We have an unprecedented opportunity right now to quit looking at the “way things are” as being bad, scary or harmful, and discover how to take the energy that is freely floating around and use it to create the kind of world WE want.
Only one place to start
And the only place it can start is with you and me, in our own tiny little lives.
Yes, we are little within the Big Picture, but as we all know, one little tiny life added to another added to another can make a very, very VERY big impact.
Remember John Denver’s song What Can One Man Do? One man, one woman, one child can act according to his or her inner truth, stick to it, be passionate, and stick to it, sing, write, paint, teach, work in alignment with that inner passion, stick to it–imagine if we ALL, each and every one of us–refused to hang out in poor-poor-me, poor-powerless me anymore.
Imagine if we simply went about seeing, feeling, and doing–LIVING–our passionate dreams!
Imagine what our world would transform into really, really quickly–I bet we could create it within only two generations, maybe less.
I’m not kidding when I say it’s up to you and me. I really really mean it.
How do we do it?
Get all 5 Wealth Maverick Series: All 5 Wealth audios
Quit thinking of the world as having “gone wrong”
Because what’s happening now is *right* if you remember that we can literally use the energy of what is happening right now to make new choices.
You might be thinking of how you’re going to lose this, that or the other. So what if you do? Any material possession is replaceable.
The correct question: “What will you do next?”
Your time on earth is not replaceable.
Nor is your heart, your life, or your voice – especially if you keep silent and don’t share your joy, love and dreams.
So how do you stay out of fear and reclaim your power?
How do you stay out of worry for yourself, your kids, your home, your finances–and have the strength to carry on and keep focused on your highest dreams?
How do you create your dreams?
1. Create a clear picture/feeling of what you want
2. Intend it and build passion about it
3. Transform your limiting energy into power
4. KNOW that you can create it and have it
5. Take focused steps to create that
6. When you fall away from the dream-path, step back, reassess
7. Correct. And do it again. And again. And again.
6. Make sure you have massive support.
Power! What power do you have?
Are you shuddering when I talk about power? We’re brought up to shun power. Yes! Shun the power OVER, but don’t shun the power of Love.
You need personal power just to exist in the world. To get more of it, you harvest every last shred of so-called “negative” energy in your body, mind, emotions and life and turn it into the power to create.
You’ve got to find and claim your energy
Then transform it into power, and use it.
Once you transform your “negative” energy, you’ll have ten times the amount of impact once you align it with your positive, passionate dreams for creativity and joy.
I invite you to transform your fear, worry, doubt–even the feelings of procrastination and paralysis you’ve been having!
I invite you to get all 5 Wealth Maverick Audios: All 5 Wealth audios
I’m going to show you how to:
Find the pure energy hiding behind your fears, worries and doubts to transform, so you can create the beginnings or expansion of your dream life–a life you can awaken to in awe every day.
Use Power Eyes to keep from being overwhelmed by the world, and keep on track even when it seems everything is conspiring to drag you off.
Take every last one of your limiting beliefs and turn them into dynamic energy for creating something so much better.
Become so non-stoppable, so full of love, joy and inner resources that your life will not only get better but ripple out and affect hundreds of lives all around you–all without extra effort on your part.
You can listen to the recording right on your computer or download it and load it on your iPod or MP3 player.
Start saying YES to life!
If it’s really true that “it’s all energy,” what good does “I’m scared” do you? Well, even that can be good–I’ll show you that, too!
YES–it’s affordbale at 39.00.
YES–you get extra ebook goodies as well-don’t I always give you terrific extra goodies?
YES–I look forward to seeing you create the power to live the life YOU want. The power to stop being afraid, the power to awaken and energize YOUR dreams for full peace, joy, wealth and love.
Here’s where to get all 5 of the Wealth Maverick Audios: All 5 Wealth audios
much aloha,
Angela Treat Lyon
Hi Angela,
I wanted to say THANK YOU for your words. I have been scrupulously avoiding the news, even while my husband can’t seem to get enough, and still the feeling of panic has threatened to grip me.
Your words and most of all your courageous focus on the Good, as well as your constant generosity remind me of Who I Really Am and help me to keep my focus on what I want.
— Sandra W.