
Annabel Fisher is the founder of AAMET (Association of the Advancement of Energy Techniques). I want you to see how her courage and determination helped her continue on through a terrible illness to come out the other side and create a world-wide organization that helps thousands of people become emotionally free.

In today’s chaotic world, her story serves to remind us that we really can persevere and triumph.

IDareYouRadio.comClick on the icon to the left to listen in on our interview as we talk about how she and I both used EFT (tapping) to relieve ourselves of very intense, chronic conditions that we feared would be with us for the rest of our lives.

Take careful note of what she did to help herself, and how at first it seemed like it backfired on her!

She had been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and was very painfully going about her life feeling ill, exhausted and in a wheelchair. I suffered from suicidal depression. We were both filled with anger, fear and resentment–and ended up clearing it all.

OK, you’ve heard of people using tapping to get rid of illnesses, depression and pain before, but I bet you didn’t know that, for a while, tapping felt like it was making things worse for us both!

Backwards? Huh?

I had been tapping for 4 or 5 weeks (this was 2002, when I was an Artist-in-Residence living in New Zealand), and I thought I was the only one this seemingly backwards experience happened to, and felt very discouraged. Find out why that happened to us, and what our answers were–hers in the UK, mine halfway across the world in NZ.

AAMET in Canada

You’ll also find out about why she started AAMET in Canada, where else it is now available, what her trainings are like and who else she recommends for those of you who want to become top-notch practitioners.

If you are attracted to becoming an EFT practitioner, please know that there are very good training and certifications available other than Gary Craig’s.

These workshops and programs help you get hands-on training with other live students, so you not only increase your knowledge and understanding of tapping, but also your ability to work one-on-one with other, real human beings. This is training you won’t get sitting there watching DVDs.

annabel-bkI highly recommend Annabel’s trainings.

She is the Creator of The Healing Game Process, and is the leading authority on using this process to reclaim vibrant health and true authenticity. She is the host of the radio show, The Healing Game.

Annabel Fisher has worked with thousands of chronically ill clients from around the world since 2004. Her journey with this work began when she healed a chronic health condition of her own, in which she was wheelchair-bound. As a result of her work in the field of chronic illness, Annabel wrote the book, The Healing Game: Transforming Chronic Illness Using EFT