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J. Bruce Jones, the Book Publishing, Media Creating Master-Wizard

My guest this week is J. Bruce Jones, book publishing wizard extraordinaire. He is the author and creator of over 50 published books.

Bruce didn’t learn to write until he was in his 50s!


In this jam-packed interview with the always-ebullient Bruce Jones,
you’ll find out:

• how Bruce flipped depression into creating his 1st product
• how he did his first book – which tanked –
• why his subsequent ones became best sellers, and still are, years later;
• what to know about your titles and chapter names …

• why your book isn’t selling and
• what to do about it
• Why talking about money is considered shameful ( and to stop that!)
• Why he implores you to stop thinking so much
• How to use your content in multiple ways to create lead magnets and freebies …

• Posters? For books? Really? Listen in…
• How to make books fast if you’re a blogger or podcaster
• Why it is critical that you hit publish ASAP?
• What to do first…
and much, much more.

BUSY? ON the GO?
Listen to the podcast HERE or HERE.

Correction: I called it – it is

Another recommendation:


I invite you to check out Bruce’s latest book, How to Sell Your Book, How I Made $322,650 and Sold 34,605 Books on Amazon, the Inside Secrets. It is available as an ebook, a pdf, and in print:
Paperback: HERE
PDF with (fantastic) Bonus Content: HERE

What do you get out of
How to Sell Your Book?

A step by step processes, and ideas that you can use to promote your book. There are four major steps. Using your book’s content, you pick the methods you like best, and use your content to sell your book. He includes painless ways to make noise and spread awareness. so you can sell your book and make your book easy to buy.

The bonuses you get when you go to his book challenge HERE

How to Sell Your Book Challenge

In the How to Sell Your Book Challenge, Bruce teaches his inside tips, lessons, and secrets on marketing and selling books.This is one of the best book support challenges I’ve ever taken – as a matter of fact, I’m doing it again, right now, for the new book I’m working on.

Bruce’s FB Group:

I highly recommend that you join more than 6,000 avid self-publishing authors in Bruce’s How to Publish Your Book Facebook Group HERE


Dr. Joe Dispenza: How to Change Your Mind and Create Your Reality

What happens when you’re run over by a truck, break 6 bones in your back, and you refuse to get the steel rod your doctors want to insert into your spine?

Dr. Joe Dispenza, who starred in the amazing movie that introduced Quantum Physics to the everyday world, “What the Bleep Do We Know?” describes how, after refusing the surgery that not one but four doctors urged him to undergo, he laid in bed intentionally recreating his body. And even though “they” said he’d never walk again, his body tells a very different story.

Read More

Maria Speth, IP Expert: Copyright, Trade Mark, Trade Secrets & Patents

maria-spethMaria Speth, Intellectual Property Lawyer, is this week’s featured guest on Daring Dreamers Radio!

Because so many of you are authors and speak, and probably have unique intellectual property and materials that you should be protecting carefully, I wanted to introduce you to her.

I met Maria a couple of years ago at a top-level CEO retreat where she was teaching about copyright, etc. I was impressed with her talks there about copyrighting, etc., so when we finally were able to connect, I grilled her!

Read More

Nathalie Kelly: Miraculous Living Beyond Her Monster Traumatic Brain Injury


When her boat capsized, Nathalie Kelly was slammed in the head, resulting in massive damage to more than one part of her brain. This was no ordinary brain injury!

Listen in and find out how she endured – and actually grew from – years of having to simply lie flat and not even move a muscleeven her eyes

…how she persisted in trying to find answers, even through horrific headaches and completely debilitating dizziness and disorientation so bad she had to walk with 2 walking canes…

…and how she got through embarrassments and humiliations that are so common for TBI sufferers who cannot remember or cannot read or walk, and can no longer function in the simplest ways.

Read More

Colleen Flanagan: Why Intermittent Fasting Works So Well

Colleen Flanagan, also known as the Emotions Whisperer, joins me today in sharing with us how she lost a whole bunch of weight easily, effortlessly, and without ‘going on’ a diet.

Are you familiar Read More

Ilanya Vanzant: How to Eliminate Toxic Thoughts & Emotions


It’s happening! The eighth World Tapping Summit!

I invite you to check out and watch today’s Free Video!

In it, #1 New York Times Best-selling author and host of the hit TV show “Iyanla: Fix My Life” Iyanla Vanzant details how to eliminate toxic thoughts and emotions from your lifeGo here to see it now!

Some of what Iyanla shares with you in this interview:

•   How she started using Tapping to change her life nearly 15 years ago, and why she still loves this technique for creating personal change.  (And why she always uses this technique with people on her show, even though it’s not always shown!)

•   Why it’s important to increase your emotional “library” to be able to express and release stuck emotions.

•   The power of love: Why she believes that there is no wound deep enough that love cannot heal, and how you can make the oftentimes difficult shift to finally loving and accepting yourself.

•   How to overcome lack-consciousness.  Iyanla struggled with finances even when she was earning over a million dollars a year!  She’ll explain why you need to shift your energy and beliefs around money in order to be able to create abundance, regardless of how much you’re earning.

•   The difference between creating a boundary and a wall (hint: most people create walls, not boundaries).

And much more!

This is a heartfelt, laugh-out-loud video that I know you’ll love.  Go here to see it now!

You’ll get Free Video Access and FREE audio download access so that you can listen to this video on the go.

Cynthia Segal: the Red Phone to God: Why Sessions Really Work

SEGALPsychic Cynthia Segal used to be one of those people top-ranking companies used to call in at the last minute when their computer systems flaked out on them, and she’d save the day (and the bottom line).

She didn’t much like her life, but had no idea how to make changes for the better.

You’re going to find out how all of a sudden, her life changed in a total 180 turn one afternoon in her living room when she was deluged by a download of psychic skills … that she didn’t even believe in!

IDareYouRadio.comCLICK HERE or on the Daring Dreamers icon to the left to join us in our laughter-filled exploration of what Cynthia does!

She shares with us how, even though she lost the support of all her family and friends, she has created an amazing life for herself, and has become known as one of the 20 top Psychics in the world today. She works with not just people and business, but animals and pets, as well (wait until you hear about Ollie the alpaca!).

Cynthia works with people from around the world, helping them clear away obstructions to their dreams and desires, and then helping them obtain or attain them.

I have to admit, I was skeptical, myself, but after working with her for a very short time, I’ve had more income in the past month than I did in the past three!

And, I was contacted by a gallery I’d always wanted to show my paintings in – I didn’t call them, they called me! And…they chose 35 paintings to take along with them to the gallery! Yeah! Sessions work! Make sure you get one of her free Scientific Psychic Analysis sessions!

soulCynthia also shares with us all about her Psychic Mentoring Program where she teaches you to do your own readings in your own style; how to tell if it’s your ego or your guidance talking; and how to find your own voice of guidance inside yourself.

Listen up, because she has an awesome FREEBIE just for you!

Cynthia has been featured in the book, Soul Currency by Ernest Chu (a great read!), and a movie called Real People, Real Shift. Click on the book cover to check Soul Currency out!

Click here to get Soul Currency now: Soul Currency: Investing Your Inner Wealth for Fulfillment & Abundance

Email or call Cynthia for a FREE ‘Scientific Psychic Analysis’ ($99 value). Be sure to tell her I sent you! Find out how at!

You can also listen to this episode on iTunes – look for the Daring Dreamers Radio channel.


Dr. Eldon Taylor: Are You Living from Your Authentic Self?

TAYLORI’m a believer in mind over matter. So saying, I believe we can become who and what we want – as long as we know who we are, and what we do want.

But how do you do that? In my experience, it takes tremendous self-discipline and the desire to stop being a conditioned pawn of the Game, and start being a free individual.

Master of the Mind

So it’s very fitting that my guest today is Dr. Eldon Taylor, who has been called a “master of the mind.”

He says: “You probably believe you know yourself and understand why you believe what you believe, and how and why you participate in this world as you do.

BUT – you are simply hard wired in ways that you cannot escape and seldom understand, as well as programmed with biases and attitudes that often fail to serve you and your authentic self.”

How are we programmed invisibly?

I believe we need to know what is being done to us so we can counter-act it. If you’d like to hear more about how you are unwittingly programmed and guided in ways that not only do not come from your authentic self, but drain you of energy, listen in and find out what to do about these things.

IDareYouRadio.comClick HERE or on the Daring Dreamers Radio icon on the left to listen in as I ask him some tough questions about what ‘they’ are doing to us, and what to do about it.

Or, listen in on iTunes on the Daring Dreamers channel.

gotcha-5hClick HERE to get your copy of this important book, Dr. Eldon Taylor’s Gotcha!: The Subordination of Free Will

An award winning New York Times best selling author and host of the radio show, Provocative Enlightenment, his most recent books include Gotcha!: The Subordination of Free Will; Choices and Illusions; I Believe; Mind Programming; What Does That Mean?; What If?; and Self-Hypnosis and Subliminal Technology.

Eldon is also the inventor of the patented InnerTalk technology and founder and president of Progressive Awareness Research, Inc.


In “The Science of Getting Rich,” Wiley Wallace Says….

wallace“The riches that you receive will be in exact proportion to the definiteness of your vision, the fixity of your purpose, the steadiness of your faith and the depth of your gratitude.”
~ Wallace D. Wattles,
extraordinary entrepreneur, author, artist and scientist, in hiw book, the Science of Getting Rich

“Wallace Delois Wattles (1860–1911) was an American author. A New Thought writer, he remains personally somewhat obscure, but his writing has been widely quoted and remains in print in the New Thought and self-help movements. Wattles’ best known work is The Science of Getting Rich in which he explained how to become wealthy.” (from amazon writeup)

You’ll want this amazing collection I found

It’s just 99 cents! Click on the link below:

Wallace Wattles: All 9 Books (+ 3 audiobooks)

This collection contains all 9 works written by Wattles and links to audiobook versions of his 3 most popular books.

The Collection

• The Science Of Getting Rich (+ audiobook version)
• The Science Of Being Well (+ audiobook version)
• The Science Of Being Great (+ audiobook version)
• How To Get What You Want
• Jesus, The Man And His Work
• A New Christ
• Making The Man Who Can (Or How To Promote Yourself)
• The New Science Of Living And Healing (Or Health Through New Thought And Fasting)
• Hellfire Harrison


Nick Ortner and The Power of EFT – Try It On Everything!


Are you familiar with the power of EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques, to transform lives?

I’ve used EFT in my own life for all challenges so long now that it’s just simply a part of my life like breathing and eating. And I use it when I want to achieve new goals, because it helps expand my vision and energy.

Most importantly, though, I also use EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques, in almost every single one of my client sessions, teleclasses and group calls.

Check it out –

My guest today is a star of a man: Nick Ortner, tapping expert and one of the people who designed and put together “Try It On Everything,” a seminal film on EFT.

IDareYouRadio.comI invite you to listen to my interview with film-maker and EFT expert, Nick Ortner–just click HERE or on the logo to the left.

I invite you to check out the wonderful documentary film on DVD, “Try It On Everything.” You’ll see how to use EFT on yourself, and also for helping your un-EFT-savvy friends, family, acquaintances, clients and co-workers.

Haven’t seen it yet? You’re in for a treat!

I invite you to check the movie out HERE.

Ten experimenters were filmed over a period of time at a retreat using EFT very successfully on their various ills and issues–most of them severe. The majority of the participants came out on the other end vastly improved–some with a complete remission of the pain that they had had for years. One woman, who used to have to wear a back brace, now goes completely without it. Pain-free, strong and flexible.

TIOE is an enlightening and exciting journey through a very clear intro to and experience of EFT. There’s even an update at the end of the movie where some of the people come back to share their success and what EFT has done for their lives.

If you’d like to introduce anyone to EFT so they can discover for themselves the benefits of using it, this is the perfect way to do it. You’re not pushing on them, and they get to view it and appreciate it on their own timing. It’s a perfect stocking stuffer. AND you’re helping spread the awareness.

And if you’re a practitioner, you can hand it out like a business card and watch new referrals come in day after day, as as have it for sale at your office. I was talking with EFT Master Dr. Patricia Carrington the other day, and she told me of one practitioner who was handing it out at networking meetings and people were calling her left and right–and that and as a result her practice is through the roof.

I invite you to check the movie out HERE. Here’s the cool thing: when you order today, you get the DVD–PLUS a ton of EFT bonuses to take your own experience to the next level.


Angela Treat Lyon: Entrepreneurs, Artists, Coaching & Creating Passive Income with Your Kindle Books

angela-treat-lyon-051613Join me on BlogTalk Radio with Solo Pro expert, Barbara Sunders as she grills me: HERE

Creating Books for Passive Income: Professional artist, EFT trainer, business coach, and best-selling author Angela Treat Lyon shares her life-long journey as an entrepreneur.

She began as an artist and sculptor, and now works with authors and business owners.

She shows you how to take your own brilliance to create income through your books.

In her program at MonthAfterMonthMoney.comAngela trains authors to start with the marketing before they’ve even started the book. Listen in now and hear how she does it . . . HERE.


Wendy Lipton-Dibner: The Big Important Question


Wendy Lipton-Dibner, extraordinary educator and speaker-trainer, sent out a newsletter today with the following question and remarks in it, and I thought it was so profound I wanted to share it with you.

So stop what you’re doing right now and pay 100% attention, because the answer you give may change your entire business from now on. She says:

“I’m going to ask you an important question.

The answer to this question could define significant choices you’ll make from this point forward – in your business and even in your life.

Once you have the answer, your world will change.

It could actually be the missing link to your success.

Sound dramatic? You decide.

Here’s the question:

If you had the chance to speak for 10 seconds and your voice would be heard by every human being in the world…

But then after you spoke you would never be able to speak to another human being again as long as you lived…

What would you say?

Your answer to this question is your unique message.

Your message is your gift to the world.

Use it effectively and you could make a significant impact on others…not to mention dramatically increase your success.

Once you find your message, strategically position your business around it.

Use it in your marketing. Teach it to your team. Share it with your customers. Bring it home to your family.

Let it be the Guiding Rule that drives your decisions.

When your business is aligned to your message, your workday will flow more smoothly and your results will be profound.

Your message will bring you the energy you need to do the hard stuff and the grace you need to move people to action.

What’s your message?

It’s the most important question I could ever ask you.

Find your message and use it to make an impact on every life you touch.

dibner-bk-1dibner-bk-2 Because life is far too short to settle for less.

 Get her 10-step book here:
Focus on Impact: The 10-Step Map to Reach Millions, Make Millions and Love Your Life Along the Way

Get her success book here:
The Expert Success Solution: Get Solid Results in 16 Areas of Business and Life

Entrepreneurs: Are You Being A Sheep, or Are You Really A Tiger?


The short little video story of the Tiger and the Lamb, a clip from “Finding Joe.” Are you a tiger hiding amongst the sheep?

Finding Joe is a story about finding who you are, where you’re going, where you’ve been and how to start fresh. Patrick Takaya Solomon is the first time feature-length director. The film features Deepak Chopra, Mick Fleetwood, Rashida Jones, Tony Hawk, Catherine Hardwicke, Laird Hamilton, Alan Cohen, Robert Walker, Akiva Goldman.

Finding Joe explores, through testimonials and interviews with academics, actors, writers, athletes, and entrepreneurs who were inspired by “The Hero’s Journey,” how the interview subjects changed their lives by believing in their own inner gold.

Get Finding Joe HERE.

What Must You Include When You Build Your Treasure Map?


What is the one (most important) thing most people forget about when they do a Treasure Map?

People create treasure maps, mind maps, time-lines, PERT (Project Evaluation Review Technique) Charts, ad infinitum.

And they get real success with their mapping, I might add. I know I have, personally, many times: it’s how I create all of my business sites, books, and marketing campaigns.

Being a coach and executive success trainer, I see literally hundreds of people taking classes and trainings on how to make your dreams come true, how to manifest, how to make money, how to get your perfect man…you name it. I’ve seen it, as I am sure you have, too.

We know that clearly visualizing something stimulates the Reticular Activating System in the brain. This stimulation creates real vibrational frequencies that the brain then continues to radiate. According to the principles of attraction, these frequency emissions “attract” the reality we want to create right to us.

There’s a major factor that is imperative to take into account in order to boost your Treasure Mapping success: your emotions, because it’s best go into a manifesting process in as highly optimized state as you can create: excited about what you want to create, enthusiastic, curious, expansive, willing to embrace your new concepts and experiences.

Caught up!

I have seen people get caught up by the so-called negative emotions that emerge when they make their Treasure Maps. Suddenly, doubt has entered the scene. (It’s OK, though – you’ll see!)

I’ve heard: “I can’t succeed; I’ll never have any money (my dream house/mate/job, etc).”

Or, “Making this Treasure Map won’t work.”

Or “I don’t really expect to be successful.”

Being able to recognize and receive the success that is right there for you is also important, but your ability to do so can be blocked by limiting thoughts and beliefs.

Those emotions can range from fear of having success, fear of failure, anger that they were never allowed to have these things, anxiety that “this will never work,” “my husband will think I’m silly,” “my wife won’t believe this,” “I could never have a house like this,” etc. There can be as many fears as each picture on the Maps.

“Ah!” I hear you say. “But that’s just part of life, and you just need to ignore those and push on through!”

Yes, emotions are, indeed part of life.

And no, just pushing through doesn’t get it. Doesn’t work. At ALL.

Why? I’ll show you. It’s a complete waste of energy and your own personal power to ignore and push back your feelings. Let’s look at this:

There you are standing at the Treasure Map table, with your blank poster board, magazines, scissors and glue. You just cut out an image of a gorgeous house on the beach. You’re holding it in your hand, considering where on the poster board to put it. The house is a close copy of the one you’ve wanted for years.

And you’re suddenly in tears. Huh? Why are you crying?

There are very good reasons you’re crying.

But here’s where most people go wrong. Instead of being present with and appreciating the emotion, they try to stop the feelings. They sheepishly look around, feeling embarrassed and foolish for “being so emotional.” They try to go on with their mapping.

But when they do that, they’ve lost out on a gift of power their own energetic system was trying to give them!

Let’s go back.

There you are again, with your map in front of you. You feel the emotion coming on.

Instead of holding your breath and trying not to cry, you say to yourself, “Wow, I’m feeling so much energy right now!” without naming the feeling sad, angry, fear, anxiety. No names, OK?

Just notice that you are feeling energy out of proportion to what you normally experience.

As you notice, tap with your index and 2nd fingers on the tips of your collarbones right at the bottom of your neck. This is a major meridian point. Tapping there stimulates it, smoothing out your internal energy system.

As you continue to tap:

Look to see: where is the feeling in your body? Do you have:
Clammy hands?
Sweaty hands?
Tight throat?
Weak in the knees?
Tight belly and chest?

Pin point it

Find exactly where it is and pinpoint it.

Then describe it:
How big is it?
If it had a color, what would it be?
If it could make a noise, what would it sound like?
If it had texture, what would it be?
How is it feeling in your body?

Some people feel feelings that are actually outside of their bodies! The feeling can be in front of them, to the side, or above or below them, with colors, sounds, etc.

Now that you have pinpointed and examined this feeling, pretend that you can speak with it and that it will answer you. Ask it what its purpose is.

Nine times out of ten, these feelings are fear-related to some event in the past, and stick around to help you avoid anything that will mean feeling or having the same kind of experience again.

It’s main function has been to protect you! Odd, isn’t it?

Time to say thanks

So now that you are a big girl or boy, all grown up, it’s time for you to thank that feeling for protecting you.

Tell it that it’s inappropriate for you to keep behaving as you did as a scared child, and you want to make your own choices about whether or not you are in danger anymore. So you will make 2 requests of it:

1. To shed the fear (sadness, anger, etc) factor, and come on along as an ally, rather than a preventor. Most times the energy will say yes.

2. To agree with you on some way it can warn you about what it thinks of as danger, and yet lets you remain in charge. Like, instead of making your belly tight and you start cringing and crying, it can simple say in your mind, “Watch out!” Or show you a red flag. Or make chills go up your back.

Now that you have thanked that feeling, and have released your judgements about it, look to see what it’s like now. Most people report that it looks lighter, smoother, more pleasant and supportive.

Are you still tapping? Good! Feels better now, doesn’t it! You can stop now, and check how much better your feel, just from reading this report!

All it was was energy that had gotten stuck in your system – twisted or turned to the point that it was backwards to your intended outcome.

Now that you can turn your energy around, look at that picture of your house and say, “Wow! Yes! Of course I can have that!” Which, of course, is true!

Think of the word: emotion:
E = outwards
motion = movement of energy

It’s just energy.

Take the judgement off, and look at it as sheer, undiluted energy that you could harness and use for your own.

Now you can take that energy and use it to create,
or continue living, your Dream!

It’s easy to see how utilizing the energy that was previously blocking you can give you an enormous boost. I hope you’ll use that boost each time you feel something that you don’t like.


Not liking how you feel is a good indication that there is stuck energy in your system. That you can clear it, harvest it and use it creatively!

Isn’t it amazing that all this time you have avoided feeling bad without understanding that those very feelings were trying to let you know that there was a jam to be cleared up?

Now you know what to do:
Notice you’re feeling “bad” – having one of those “negative” emotions.
Tap on your collarbone.
Check out where the feeling is in your body (or outside of it).
Get a good idea of where it is, what it looks, sounds and feels like.
Ask it why it’s there.
Make a new deal with it.
Decide what you want to do with all that new energy!

Now get back to your poster board, it’s waiting!

Angela Treat Lyon

The International Source for the best EFT Books

Do You Know About Nick Ortner’s Tapping Solution?


When I first learned about and started using EFT, I had about fifteen bazillion questions–and no one to  go to ask.

Later, when I became a proficient tapper, I still had questions; and I also wanted to contribute to others who wanted to know what I knew.

I wished for and dreamed of a place where I could find what I needed that was cheap, clear, rich, easy and attractive, even fun.

My dream came true

And I didn’t even have to work hard at it!

Nick and Jessica Ortner have gone beyond beyond in creating this high-quality, high-content site. They should be really proud of how what they have created.

I’m sure you’ve seen ads and emails about the Tapping Solution.

In case you have not, I’m just going to say this: it’s the most comprehensive site I’ve seen yet where you can get not just information but real support in both learning how to tap and getting tapping assistance, no matter the issue.

What are you waiting for?

I urge you to check this out and join right away to be able to get all the bennies they have to offer.


Angela Treat Lyon: Success, Energy and Entrepreneurs


Malinda Zarate of interviews Daring Dreamers Radio Host, Angela Treat Lyon!

Why is it so important to be an independent thinker, or an entrepreneur?

What is the real nature of an emotion?

And how can you dig under an upsetting emotion and find gold?

Malinda interviews me as I share how to find resolution to upsetting emotions and limiting thoughts in less than 7 minutes – a tactic you can use again and again.

CLICK HERE or on the Daring Dreamers Radio icon to the left to get to one of the most important interviews anyone has ever done of me – thanks, Malinda, for a great time, and allowing me to zero in on specific ways to heal quickly!

What’s So Great About Feeling Great, Lit Up and Inspired??


Why is inspiration so important to me?

Because when we are inspired, we do and be things we’d never think of in an uninspired state.

Because I love to see people light up when they feel connected to their deepest soul’s commitment.

Because if people feel great, they act great.

112815-CYM-BAS-COVER-3D-5h-MCBecause if we all felt great the majority of time, we’d create one of the most incredible realities any of us could ever dream of.

Because it’s exciting! And when we are excited we feel good, and when we feel good we radiate that feel-good feeling out and out and out into the entire universe, spreading it out to everyone and everything.

Imagine if we all felt good all the time! Woo-hoo!

How do you get there? Change your limiting beliefs!

Here’s where you find out how: Change Your Mind with EFT: The Basics


Dr. Joann Dahlkoetter, Olympic Peak Performance Coach


I was very honored last week to interview Dr. JoAnn Dahlkoetter, Olympic Edge peak performance Coach.

Dr. Joann provides performance psychology, corporate training, and Performing Edge Coach Certification programs for CEOs, coaches, sports parents and athletes to help them reach their highest potential in sports, business and life.

When I spoke with Dr. Joann last week, she had just gotten off the phone with an invitation to coach Olympic athletes at the Sports Training Facility for the next Games in London. What an honor!

In our conversation, I got her to tell us about what helped her to go from starting at 19th place to come in a triumphant 2nd in one of the most brutal races of all – the Hawaii Ironman Triathalon.

She also shares with us how she developed her 3-Ps program afterwards from her extreme experience there.

Some of what else she shows us:
1. What you can do to create consistent peak performance in your life
2. How to use magnets to pull success towards yourself (and let IT do the work for you!);
3. And how to have Olympic Thinking on a steady basis, that helps you win whatever game you play in life and business.

Dr. JoAnn is the CEO of Performing Edge Coaching International Association, a global resource and Certification Training Program for Coaches. If I weren’t already a coach, I’d want this certification myself! In case you want to get certified as a Performing Edge Coach, you can either click here or on the banner under this post.

CLICK HERE or on the icon to the left to find out Dr. Joann’s secrets to creating and maintaining an Olympic Edge Mindset every day in your life and business.

You can also go to iTunes and search Daring Dreamers Radio for this show.

Dr. JoAnn Dahlkoetter is the best-selling author of Your Performing Edge and is an internationally recognized performance consultant and world-class athlete (get her book here – scroll down the page a bit to get to it).

She is a licensed psychologist and has been a medical staff member at Stanford University Medical Center for 10 years; she is winner of the San Francisco Marathon in 2:43:20; she placed 2nd in the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon, and was rated the No. 1 triathlete in the U.S. by Triathlete Magazine.


Wendy Lipton-Dibner, the Move-People-to-Action Master


I’m so delighted to have as my Featured Guest this week someone I highly respect and admire: Wendy Lipton-Dibner, Internationally Acclaimed Speaking Expert and Best Selling Author.

I had the very good fortune to attend one of her speaking programs, and was really impressed with Wendy’s knowledge, expertise, kindness and understanding of why people do – and don’t do – what they do.

If you want to accelerate your business success, you’ll want to listen up, because Wendy has a unique twist with her proven strategies that help you increase your income and your impact through effective speaking.

In every industry from health care to hair care Wendy has proven time and again, “Your most powerful business asset is your voice!”

You may be familiar with how people buy a program or product…but then never take action on what they learn.

Wendy has an unusually high implementation rate: over 93% of her surveyed audiences have received measurable results from her training. She is internationally recognized as an authority in both personal and organizational change and the psychosocial factors that move people to action.

Crowned the “female Zig Ziglar” by author/publishing expert, Rick Frishman, she is the author of two bestselling books, Shatter Your Speed Limits®, and M.A.D. Leadership for Healthcare…and she serves as a trusted advisor, trainer, consultant and coach for doctors, executive leaders and top influencers worldwide. She’s helped hundreds of thousands of people get what they truly want.

Join me and listen in, and find out:

  • Why people don’t take action
  • What to do about it
  • What they need
  • What internal rules hold them back
  • How to propel yourself, your clients or listeners to a new level!

For information about Wendy’s latest programs, go here:

CLICK HERE or on the IDYR icon to the left to go to the show with Wendy, or go to iTunes, search Daring Dreamers Radio, and sign up for the RSS feed so show updates come to you automatically!

Gary Null, America’s Leading Health Expert & Investigative Reporter

I am so pleased and honored to have GARY NULL, Health and Freedom expert, as my Daring Dreamers Radio Featured Guest this week.

He’s such a brilliant man – it was like being in the same space with a tornado for an hour! It took me a week to recover from the sheer intensity of the man!

If you’re at all familiar with him and his work, he’s an adamant supporter of freedom, clean food and enviroment, green practices, health, longevity…

I was so pleased that he took my Big Question and ran with it, and reveals what he’d do if given only 30 more minutes to live, tips on living well, healthy and happy…and way more.

Gary’s entire adult life has been spent fighting for a better way for all of us to live. Through his New York Times Bestselling books, documentaries, and daily radio show Gary has continued to be a strong voice for the consumer, standing up against big pharmaceutical corporations.

Time Magazine called him “The New Mr. Natural.” My Generation Magazine dubbed him one of the top health gurus in the United States. For over 35 years, Gary Null has been one of the foremost voices of the health movement.

CLICK HERE for PART ONE (29 minutes) of my talk with him, and CLICK HERE for Part Two (15 minutes). You can also tune into Daring Dreamers Radio on  iTunes for Part One.

Through his New York Times Bestselling books, documentaries, and daily radio show Gary has continued to be a strong voice for the consumer, standing up against big pharmaceutical corporations….

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Stacey Vornbrock: Pioneer Sports Performance Expert

Stacey Vornbrock is well known as a highly successful Sports Performance Expert, who works with professional athletes to help them increase range of motion, reduce and heal from injuries and perform in top-notch form..

She has pioneered massively successful work with her specific, targeted injury recovery and high-performance tapping protocols using EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques for pro athletes.

Did you know that your emotions come across as actual chemicals in your body?

How do you unweave trauma and the pain, fear and chemicals from your system? How do you stop that flinch in your body when it’s afraid and anticipates more pain?

Listen in as she makes the underpinnings of the actual chemical make-up of trauma, pain and injury crystal clear.

I was fascinated to hear how she helps her sports pros recover quickly, even from jet lag, change in elevation, dehydration and location change (imagine being a pro sports person and having to fly from one game to the next all over the world – you’d be a jet lagged wreck!)!

CLICK HERE to go right to my interview with her, or search iTunes > podcasts > Daring dreamers.

You’ll also want to go here:, to check out the four powerful recovery ebooks we talk about during the interview.



Carol Tuttle: Energy Expert Millionaire

Carol Tuttle started out with an EFT practice, marketing her services, books and products online. Now she helps people dress according to and aligned with their essential energy – it’s pretty cool.

I have to admit that when I first called her to see if she’d do an interview with me for my EFT-Biz-Success program I was really nervous.

I honestly thought she’d have the brusk, impatient manner of the typical corporate jerk who has made a lot of money and ‘who the hell are you.’

Shows you what I believed about people who were self-made millionaires! Had to tap on that one – ! I had wanted to interview her because I knew she had been highly financially successful as an EFT practitioner and wanted to hear how she did that.

I was so surprised to hear her casual, very sincere manner come radiating through the phone lines – when we hung up, I actually felt lifted up by her ability to embrace and radiate simplicity and sweetness!

Perhaps you’ll be as surprised as I was to hear how she places her number one value: connection with her spiritual beliefs – absolutely first, over everything else – and how she works with that to simplify and make her life and business richly rewarding. If you are an energy practitioner, this interview is especially for you.

I wanted to specifically find out how she made so much money with her EFT practice – and she lays it out clearly as to what made her so successful.

If you’ve wondered how to hold onto your spiritual values while you operate in the mundane world, listen carefully to how Carol does it – every day – aligning her business and activities with those values, adamantly sticking to her connection. You can do this, too!

CLICK HERE (or on the IDYR logo to the left) for my interview with Energy Expert, Carol Tuttle!

If you can’t get it on your iphone, go to iTunes > podcasts > audio podcasts and search: Daring Dreamers..

GO HERE or click on the white area below to find out about her amazing Energy Profiling for dressing your truth.


Naomi Tickle: Face Pattern Recognition: What Does the Shape of Your Face Mean?

What does a ski-jump nose have to do with shyness about asking for money?

What do big lips have to do with talking a lot?

What do roman noses and being good with money have to do with each other?

It’s all in your face!

I’m so delighted to introduce you to Naomi Tickle, the world’s foremost Face Pattern Recognition Expert!

You’ll be really astounded when you hear what Naomi describes in this fast-moving interview! She explains all about what it means when people with turned-up noses, inverted V eyebrows, narrow or wide faces, or flaring eyebrows!

She looked at my photo and said, “You should give workshops!” And guess what I do? Yup!

She also said, ” Strangers will come up to you and tell you their deepest secrets and afterwards they will wonder why they unburdened their problems to a total stranger.” Which is exactly true – it always amazes me that people do that – no matter where I go.

Here’s another one: “You are up front with people and very direct and to the point. In other words you don’t mince words, you let people know what you think or feel.”

How did she know all that?

Because she’s the authority on patterns in the face, and she can see it just as clearly as we see red sunsets! Pretty cool. Can you imagine what it would have been like if your parents had recognized your deep dreams and natural tendencies from early on, and guided and supported you in that?

Did you know they used face patterns to figure out what guys would be good at what in the military – and had 98% accuracy?

Listen in as Face Pattern Recognition Expert Naomi Tickle tells us all about it and how you can recognize your deepest dreams just by looking in the mirror!

CLICK HERE or on the IDYR logo to the left to get to this 32-minute, fast-moving, wish-it-was-longer interview! And, go here to get her book, What Makes People Tick and a free shorty reading:!


Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos: Intuition, Prophetic Dreams, Stubborn Doctors and Breast Cancer

Ever had a dream where you were told it was imperative that you go see your doctor…after he had just sent you home with an “all-clear” bill of health?

He had, after all, said, “You’re only 44—too young for cancer, you know.”

You might have thought to yourself, “If he isn’t worried, why should you be? After all, he’s the doctor, right?” So you get dressed and head for home, worry free.*

That’s exactly what Kathleen did. She went home, worry free.

And then, her dreams kicked in! Listen in as Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos tells us about the amazing, intuitive, prophetic dreams she had in her journey through not just one, but two bouts of breast cancer almost exactly five years apart.

Fortunately enough for her, she paid attention, and took action, even when her doctor adamantly refused to do what she asked him to do. It was a race for time!

Perhaps knowing me and my penchant for alternative health practices, you might expect that she went that route. But no, she went the conventional route. Adding her own versions of right-eating, right exercise, etc. Led by her dreams and intuition.

If you ever doubted your dreams and your intuition, this story will help you trust again. Listen carefully to how Kathleen saved her own life by trusting her dreams and intuitions.

Kathleen, now an advisor to the R. A. Bloch Cancer Foundation, showed what real courage and real inner knowing is when she stood up for herself and said to her doctor what she KNEW was right: “I KNOW something’s wrong, help me…NOW.”

Find out what she did, and what new policy she got the hospitals to initiate after she was told, “sorry, we can’t help you!” She’s a force to be reckoned with!

PLEASE JOIN ME ON MY SHOW to find out more – click the IDYR logo to the left, or HERE to get to the show.

I invite you to get her powerful book, Surviving Cancerland, The Psychic Aspects of Healing here:, or click on the blue book cover in the banner below.

And connect with Kathleen on Facebook here:

(*Mini-summary of a part of Kathleen’s book, Surviving Cancerland)