What is the one (most important) thing most people forget about when they do a Treasure Map?
People create treasure maps, mind maps, time-lines, PERT (Project Evaluation Review Technique) Charts, ad infinitum.
And they get real success with their mapping, I might add. I know I have, personally, many times: it’s how I create all of my business sites, books, and marketing campaigns.
Being a coach and executive success trainer, I see literally hundreds of people taking classes and trainings on how to make your dreams come true, how to manifest, how to make money, how to get your perfect man…you name it. I’ve seen it, as I am sure you have, too.
We know that clearly visualizing something stimulates the Reticular Activating System in the brain. This stimulation creates real vibrational frequencies that the brain then continues to radiate. According to the principles of attraction, these frequency emissions “attract” the reality we want to create right to us.
There’s a major factor that is imperative to take into account in order to boost your Treasure Mapping success: your emotions, because it’s best go into a manifesting process in as highly optimized state as you can create: excited about what you want to create, enthusiastic, curious, expansive, willing to embrace your new concepts and experiences.
Caught up!
I have seen people get caught up by the so-called negative emotions that emerge when they make their Treasure Maps. Suddenly, doubt has entered the scene. (It’s OK, though – you’ll see!)
I’ve heard: “I can’t succeed; I’ll never have any money (my dream house/mate/job, etc).”
Or, “Making this Treasure Map won’t work.”
Or “I don’t really expect to be successful.”
Being able to recognize and receive the success that is right there for you is also important, but your ability to do so can be blocked by limiting thoughts and beliefs.
Those emotions can range from fear of having success, fear of failure, anger that they were never allowed to have these things, anxiety that “this will never work,” “my husband will think I’m silly,” “my wife won’t believe this,” “I could never have a house like this,” etc. There can be as many fears as each picture on the Maps.
“Ah!” I hear you say. “But that’s just part of life, and you just need to ignore those and push on through!”
Yes, emotions are, indeed part of life.
And no, just pushing through doesn’t get it. Doesn’t work. At ALL.
Why? I’ll show you. It’s a complete waste of energy and your own personal power to ignore and push back your feelings. Let’s look at this:
There you are standing at the Treasure Map table, with your blank poster board, magazines, scissors and glue. You just cut out an image of a gorgeous house on the beach. You’re holding it in your hand, considering where on the poster board to put it. The house is a close copy of the one you’ve wanted for years.
And you’re suddenly in tears. Huh? Why are you crying?
There are very good reasons you’re crying.
But here’s where most people go wrong. Instead of being present with and appreciating the emotion, they try to stop the feelings. They sheepishly look around, feeling embarrassed and foolish for “being so emotional.” They try to go on with their mapping.
But when they do that, they’ve lost out on a gift of power their own energetic system was trying to give them!
Let’s go back.
There you are again, with your map in front of you. You feel the emotion coming on.
Instead of holding your breath and trying not to cry, you say to yourself, “Wow, I’m feeling so much energy right now!” without naming the feeling sad, angry, fear, anxiety. No names, OK?
Just notice that you are feeling energy out of proportion to what you normally experience.
As you notice, tap with your index and 2nd fingers on the tips of your collarbones right at the bottom of your neck. This is a major meridian point. Tapping there stimulates it, smoothing out your internal energy system.
As you continue to tap:
Look to see: where is the feeling in your body? Do you have:
Clammy hands?
Sweaty hands?
Tight throat?
Weak in the knees?
Tight belly and chest?
Pin point it
Find exactly where it is and pinpoint it.
Then describe it:
How big is it?
If it had a color, what would it be?
If it could make a noise, what would it sound like?
If it had texture, what would it be?
How is it feeling in your body?
Some people feel feelings that are actually outside of their bodies! The feeling can be in front of them, to the side, or above or below them, with colors, sounds, etc.
Now that you have pinpointed and examined this feeling, pretend that you can speak with it and that it will answer you. Ask it what its purpose is.
Nine times out of ten, these feelings are fear-related to some event in the past, and stick around to help you avoid anything that will mean feeling or having the same kind of experience again.
It’s main function has been to protect you! Odd, isn’t it?
Time to say thanks
So now that you are a big girl or boy, all grown up, it’s time for you to thank that feeling for protecting you.
Tell it that it’s inappropriate for you to keep behaving as you did as a scared child, and you want to make your own choices about whether or not you are in danger anymore. So you will make 2 requests of it:
1. To shed the fear (sadness, anger, etc) factor, and come on along as an ally, rather than a preventor. Most times the energy will say yes.
2. To agree with you on some way it can warn you about what it thinks of as danger, and yet lets you remain in charge. Like, instead of making your belly tight and you start cringing and crying, it can simple say in your mind, “Watch out!” Or show you a red flag. Or make chills go up your back.
Now that you have thanked that feeling, and have released your judgements about it, look to see what it’s like now. Most people report that it looks lighter, smoother, more pleasant and supportive.
Are you still tapping? Good! Feels better now, doesn’t it! You can stop now, and check how much better your feel, just from reading this report!
All it was was energy that had gotten stuck in your system – twisted or turned to the point that it was backwards to your intended outcome.
Now that you can turn your energy around, look at that picture of your house and say, “Wow! Yes! Of course I can have that!” Which, of course, is true!
Think of the word: emotion:
E = outwards
motion = movement of energy
It’s just energy.
Take the judgement off, and look at it as sheer, undiluted energy that you could harness and use for your own.
Now you can take that energy and use it to create,
or continue living, your Dream!
It’s easy to see how utilizing the energy that was previously blocking you can give you an enormous boost. I hope you’ll use that boost each time you feel something that you don’t like.
Not liking how you feel is a good indication that there is stuck energy in your system. That you can clear it, harvest it and use it creatively!
Isn’t it amazing that all this time you have avoided feeling bad without understanding that those very feelings were trying to let you know that there was a jam to be cleared up?
Now you know what to do:
Notice you’re feeling “bad” – having one of those “negative” emotions.
Tap on your collarbone.
Check out where the feeling is in your body (or outside of it).
Get a good idea of where it is, what it looks, sounds and feels like.
Ask it why it’s there.
Make a new deal with it.
Decide what you want to do with all that new energy!
Now get back to your poster board, it’s waiting!
Angela Treat Lyon
The International Source for the best EFT Books