I just had a powerful talk with a hot brain scientist: brain expert Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler of http://HotBrainz.com, who has created practical ways to amp up your brain power.

She and her discoveries about the brain are underline-ably awesome.

If you want to know how to reach higher states of consciousness ON PURPOSE, you’ll want to listen in to my interview with her.

She explains the important brain wave states, and why, if you cannot get through what she calls the Schumann Resonance, your brain remains ordinary and dreamless (ew!); and how, if you can get through that gateway, you can develop deliberate higher states of consciousness, and even an enlightened mind (yay!)

Know what else? That same Schumann Resonance is the same frequency as…get this…the earth’s! Don’t think we’re connected? Wrong! (CLICK HERE to listen to this powerful show now!)


Dr. Jill showed how the brain is connected to every single cell in the Read More