Ever had a dream where you were told it was imperative that you go see your doctor…after he had just sent you home with an “all-clear” bill of health?
He had, after all, said, “You’re only 44—too young for cancer, you know.”
You might have thought to yourself, “If he isn’t worried, why should you be? After all, he’s the doctor, right?” So you get dressed and head for home, worry free.*
That’s exactly what Kathleen did. She went home, worry free.
And then, her dreams kicked in! Listen in as Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos tells us about the amazing, intuitive, prophetic dreams she had in her journey through not just one, but two bouts of breast cancer almost exactly five years apart.
Fortunately enough for her, she paid attention, and took action, even when her doctor adamantly refused to do what she asked him to do. It was a race for time!
Perhaps knowing me and my penchant for alternative health practices, you might expect that she went that route. But no, she went the conventional route. Adding her own versions of right-eating, right exercise, etc. Led by her dreams and intuition.
If you ever doubted your dreams and your intuition, this story will help you trust again. Listen carefully to how Kathleen saved her own life by trusting her dreams and intuitions.
Kathleen, now an advisor to the R. A. Bloch Cancer Foundation, showed what real courage and real inner knowing is when she stood up for herself and said to her doctor what she KNEW was right: “I KNOW something’s wrong, help me…NOW.”
Find out what she did, and what new policy she got the hospitals to initiate after she was told, “sorry, we can’t help you!” She’s a force to be reckoned with!
PLEASE JOIN ME ON MY SHOW to find out more – click the IDYR logo to the left, or HERE to get to the show.
I invite you to get her powerful book, Surviving Cancerland, The Psychic Aspects of Healing here: survivingcancerland.com, or click on the blue book cover in the banner below.
And connect with Kathleen on Facebook here: facebook.com/kathleen.o.kanavos
(*Mini-summary of a part of Kathleen’s book, Surviving Cancerland)