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Emotional First Aid for Kids, with Deborah D. Miller, PhD.

Trauma doesn’t have to be huge to be impactful, but if not treated right or well, the event and aftermath, and ideas and beliefs around the incident can define the rest of a person’s life.

My friends Deborah D. Miller, PhD. and Jondi Whitis, MToT, both highly experienced energy workers who love to work with kids, have written a new book, Emotional First-Aid for Children, that give us simple, easy ways to practice for, and handle, trauma.

Not necessarily huge earthquake sized – maybe you dropped a gallon of milk and it was the last you had until shopping day, or you were in a mild fender-bender, or fell off the bottom step! Then again, maybe you were shocked immobile by a school shooting, or having gone through war, or an abusive relationship.

Listen in as Deborah shares how she got from being a farm-girl, to studying science, to what it was like to work with kids with cancer – in Mexico – in Spanish!

No matter what you, personally, have gone through, you will get a lot out of Emotional First-Aid for Children. You learn what to do to prepare and take care of yourself, first. You find out how to prepare and work with kids – verbal support, emotional support, simple easy exercises to get calm and grounded. Then you find out … but you’ll hear all about it on the show!

Emotional First-Aid for Children is available on amazon HERE.

or on HERE.

Coaches: 5-Step Love-Works Discovery Session Sign-up System

ATL-5-STEPThe real reason you do Discovery Sessions….

I was asked to help someone who was having trouble with the money part of signing people up after her Discovery Sessions. I bet no one has ever taught you these things.

You go into Discovery Sessions thinking you’ll help the client, show her how good you are, give your best…but that’s not what a Discovery Session is all about!

I hear coaches say, “I get to the end of delivering a great Discovery Session and my clients-to-be ask about working more with me … and I don’t know what to say, and they don’t sign up!”

This will help you.

I’m going to show you how to do the Discovery Session correctly – I bet NO one taught you these 5 Steps the way I do! Yep, you probably already have your own style.

But if it ends up with people not signing up, I guess there’s still something to find out, isn’t there!

An unusual training

1. Go HERE for the unusual Discovery Session training that will change everything for you.

If you truly want to make more money helping people and making a difference, you need more clients! This will help you attract and sign them up.

Every person I’ve taught this to has told me it works like a dream! Good!

In the 60-minute audio (with accompanying 3-Part Cheat Sheet that includes my Exclusive Client Signup Script), I reveal to you the 5 highly critical elements you absolutely must include when you do a new-client inquiry, a strategy session or discovery session.

Do you think you do good Discovery Sessions … but at the end you don’t know what you’re doing? And you flub the money conversation? Go HERE for the unusual Discovery Session training that will change everything for you.

How to set your fees

2. Here’s where to learn how to set up your services and your fees so your Discovery people will ask YOU about your programs and packages, and you will feel totally comfortable talking about them.

What would it be like to feel really great about your fees – so great you don’t mind talking about them?!?

IDareYouRadio.comCLICK HERE or on the Daring Dreamers Radio icon to the left to listen in on this shorty audio (16 minutes) that already gives you several important tips.


Ilanya Vanzant: How to Eliminate Toxic Thoughts & Emotions


It’s happening! The eighth World Tapping Summit!

I invite you to check out and watch today’s Free Video!

In it, #1 New York Times Best-selling author and host of the hit TV show “Iyanla: Fix My Life” Iyanla Vanzant details how to eliminate toxic thoughts and emotions from your lifeGo here to see it now!

Some of what Iyanla shares with you in this interview:

•   How she started using Tapping to change her life nearly 15 years ago, and why she still loves this technique for creating personal change.  (And why she always uses this technique with people on her show, even though it’s not always shown!)

•   Why it’s important to increase your emotional “library” to be able to express and release stuck emotions.

•   The power of love: Why she believes that there is no wound deep enough that love cannot heal, and how you can make the oftentimes difficult shift to finally loving and accepting yourself.

•   How to overcome lack-consciousness.  Iyanla struggled with finances even when she was earning over a million dollars a year!  She’ll explain why you need to shift your energy and beliefs around money in order to be able to create abundance, regardless of how much you’re earning.

•   The difference between creating a boundary and a wall (hint: most people create walls, not boundaries).

And much more!

This is a heartfelt, laugh-out-loud video that I know you’ll love.  Go here to see it now!

You’ll get Free Video Access and FREE audio download access so that you can listen to this video on the go.

Nick Ortner and The Power of EFT – Try It On Everything!


Are you familiar with the power of EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques, to transform lives?

I’ve used EFT in my own life for all challenges so long now that it’s just simply a part of my life like breathing and eating. And I use it when I want to achieve new goals, because it helps expand my vision and energy.

Most importantly, though, I also use EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques, in almost every single one of my client sessions, teleclasses and group calls.

Check it out –

My guest today is a star of a man: Nick Ortner, tapping expert and one of the people who designed and put together “Try It On Everything,” a seminal film on EFT.

IDareYouRadio.comI invite you to listen to my interview with film-maker and EFT expert, Nick Ortner–just click HERE or on the logo to the left.

I invite you to check out the wonderful documentary film on DVD, “Try It On Everything.” You’ll see how to use EFT on yourself, and also for helping your un-EFT-savvy friends, family, acquaintances, clients and co-workers.

Haven’t seen it yet? You’re in for a treat!

I invite you to check the movie out HERE.

Ten experimenters were filmed over a period of time at a retreat using EFT very successfully on their various ills and issues–most of them severe. The majority of the participants came out on the other end vastly improved–some with a complete remission of the pain that they had had for years. One woman, who used to have to wear a back brace, now goes completely without it. Pain-free, strong and flexible.

TIOE is an enlightening and exciting journey through a very clear intro to and experience of EFT. There’s even an update at the end of the movie where some of the people come back to share their success and what EFT has done for their lives.

If you’d like to introduce anyone to EFT so they can discover for themselves the benefits of using it, this is the perfect way to do it. You’re not pushing on them, and they get to view it and appreciate it on their own timing. It’s a perfect stocking stuffer. AND you’re helping spread the awareness.

And if you’re a practitioner, you can hand it out like a business card and watch new referrals come in day after day, as as have it for sale at your office. I was talking with EFT Master Dr. Patricia Carrington the other day, and she told me of one practitioner who was handing it out at networking meetings and people were calling her left and right–and that and as a result her practice is through the roof.

I invite you to check the movie out HERE. Here’s the cool thing: when you order today, you get the DVD–PLUS a ton of EFT bonuses to take your own experience to the next level.


Do You Know About Nick Ortner’s Tapping Solution?


When I first learned about and started using EFT, I had about fifteen bazillion questions–and no one to  go to ask.

Later, when I became a proficient tapper, I still had questions; and I also wanted to contribute to others who wanted to know what I knew.

I wished for and dreamed of a place where I could find what I needed that was cheap, clear, rich, easy and attractive, even fun.

My dream came true

And I didn’t even have to work hard at it!

Nick and Jessica Ortner have gone beyond beyond in creating this high-quality, high-content site. They should be really proud of how what they have created.

I’m sure you’ve seen ads and emails about the Tapping Solution.

In case you have not, I’m just going to say this: it’s the most comprehensive site I’ve seen yet where you can get not just information but real support in both learning how to tap and getting tapping assistance, no matter the issue.

What are you waiting for?

I urge you to check this out and join right away to be able to get all the bennies they have to offer.


Angela Treat Lyon: Success, Energy and Entrepreneurs


Malinda Zarate of interviews Daring Dreamers Radio Host, Angela Treat Lyon!

Why is it so important to be an independent thinker, or an entrepreneur?

What is the real nature of an emotion?

And how can you dig under an upsetting emotion and find gold?

Malinda interviews me as I share how to find resolution to upsetting emotions and limiting thoughts in less than 7 minutes – a tactic you can use again and again.

CLICK HERE or on the Daring Dreamers Radio icon to the left to get to one of the most important interviews anyone has ever done of me – thanks, Malinda, for a great time, and allowing me to zero in on specific ways to heal quickly!

What’s So Great About Feeling Great, Lit Up and Inspired??


Why is inspiration so important to me?

Because when we are inspired, we do and be things we’d never think of in an uninspired state.

Because I love to see people light up when they feel connected to their deepest soul’s commitment.

Because if people feel great, they act great.

112815-CYM-BAS-COVER-3D-5h-MCBecause if we all felt great the majority of time, we’d create one of the most incredible realities any of us could ever dream of.

Because it’s exciting! And when we are excited we feel good, and when we feel good we radiate that feel-good feeling out and out and out into the entire universe, spreading it out to everyone and everything.

Imagine if we all felt good all the time! Woo-hoo!

How do you get there? Change your limiting beliefs!

Here’s where you find out how: Change Your Mind with EFT: The Basics


Zoe Walton: False Emotions & How to Relieve Depression


I read this newsletter by a friend, Zoe Walton, who helps her clients with EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, and thought you’d appreciate it. So I’m reproducing it here for you. Pretty important stuff.

From this point on, it’s Zoe talking:

zoeThis is about “False negative emotions” and neurotransmitters. True negative emotions are genuine responses to challenges and difficulties that arise in our life.

They are feelings of loss, disappointment, abuse, shame, etc, arising from the past or present. We grow from feeling and dealing with these types of emotions and situations. They are a natural response to life.

‘False emotions,’ a term coined by one of my teachers, Julia Ross, are caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. You might be tipped off that you are feeling false emotions because:

  1.  these emotions have no identifiable  cause
  2.  you just feel a low level of blues, hopelessness or anxiety;
  3.  you have been unsuccessful in resolving depression, anxiety, sadness, even with years of therapy;
  4.  you have problems sleeping through the night.

A neurotransmitter is a chemical messenger in the brain that carries, boosts, and modulates signals across gaps or synapses of brain cells and between other cells in the body. Most neurotransmitters are made from protein or its subunits, amino acids. Serotonin, Dopamine and GABA are neurotransmitters that are essential for a positive, calm, happy outlook and a sense of well-being.

When Neurotransmitters are out of balance (or when receptors on cells responsible for receiving neurotransmitter signals are impaired) they have a significant impact on our mood and behavior.

When we are deficient in specific neurotransmitters a number of emotional symptoms are likely:

  •     Deficits in serotonin can lead to depression, aggressiveness, anxiety, panic attacks, food and alcohol cravings, irritability and insomnia;
  •     Deficits of dopamine include depression, stress, mental exhaustion, fatigue, low sex drive and low motivation;
  •     Noradrenaline is important for alertness, concentration and attention. Deficits of noradrenaline have been linked to depression;
  •     Deficits in GABA can lead to feelings of anxiety.

Brain cells need three things to survive and be healthy:

  •     Oxygen (so exercise daily);
  •     Glucose ( the brain uses 20-25% of all the glucose we take in as food);
  •     Stimulation – Neurotransmitters help to keep your brain cells healthy by stimulating them. Stimulation of brain cells lead to ATP production, this is the energy that runs all the billions of functions in your body.

If you are deficient in a particular neurotransmitter you will experience very specific emotions, sleep patterns and cravings. You can increase the amount of a particular neurotransmitter in your brain by taking some amino acid supplements. I have been doing this work with clients for 6 years with great success.

If you suspect you might be feeling false emotions due to imbalanced brain chemicals, my recommendation is to start with the following suggestions prior to embarking on a specific amino acid protocol.

  1.   Eat 4 oz of protein (about a chicken breast size of meat) three times per day. Or eat 40-50 grams of protein per day of you are a woman or 50-60 grams if you are a man. Write down your menu of a few typical days’ diet, then Google “protein content of foods” and check to see if you are getting enough protein.
  2.   Make sure you are either eating a ton of veggies to get your vitamins and minerals, or supplement what veggies you do eat with a good Multi Vitamin. Neurotransmitters are made from protein but they need “Co-Factors” ( B Vitamins, zinc etc.) to facilitate their cross-over to other brain cells.
  3.   Take Omega 3’s (fish oil, flax seed oil) because the brain needs Omega 3 to make Neurotransmitters.

Here are some reasons, and I am sure there are more, why you may be experiencing an imbalance of neurotransmitters:

  1.   Genetics- take a good look at your family members. If most of them are anxious or depressed, this may point to a genetic deficiency in one or more of the neurotransmitters
  2.   The standard American Diet- does not supply the proper nutrition needed to turn food into neurotransmitters and co factors
  3.   Dieting or eating Disorders- you may not be eating enough protein and vitamins because you are dieting or restricting food intake
  4.   Prolonged Stress will deplete neurotransmitters
  5.   Toxic substances like heavy metals, pesticides, illicit and some prescription drugs can cause permanent damage to the nerves that make neurotransmitters.
  6. This is can be a stressful season, so get plenty of rest, take time for yourself, and eat well.

Wishing you all a wonderful Holiday Season –

© Zoe Walton, Zoe Walton L.Ac , Certified Pro EFT, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner, San Rafael,CA

Angela Treat Lyon: Interviewed on Success with Kate Radio Show


Today the tables are turned!

I was interviewed by Success Coach Kate Beeders on her Success with Kate Radio Show this weekend. Find Kate here:

It was such fun – Kate’s a good interviewer. You’ll hear all about passion, creativity…how I first decided never to be bored and always be as passionate and alive as possible…and my renegade EFT ideas that say don’t neutralize that energy!

I also fill you in on why I believe my tapping books are the best around; my how-to-get-out-of-being-broke money books, and lots more.

HERE’s where to get Part One, and HERE’s where to get Part 2.


Annabel Fisher: Courage and Determination Help Her Found AAMET


Annabel Fisher is the founder of AAMET (Association of the Advancement of Energy Techniques). I want you to see how her courage and determination helped her continue on through a terrible illness to come out the other side and create a world-wide organization that helps thousands of people become emotionally free.

In today’s chaotic world, her story serves to remind us that we really can persevere and triumph.

IDareYouRadio.comClick on the icon to the left to listen in on our interview as we talk about how she and I both used EFT (tapping) to relieve ourselves of very intense, chronic conditions that we feared would be with us for the rest of our lives.

Take careful note of what she did to help herself, and how at first it seemed like it backfired on her!

She had been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and was very painfully going about her life feeling ill, exhausted and in a wheelchair. I suffered from suicidal depression. We were both filled with anger, fear and resentment–and ended up clearing it all.

OK, you’ve heard of people using tapping to get rid of illnesses, depression and pain before, but I bet you didn’t know that, for a while, tapping felt like it was making things worse for us both!

Backwards? Huh?

I had been tapping for 4 or 5 weeks (this was 2002, when I was an Artist-in-Residence living in New Zealand), and I thought I was the only one this seemingly backwards experience happened to, and felt very discouraged. Find out why that happened to us, and what our answers were–hers in the UK, mine halfway across the world in NZ.

AAMET in Canada

You’ll also find out about why she started AAMET in Canada, where else it is now available, what her trainings are like and who else she recommends for those of you who want to become top-notch practitioners.

If you are attracted to becoming an EFT practitioner, please know that there are very good training and certifications available other than Gary Craig’s.

These workshops and programs help you get hands-on training with other live students, so you not only increase your knowledge and understanding of tapping, but also your ability to work one-on-one with other, real human beings. This is training you won’t get sitting there watching DVDs.

annabel-bkI highly recommend Annabel’s trainings.

She is the Creator of The Healing Game Process, and is the leading authority on using this process to reclaim vibrant health and true authenticity. She is the host of the radio show, The Healing Game.

Annabel Fisher has worked with thousands of chronically ill clients from around the world since 2004. Her journey with this work began when she healed a chronic health condition of her own, in which she was wheelchair-bound. As a result of her work in the field of chronic illness, Annabel wrote the book, The Healing Game: Transforming Chronic Illness Using EFT

Pamela Bruner & John Bullough: EFT and Beyond: Personal Transformation


Maybe you haven’t heard of EFT and Beyond, Cutting Edge Techniques for Personal Transformation yet. If you are an EFT student, practitioner or trainer, you definitely want to know about it.

Yes, there is a plethora of basics articles on EFT Founder Gary Craig’s site, including how-to information and thousands of case stories and anecdotes.

But where do you go for advanced tapping techniques, ideas and processes?

12-11-logo-4-1hI urge you to catch my 14 minutes with Pamela. Click on the Daring Dreamers Radio Logo image to the left and listen in! Pamela answers your questions.

Well, here it is:

bruner-bkEFT and Beyond, Cutting Edge Techniques for Personal Transformation.

I interviewed co-author/co-compiler Pamela Bruner to ask her what’s so special and extraordinary about this book that anyone who is familiar with tapping should rush out and get it.

Who’s it for?

Those who are already familiar with tapping, energy and EFT / MTT practitioners, trainers, experts and masters.

This is an enormous–literally–resource to which you will want to refer for a long time to come.

I am impressed!

EFT and Beyond, Cutting Edge Techniques for Personal Transformation is a 561-page tome, full to the bring with articles by 22 of the 29 EFT Masters and other tapping experts who share their own particular techniques

Get the book here: EFT and Beyond: Cutting Edge Techniques for Personal Transformation


How EFT Expert Judith Albright Helps Angry and Sad Dogs


Although much of Judith’s career was spent in corporate America, now she taps on dogs (and humans!)!

Take hope and inspiration from this, especially if you have a job you hate or that doesn’t pay you much–you, too, can learn to tap and help people.

Listen in as she describes how she helped her friend’s angry, sad and confused pooch stop acting out after his best friend died.

Judith Albright is an advanced Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner, PSYCH-K® facilitator, Out of the Job Box Career Expert” and Small Business Idea Consultant, an artist, educator, published author and world traveler….

12-11-logo-4-1hClick on the I Dare You Radio link to the left to get to my interview with delightful Judith Albright!

You can find out more about Judith at her site,

Elaine Nitz: Jumping from Programmer to EFT and Healing


Elaine Nitz is a Success Coach and Energy Healer, and is my guest this week on the Daring Dreamers Showcase.

Her new book, Release Your Limitless Self, Disarm Your Self-Sabotaging Trigger Phrases, is a fantastic resource of an enormous pile of setup phrases that you can tap on and use to literally disarm the phrases you hear in your everyday life that keep you from moving forward and creating the success you desire.

IDareYouRadio.comClick on the IDareYouRadio logo to the left to listen in as she tells what it took to move from being a programmer in the ultra-left-brain world to an intuitive energy healer!

You can find her at

Click right here to get her book, Release Your Limitless Self! Disarm Your Self-Sabotaging Trigger Phrases

If you have ever felt confused as to what to say when you are tapping using EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques, relax and let this book serve you!

Release Your Limitless Self! Disarm Your Self-Sabotaging Trigger Phrases is a powerful collection of phrases and setup statements that help you find just what to say to get through the limiting beliefs and habits that have thus far stymied you in your quest to create and live a better life.

Why Am I Not Getting the Tapping Success I want?


I get notes all the time from folks with questions about how to use EFT, or MTT, as many are calling it now, or just plain tapping. I’ll refer to it as tapping from now on.

And no, we’re not talking about tap dancing! Gotta have a little fun now and then, yes?

This week someone asked me what to do if you don’t seem to be getting results tapping.

Here are just a few aspects to this question that can help you resolve the dilemma.

A. What is it you don’t like?

First, identify what’s going on that you don’t like. Like, I lost my job, my husband’s having an affair, I feel ugly, I can’t make enough (or any!) money as an enterpreneur.

Those are all what I call umbrella issues that are too broad to tap on and get good results without looking at some details.

B. Where do you feel it?

What I want you to do is duck under the umbrella and pick out the places where you feel ughy. Like, it felt awful to be yelled at when I was fired. I hated myself when I shouted at my kid. I feel so anxious about marketing my business.

C. Name it

Zero down a bit more, and name how you felt – I was so ticked off, I was so ashamed, I felt so humiliated.

D. What’s your body doing?

Now, how did you *know* you felt that way? Did you blush to your hair-roots? Were you clenching your fists, did your heart feel like it was going to blast our of your chest, did you stop breathing? Pin it down so you know some exact symptoms.

E. Rate it

Then, rate how intense those symptoms, or  feelings, are, with 0 being the least and 10 the most. WRITE it down, because you’ll be amazed to see your rating after you’ve tapped, and may not even believe you had anything going on at all in the first place!

F. Tap

Now you have solid, identifiable things upon which to tap: even though my heart felt like it was bursting when he yelled at me…I didn’t want to cry so my chest felt tight and I couldn’t breathe….


If you have never tapped before, go to: and see what I’m talking about. You get a freebie run-through mini session right there so you can get a taste of tapping.

Tell everyone you know about the site, too – I want to see every last person on the planet have this incredible key to emotional sanity.

If you’re a practitioenr, send your new clients there to check it out before their first session with you – it will save you tremendous time having to explain the points, how it works, etc.

Fa. Then be sure to say you accept yourself. If you can’t say that without your mind balking, tap on even though I can’t accept myself until you can say it and be pleased by saying it. Then continue the original session.

Fb. If you are one of those people who can’t seem to feel, then use the word *think* – what did you think when he yelled at you? What do you think about being a home business owner? Many times that will help get the right words. It helps guys a lot, and people who tend to be more mental or academic.

It’s in the details.

If you don’t know how you feel, look to where your body hurts or has tension. If you don’t know how your body feels, look to memories, what people said to you, what you think about something. Get the details. You’ll be able to get real results using these hints. Get the details. Get the details.

And remember: it’s all energy.

No matter what’s going on, it’s just energy, and you can tap it into being useful, productive and creative even if it *looks* disruptive, limiting and deadly right now. It’s just energy. Choose creativity!

Hope that helps.

Stacey Vornbrock, Professional Sports Performance Expert






When I had surgery a couple years ago, my friend Stacey Vornbrock helped me heal so much faster that my doc told me I was 2 whole weeks ahead of where ‘normal’ people would ordinarily be after the type of surgery I’d had. He shook his head and told me ‘just keep at it, whatever it is.’ Too bad he wasn’t interested in how I did it!

I’m pretty accustomed to big, rapid results. But when she used her protocols on me, I was astounded at how *much* better I felt and how very fast it happened. I was able to sit up for longer periods of time and have the clear head I needed in order to continue my work. I know I’d have been in pain and a mush-head for far longer without her help.

From shy beginnings….

I watched Stacey start out as a nervous practitioner about bringing EFT to the golf world. Over the past several years she has evolved into an incredibly experienced sports performance expert whose clients are so famous she can’t even talk about them!

She’s gone way beyond the EFT basics, diligently using her very targeted and specific protocols to help people not only excel at sports, but relieve travel trauma (jetlag, altitude and weather changes…) and recover from body injury and surgery. She takes it even further to help bring back natural balance.

I’m so pleased to be able to introduce her to you and the beyond-the-beyond value of the information in the ebooks she has released!

(Can’t wait? Get her books right here!)

body-01 travel-cover-02 injury-3d-3h balance-02

I’m particularly pleased to recommend Stacey and her ebooks because I’ve experienced the results of using her methods myself, so I can recommend them 100% assured that they are not just good, but utterly amazing.

*And,* because I was lucky enough to have the privilege of designing and building the ebooks for her! So I have had pretty intimate contact with each and every page of all four books, cover to cover.

A process she took me through, herself, helped me help my body get rid of the anaesthesia and the  chemicals used in surgery, as well as the antibiotics and pain-killers I was saturated with. I felt nauseous and weak, couldn’t sleep well, and felt as if my guts were in backwards.

After we did the session using the body recovery processes, I felt immediate relief, and my belly felt more like the one I had been born with.

I won’t kid you – I still had low-level belly ache for the week before the last tube was removed – but these protocols (I used at least one of them them every day – I’m no fanatic!) helped me so much I hate to think how I’d have fared without them. I do *not* like pain, so I have been so grateful to have access to these processes!

In Hawaiian, there’s an old word, hele – pronounced HEH-lay – which means ‘get on it and get going’. I invite you to hele on over to her site and grab your own ebooks for yourself!: Get her books right here!

What’s very cool is that Stacey thought long and hard about exactly what you’d need to make your experience using her processes really effective. Here are just two of all the things I love about her books:

1. Rather than getting a book you have to scroll up and down to read (annoying!), she had me design it so it fills your screen horizontally for greater ease of reading, comprehension and tap-along-ability. And yes, you can print them out, of course.

2. And, rather than just getting an ebook, she also took the time to record a full MP3 of the same information so you can listen and tap along as you drive, run, race, walk, and play.

Having worked with her to create these books, I can tell you personally how picky (compliment!) she is – she likes to get things right and make them as clear and usable as possible. She didn’t let one thing get by her!

So – if you want to:

1.  perform at peak levels on a consistent basis
2.  heal quickly after trauma or pain
3.  significantly reduce soreness & pain after workouts
4.  recover physically and mentally after competition
5.  travel anywhere without jetlag, and adjust to new time zones, weather conditions and altitudes easily and quickly
6.  eliminate drugs, antibiotics and other harmful toxins and chemicals from your body
7.  resolve dehydration, extreme fatigue and over-acidity
8.  clear your energy of people, places and substances in your body and system
9.  bring your body back to its natural balance….

…then hele on over (with aloha) to Stacey’s site and get your own copies!

I won’t tell you which is my favorite, because you obviously have different needs. Whether you want to get well or get more fit or travel painlessly, you’ll find your own book to suit.

aloha –
You can help get EFT into every home on the planet–just share this EFT Basics site with everyone!


Helena Summer Medena: Amazing Help and Support


I want to publicly acknowledge how incredible Helena Summer Medena was when I had to spend time in the hospital for surgery. Yes, she is my friend, but she is also a determined ally in the face of stress or hurt.

She sacrificed a huge amount of her time last week to visit me, hold my hand and be my verbal advocate while I was too doped up to know up from down.

The night she brought me in, she stayed with me until I was finally admitted to the hospital at 3 a.m. – even though her ride had long gone and she had to find another to get home!

She also helped me tap (even though I was so sensitive I’d pull my hand away!), and is one of the finest EFT leaders I’ve met.

I want to suggest to you that she would be as good an ally for you in whatever it is you’d like to move through in your quest to live a more healthy, peaceful and abundant life, and that if you want her services, she is well worth way more than her nominal fees.

I asked her what she does when she speaks with a new client, and here is part of her reply:

“We talk a little, I give them 30 minutes of  conditional consult, and then we schedule a minimum 3 sessions.

“Brand new online? I introduce them to skype and see if that would work or phone… tell them about what to expect….

“With all of them I make sure that I am interested in them, that I feel like we are a good match and that we can achieve what they want.

“I tell them all that EFT is not magic, but super powerful… I make sure they feel heard and we go with scheduling.

When she says she “makes sure she is interested,” I can tell you from personal experience that she puts her all into it.

She has no idea I’m doing this, so no, this is not a concerted publicity campaign. She’ll probably cry when she reads this –

Please do consider availing yourself of her considerable love, care and talented intuition and gifts using EFT and other energy modalities. You can check her out, as I’m sure you probably know by now, at

much love and aloha to you,

Joan Ranquet: Tapping & Communicating with Animals


If you are interested in animal communication, you’ll especially love this talk with  my friend, Animal Communicator Joan Ranquet. She is the author of the book, Communication with all Life: Revelations of an Animal Communicator, and others (see below).

If you are an animal communicator, you’ll be delighted with the very detailed business info Joan shares with us today with

Animals love tapping

If you love EFT and/or want to be an animal communicator, you will love this inspiring and uplifting talk with one of the most in-demand animal communicators in the US.

Humans are important, too!

You’ll find out how important the human in animals’ lives are in her sessions, and how much she can find out about the animals, whether the human has said anything or not!

You’ll hear how she got into the trade, even though she wanted and trained to be an actress in Hollywood … and lots more.

bookIDareYouRadio.comClick on the Daring Dreamers Radio logo to the left to get to the show.

I’ve been really loving reading her books – Joan’s big love, wry humor and deep compassion saturates all of her stories about the humans and animals with whom she has worked.

You can get a copy of here animal communication book here:
Animal Communication 101, Simple Steps for Communicating with Animals

joan-bk-2 joan-bk-1Get her animal energy-healing guide book here:
Energy Healing for Animals: A Hands-On Guide for Enhancing the Health, Longevity, and Happiness of Your Pets

And get her revelations book here:
Communication With All Life: Revelations of An Animal Communicator


How to Reclaim Your Power Even When Things Look too Scary


We have an unprecedented opportunity right now to quit looking at the “way things are” as being bad, scary or harmful, and discover how to take the energy that is freely floating around and use it to create the kind of world WE want.

Only one place to start

And the only place it can start is with you and me, in our own tiny little lives.

Yes, we are little within the Big Picture, but as we all know, one little tiny life added to another added to another can make a very, very VERY big impact.

Remember John Denver’s song What Can One Man Do? One man, one woman, one child can act according to his or her inner truth, stick to it, be passionate, and stick to it, sing, write, paint, teach, work in alignment with that inner passion, stick to it–imagine if we ALL, each and every one of us–refused to hang out in poor-poor-me, poor-powerless me anymore.

Imagine if we simply went about seeing, feeling, and doing–LIVING–our passionate dreams!

Imagine what our world would transform into really, really quickly–I bet we could create it within only two generations, maybe less.

I’m not kidding when I say it’s up to you and me. I really really mean it.

How do we do it?

Get all 5 Wealth Maverick Series: All 5 Wealth audios

Quit thinking of the world as having “gone wrong”

Because what’s happening now is *right* if you remember that we can literally use the energy of what is happening right now to make new choices.

You might be thinking of how you’re going to lose this, that or the other. So what if you do? Any material possession is replaceable.

The correct question: “What will you do next?”

Your time on earth is not replaceable.

Nor is your heart, your life, or your voice – especially if you keep silent and don’t share your joy, love and dreams.

So how do you stay out of fear and reclaim your power?

How do you stay out of worry for yourself, your kids, your home, your finances–and have the strength to carry on and keep focused on your highest dreams?

How do you create your dreams?

1. Create a clear picture/feeling of what you want
2. Intend it and build passion about it
3. Transform your limiting energy into power
4. KNOW that you can create it and have it
5. Take focused steps to create that
6. When you fall away from the dream-path, step back, reassess
7. Correct. And do it again. And again. And again.
6. Make sure you have massive support.

Power! What power do you have?

Are you shuddering when I talk about power? We’re brought up to shun power. Yes! Shun the power OVER, but don’t shun the power of Love.

You need personal power just to exist in the world. To get more of it, you harvest every last shred of so-called “negative” energy in your body, mind, emotions and life and turn it into the power to create.

You’ve got to find and claim your energy

Then transform it into power, and use it.

Once you transform your “negative” energy, you’ll have ten times the amount of impact once you align it with your positive, passionate dreams for creativity and joy.

I invite you to transform your fear, worry, doubt–even the feelings of procrastination and paralysis you’ve been having!

I invite you to get all 5 Wealth Maverick Audios: All 5 Wealth audios

I’m going to show you how to:

Find the pure energy hiding behind your fears, worries and doubts to transform, so you can create the beginnings or expansion of your dream life–a life you can awaken to in awe every day.

Use Power Eyes to keep from being overwhelmed by the world, and keep on track even when it seems everything is conspiring to drag you off.

Take every last one of your limiting beliefs and turn them into dynamic energy for creating something so much better.

Become so non-stoppable, so full of love, joy and inner resources that your life will not only get better but ripple out and affect hundreds of lives all around you–all without extra effort on your part.

You can listen to the recording right on your computer or download it and load it on your iPod or MP3 player.

Start saying YES to life!

If it’s really true that “it’s all energy,” what good does “I’m scared” do you? Well, even that can be good–I’ll show you that, too!

YES–it’s affordbale at 39.00.

YES–you get extra ebook goodies as well-don’t I always give you terrific extra goodies?

YES–I look forward to seeing you create the power to live the life YOU want. The power to stop being afraid, the power to awaken and energize YOUR dreams for full peace, joy, wealth and love.

Here’s where to get all 5 of the Wealth Maverick Audios: All 5 Wealth audios

much aloha,
Angela Treat Lyon


Hi Angela,

I wanted to say THANK YOU for your words. I have been scrupulously avoiding the news, even while my husband can’t seem to get enough, and still the feeling of panic has threatened to grip me.

Your words and most of all your courageous focus on the Good, as well as your constant generosity remind me of Who I Really Am and help me to keep my focus on what I want.

— Sandra W. 

100% on Your 11th Sale in One Month

All-3h You and I both know that there are whole lot of practitioners who are really good at what they do, yet remain the world’s best kept secrets because they have no idea how to market their services or  get enough clients.

Some have disastrous relationships with money, so they don’t ask for enough money or know how to structure their fees–if they charge at all!.

Hello? A dead healer does no one any good–being the best practitioner on the planet but starving to death is a shocking waste.

I’ve decided to do something a little different. You may know that I have had the Insider Secrets to A Successful EFT/Energy Business package going for 357, half off its original price of 697 to a select group.

I’m so passionate about bringing this unique package of my audio interviews of the top EFT and Busniess Experts to EFT, Energy and Holistic practitioners that I’m going to allow it to stay at half price. Get it right HERE

AND, if you are an affiliate, you’re going to want to read the rest of this note to find out how you can make 100%. Click Read More

Ye Old EFT Masters

Old-Masters-3-3h Sometimes I just get so tired of taking everything soooo seeeriously. Pleagh. The other night I was scrolling through a whole bunch of images I’d gotten online of old master paintings.

I refer to these images once in a while when I’m painting or starting a new work. I look for ideas about techniques, colors, composition, etc.. As I was looking through them, EFT setup statements, I-accept and I-choose phrases kept popping up in my mind as I cruised through them.

Like, I was looking at a gorgeous painting of the back view of a young woman’s torso, and I heard, “Even though I think I’m too fat and they all say I’m crazy, I accept myself, And I choose to love my body just as it is.” I kept hearing phrases like that, and they got more and more outrageous as I went through the images.

I was having so much fun I figured other people might like to, too, so I’ve plopped a bunch of them together for you in a little ebook. You can get the first one FREE right HERE. Volumes II and II will be out soon. And do feel free to pass the Old Masters around….

EFT on Oahu; EFT Master Gwyneth Moss….

HANALEI MOON Do you give teleclasses? If you want a superb amazing flexible comprehensive service that will allow you to give a class on the phone *and* on the web all at once, go HERE and get it right now while you’re thinking about it.

Bookmark it if you need to think about it, but it’s so good I know you’ll love it.

My buddy, Spiritual EFT Expert Rebecca Marina was kind enough to show me the ins and outs of it today and I was blown away by all the goodies it offers.

You get a $1, 21-day trial, and then it is well worth what you pay for it monthly.

This is one trial date I will gladly pass through and pay the full amount! go HERE


Try It On Everything Movie in Honolulu! (please note corrected time)

If you’re in Honolulu this next Sunday, be sure to go to the Spalding Auditorium at U of H at 3 pm to see Try It On Everything, the EFT movie made by Nick Ortner and friends.

My dear friend and EFT buddy, Helena Summer Medena (who is in the movie) and I are going to be available after the movie for a short EFT demo.

Directions: Spalding Auditorium ~ University of Hawaii at Manoa: Proceed north on University Avenue two stoplights past Dole St. (Maile Way). Make a right onto the campus. 400 yards past the guard gate, park in the lot on the right at the corner of Maile Way and Farrington Rd. Walk through passage way to the front of the building. Auditorium is on the first floor.

In the kind-time, check out, and refer everyone you know to it so they can learn how to do EFT for free, too. If you’re a practitioner, having your clients go there before your first session will save you tremendous time. You can get right into your session rather than having to spend an hour teaching them how to do it.

If someone wants to know why they can learn how to do EFT for free, and doesn’t that take away from your profession, you can ask them this: if I gave you the tools to build a house, could you do it right away? No. Anyone learning how to use a new tool needs guidance, and that’s what you and your expertise are there for.


EFT Master Gwyneth Moss: on The Insider Secrets to A Successful EFT/Energy Business

One of the EFT Masters I interviewed for the Insider package just got home from a journey through the US and finally had a chance to see what she has been such a prominent part of.

Here’s what EFT Master Gwyneth Moss just sent me:

“I’m getting some time to browse through all the material in The Insider Secrets to A Successful EFT/Energy Business. There is so much excellence in there! >> Go HERE to get it all…. <<

“I have used one of your ideas immediately; I built a portal page for my name domain that I’ve been holding for some time and done nothing with.

“And doing this whole project with you has got me thinking about marketing again and going a step up with the technology – time to get to grips with audio acrobat… and my hardly used digital camera…”

with love

Make sure you catch her ‘about us” page HERE. It’s one of the best about-us pages I’ve ever seen. Talk about reader-friendly! Anyone would do well to use her example as inspiration

And she does a great writeup about biz on her blog, too – HERE.

Emotional Mastery in Every Home!

EFTinEH-bordI have had such extraordinary results using EFT (the Emotional Freedom Techniques)–for myself as well as the majority of my clients–that I have decided that I want to see it introduced into every home on the planet. Imagine how life would be if we all had EFT, and were able to use it on a daily basis to deal easily with the anger, fear, sadness, physical pain or illnesses that topple us into feeling bad, sick or in pain!

I’ve been thinking about it so much that I decided to create a new place where newbies can go to to learn about EFT and how to do it for free in a fun, easy step-by-step way. Here it is: EFTinEveryHome.comRead More

Electrical Tapping


I told you I’d share with you the electrical tapping that helped me start me feeling like I was getting somewhere on the road to recovery from the time I became so ill after breathing paint fumes. (Oh, by the way, the gold paint pen I was using is by KRYLON. Avoid it like crazy, and especially keep it away from your kids!)

I was lying in bed, drifting in and out, feeling like a puzzle someone had thrown on the floor in little pieces. I felt as if I had no internal structure–my bones felt shattered, and the cohesiveness of the connective unions of brain synapses, muscles, tendons and everything felt broken. It was truly weird–like I was a toy about to be put together.

So I just laid there and visualized a kind of map, like my body’s original blueprint. You know those books you see overlays of transparent pages with muscle, fascia and bone and organs? It was like that. And I imagined that there were little energy threads connecting everything. Read more to find out what I said as I tapped, and to see a tapping chart.Read More

Keep Your Focus Through the Holidays–and Beyond

sm-happy-face-yellHappy Early Thanksgiving! Since holiday season insanity is almost here, I wanted to provide you with something that would help you create and maintain a spirit-based business high throughout the season–and beyond.

For years, I've had this voice–well, Voice–that wakes me up with ideas. I call it the Voice of Dreaming, and it's given me some of the best ideas I've ever had.

So I asked it to give me an answer to holiday confusion, and I woke up on Friday morning with an idea that surprised me. It said, why not tell people that, for the next week only, when they sign up to be Little Red Tapping Books VIPs, you'll give them the EFT Business Success Package for $99.98 instead of the usual $357?

Hmmmm. OK, I liked that. That's a savings of $257.02 for over 17 hours of audio and a ton of ebooks full of the best energy business ideas and tips, tactics & strategies….!

Cool! And so (Check it out (but do not get it) HERE)…if you are an Energy Therapy, EFT/MTT or Holistic Practitioner, and you have wondered….

HOW DO I GET CLIENTS? And then more clients? How do I get them to keep coming back? What do I charge for my services? When do I raise my prices?

HOW DO I SELL WITHOUT SELLING OUT? What niche do I create and why should I? Where do I market my business and how? Where can I (easily) get free publicity?

HOW DO I TELL PEOPLE ABOUT MY WOO-WOO BUSINESS? Can I really be successful helping people raise their consciousness/? How do I market such a 'woo-woo' thing? HOW DO I CREATE AND SELL PRODUCTS? How do I start giving teleclasses? What can I do with all the audios I get from sessions and teleclasses? How do I create a revenue-Read More