Trauma doesn’t have to be huge to be impactful, but if not treated right or well, the event and aftermath, and ideas and beliefs around the incident can define the rest of a person’s life.
My friends Deborah D. Miller, PhD. and Jondi Whitis, MToT, both highly experienced energy workers who love to work with kids, have written a new book, Emotional First-Aid for Children, that give us simple, easy ways to practice for, and handle, trauma.
Not necessarily huge earthquake sized – maybe you dropped a gallon of milk and it was the last you had until shopping day, or you were in a mild fender-bender, or fell off the bottom step! Then again, maybe you were shocked immobile by a school shooting, or having gone through war, or an abusive relationship.
Listen in as Deborah shares how she got from being a farm-girl, to studying science, to what it was like to work with kids with cancer – in Mexico – in Spanish!
No matter what you, personally, have gone through, you will get a lot out of Emotional First-Aid for Children. You learn what to do to prepare and take care of yourself, first. You find out how to prepare and work with kids – verbal support, emotional support, simple easy exercises to get calm and grounded. Then you find out … but you’ll hear all about it on the show!
Emotional First-Aid for Children is available on amazon HERE.
or on Anchor.fm HERE.