eat sugar for more reasons than taste – they amp up our energy temporarily, it makes us feel excited and enthusiastic, it reminds us of good things we grew up with, and (for a short time) it takes hunger away.

Unfortunately, the energy rise is temporary, and we crash after a very short time, becoming irritable and anxious. You’ll notice that the quality of your thinking deteriorates. You want, but you don’t know what you want. So you eat more, crash more….

If you can stop the cycle by bearing just one hard week of no sugars after 4pm, your temper will even out, the “wanting-for-something” will ease off, you’ll actually start wanting “real” foods again, and your anxiety and irritability will decrease as well. You’ll even start to lose weight if needed, and your physical strength will increase – especially if you start walking for five to thirty minutes a day!


The secret: When you eat your evening meal, be sure to balance your carbohydrates and proteins. Eat them in very small amounts. Eat more often – like every two hours!

This works! In two months last year (starting out in November and over the holidays!), I dropped 10 pounds. I ate more than I ever have, walking every other day for 30 minutes, and the weight eased off me faster than I’d ever experienced before. I liked the regimen so much I still do it. It’s not at all a “diet” – it’s a way of consciously giving your body just what it needs, taking care of yourself to bring your health into high swing.

Here’s how:

Eat ONLY 4 ounces of meat (or if you are a vegetarian, use nuts, tofu, tempe, or other non-meat protein), and ONLY 4 ounces of starch – like potato, sweet potato, yam, kumera, rice, oatmeal, etc. You can have a cup or more of vegetables with the proteins and carbs.

Why? Because:

* The protein will help you feel full because of the natural fats within them
* The carb also help you feel full and comforted
* The natural sugars in the carbs that release over time feed your brain.

Here are a couple of examples:

4 oz roast or broiled chicken
4 oz sweet potato or yam
1 cup vegetables

Afternoon snack:
4 oz hard cheese
half a big apple

The small portions of proteins and carbs seem small at first, but you’ll be surprised how full and satisfied you feel after this type of meal.


Contrary to what you might think, drink plenty of water all day right up to bedtime. We are all typically dehydrated, and don’t replenish the water we burn every day in our activities. Imagine driving your car with no water in its batteries – it won’t go! We are the same!

Even though you might think that to drink water before bedtime might make you want to get up to go to the bathroom, if you do not eat sugar after 4pm, you won’t. It may take as much as a week to get used to this, but you’ll swear by it from then on.

You may not like the taste of water. If you are a blood type O, this is more than likely. Here’s what I do: I mix half and half regular drinking water with a sparkling, bubbly water. The bubbly alone is too much for me, but I like the sharper taste of the mix. Sometimes I do one-third regular to two-thirds bubbly when I’ve eaten more fat than usual.

Stay away from juiced fruits, sodas (whether diet or not), and alcoholic beverages completely. They are way too processed and will drive your insulin levels way up and way back down again – crash! Sodas have so much sugar in them you might as well sit down with the sugar bowl and suck it up. Avoid most diet sodas since the majority of them have artificial sweeteners in them that are worse for you than sugar.


Cut out excess fats, but don’t cut them out completely. We do need fats for brain function. Use real butter rather than margarine; olive and flax seed oil work well. Eat avocados, too.

If you don’t get enough fats, your mind will tell you it wants bread or sugar.

If you don’t get enough water, your mind will tell you that you are hungry.

Secret: If you think you feel hungry and it’s only been an hour or an hour and a half since you ate, go for the water first, and you’ll be surprised how that “hunger” goes away! You’ll also get more mental clarity.


Eating the protein/carb way will help you fight your body’s tendency to diabetes. We actually do need a certain amount of sugars to feed the brain. BUT we do NOT need white sugars! We need sugars that release slowly into the body in the form of complex carbohydrates.

Avoid all white sugars. Period. Do it as soon as you can. You’ll want, eventually, to cut out white flour as well. Why? Because it makes your insulin levels rise and thus, increases your body’s tendency to gain weight because any sugar your body can’t metabolize right off goes into fat storage!

Once you start using the balanced protein/carb evening meals, do the same for your other meals. You’ll find your body responding well: you will lose weight if you are overweight, you will get stronger if you are underweight, your blood sugar levels will come back to normal, your sleep will improve and—no more nightmares. And no more getting up at night to pee!

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aloha –
Angela Treat Lyon

PLEASE NOTE: I’m not a dietitian, physician, doctor or nutritionist. I am an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Practitioner, Instructor and Success Trainer, and have had years of experience guiding people back to health from physical, mental and emotional problems.

These notes are a combo of a miniscule part of what I have learned from what I have learned over the years from working with folks, from having a human body, myself – what has worked for me, and why.

I watch carefully what I eat and how food affects my body, mind and emotions, and my ability to function in the world—do you?

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Jeanie Ward: Breast Cancer and Body Wealth


Jeanie Ward, Whole Body, Whole Life Coach thinks most people live from the neck up. She’s a breast cancer thriver who has helped others through their own cancer journeys, her mission is to help people to learn how to listen how to become your body’s best friend and have fun!

Here are some things to listen for:

Why did her body scream at her? How did she stop being a physical hypocrite?

Can you decide that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain AND eat what you love?? Will you stay stuck in fear of food and constant stress?

Can you define your own Body Wealth? What amazing daring thing did Jeanie do when she decided to be a basketball coach – just right out of the blue?

Find out how she set herself up to win!

Why did she give up trying to make others happy, and what did it do for her – and why she learned to be goofy and silly!

Get all four (shortie) parts of our interview here:

Part 1  •  Part 2
Part 3  •  Part 4