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Dr. Jamie Turndorf (Dr. Love) Amazing After-Death Surprise!

TURNDORFDr. Jamie Turndorf, or, as she is known on her radio show, Dr. Love, reveals how tragedy can turn into a lifetime of ecstatic love!

And you will see how totally fitting it is, too, that it’s Valentine’s Day Weekend!

When your spouse/loved-one/partner suddenly dies right in front of your eyes, and you can’t do a darned thing about it, you certainly don’t expect it to turn into a lifetime bonus of ecstatic love!

I invite you to listen in as Dr. Jamie Turndorf – AKA Dr. Love – reveals how that’s exactly what happened to her, in the most delightful, deeply satisfying and surprising ways.

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Dr. Eldon Taylor: Are You Living from Your Authentic Self?

TAYLORI’m a believer in mind over matter. So saying, I believe we can become who and what we want – as long as we know who we are, and what we do want.

But how do you do that? In my experience, it takes tremendous self-discipline and the desire to stop being a conditioned pawn of the Game, and start being a free individual.

Master of the Mind

So it’s very fitting that my guest today is Dr. Eldon Taylor, who has been called a “master of the mind.”

He says: “You probably believe you know yourself and understand why you believe what you believe, and how and why you participate in this world as you do.

BUT – you are simply hard wired in ways that you cannot escape and seldom understand, as well as programmed with biases and attitudes that often fail to serve you and your authentic self.”

How are we programmed invisibly?

I believe we need to know what is being done to us so we can counter-act it. If you’d like to hear more about how you are unwittingly programmed and guided in ways that not only do not come from your authentic self, but drain you of energy, listen in and find out what to do about these things.

IDareYouRadio.comClick HERE or on the Daring Dreamers Radio icon on the left to listen in as I ask him some tough questions about what ‘they’ are doing to us, and what to do about it.

Or, listen in on iTunes on the Daring Dreamers channel.

gotcha-5hClick HERE to get your copy of this important book, Dr. Eldon Taylor’s Gotcha!: The Subordination of Free Will

An award winning New York Times best selling author and host of the radio show, Provocative Enlightenment, his most recent books include Gotcha!: The Subordination of Free Will; Choices and Illusions; I Believe; Mind Programming; What Does That Mean?; What If?; and Self-Hypnosis and Subliminal Technology.

Eldon is also the inventor of the patented InnerTalk technology and founder and president of Progressive Awareness Research, Inc.


Rupa Marya: Respected Doctor, Accomplished Musician


Rupa Marya: Respected Doctor, accomplished Musician, is such an inspiration to those of us who are not strictly right or left brain oriented. She’s the perfect embodiment of the idea that left informs right, right enhances left. She juggles two seemingly disparate careers – and thrives doing it!

In short, she decided to go for her doctorate, but couldn’t stay away from music. She decided to do both–and kept each side secret from the other! As I searched for other viable news reports about her, I found these two articles below. I hope you enjoy reading about her!

From ABC news: (Read the whole thing HERE)
“Rupa Marya grew up seriously thinking she would become a doctor. She also wanted to be a singer, it was what her parents – immigrants from India wanted for her as well. Her heart was also in music so she felt pressure to choose between medicine or music.”

From Boston: (Read the whole thing HERE)
She says, “”Watching this country become more fearful and journalists becoming the mouthpiece of the administration, I became so angry,” says Marya, on the phone from Sweden. She performs with the April Fishes Tuesday at Johnny D’s as part of a North American tour that includes the Montreal Jazz Festival and Quebec City’s Festival d’Été.

“I couldn’t pick up my guitar,” Marya says. “It was too painful. But then I started to think about what would it be like to create music that reflected what I wanted to see in the world, to give a voice to the things that weren’t getting any airtime. I started with an assignment to write 10 songs about love, compassion, and uncertainty in a time of love across borders.

“How we convey information to one another is something that’s very interesting to me,” Marya says. “As a doctor, there are so many ways you can miscommunicate, and it’s always a challenge. How do you tell somebody they’re dying? How do you tell an audience that people in their neighborhood are living with so much fear of being deported that they don’t seek proper medical help? It’s like the riddle of my life, and I explore it several different ways, through music, and through these kinds of investigations.”

Are You Being True to and Living Your Energetic Truth?


Have you ever been told to hush up?

Or told to lighten up?

Or maybe someone said to you: “get a thicker skin,” or “you’re too sensitive!”

Or, “Get serious!”

And did you end up trying to be some way that was completely not ‘you’ in an attempt to be loved or more acceptable?

I have. I’ve been shushed, told not to laugh (right!) and in particular, not to laugh so loud. And, “You’re too much!” If I had a dollar for each time I’ve heard that I’d never have to work another day in my life.

I simply, naturally, as part of my energy make-up, have lots of ‘swift,’ substantial, powerful energy. It comes with Angela Treat Lyon territory.

Maybe I ‘should’…

But I used to think that, in order to be more acceptable, I ‘should’ be more quiet, speak more softly, walk more gracefully–that there was something wrong with me.

Ha! There certainly wasn’t! Yes, of course I’m OK with me now, but I sure didn’t used to be. And I used to compensate for what I thought of as my blunders and gaffs by trying not being my natural self. I ended up trying to be an ideal that just didn’t fit me, and I felt like a fraud, unaccepted and really, really angry. I was living a lie, and I was afraid to live my truth.

At last, more understanding!

This week, I finally availed myself of Carol Tuttle’s Online Energy Profiling system. I wish now I had gotten it before when I first heard of it. She really hits home when she says that the very thing you don’t like about yourself or that you’ve been criticized for may be your greatest gift–even your mission!

I am really impressed with the clarity and quality of Carol’s site, the videos and Carol’s delivery. BUT–most of all, Carol’s knowledge and ability to deliver it in a soft, yet incisive way, while simultaneously weaving in pointed stories about herself and her own family and how profound this information has been for her, had me riveted.

I am so impressed. I’m not a sit-down-and-watch-videos-for-hours person, but I sat in this very seat and spent three+ hours watching each online video segment, beginning to end. They were that good. No, they were astounding.

No hype, no this-is-how-it-is, no you-must-do-this or thats–just clear information that makes things understandable. So simple–yet complex and deep; interwoven so neatly. It was such a pleasure to listen, watch and soak in every word she said. I even watched a couple of the segments more than once–unheard of for me–I’m a watch-once-and-that’s-it person.

Don’t want to wait? Use THIS LINK!

Why is this system so profound?

See what you have to say to these phrases and questions:

Have you ever been told:
You’re too much!
Lighten up!
Get a spine!
Don’t be so loud!
You don’t need to be a perfectionist!
You’re too sensitive!

Or been asked:
Why do you always have to be the life of the party?
Why do your legs bounce like that–are you going somewhere?
Who the heck cares about your family tree, anyway?
How can you sit there without moving an inch?

I bet you didn’t know how to respond.

Other than collapsing into I-can’t-be-me, or feeling angry and rebellious that you’re not OK the way you are, or just ignoring the hurt.

But if you were familiar with the four types of energy, you’d know that each one of those questions and statements fits one particular profile. And if someone said one of those things to you, you’d know how to respond!

Here’s the thing

If you have been told that you’re the life of the party, did you know that you have an important mission? Don’t let people misread you anymore–you do have value, just the way you are. Could you imagine Goldie Hawn trying to be serious? Wrong!

And doesn’t it get old being told you’re too sensitive, get a thick skin?

Did you know there’s a purpose for your sensitivity and you’re just as valuable and precious as anyone else? And did you know that highly sensitive people are in the forefront of thought and design in the world?

I was able to use Carol’s energy type information this week with a client when I realized that I was using words that fit my own energy style rather than hers, and she was blocking them like a wall. When I started using words that fit her energetic style, she opened up immediately. This is way beyond NLP!

Are you curious?

I want you to imagine how you’d like your relationships to improve–whether with family, friends, clients, co-workers or complete strangers. They will once you understand the energy types better.

You’ll find out what mission 1s have in the world, why 4s like to wear black, why 2s are so obsessed with past and future, and why us 3s are so bold!

Carol shares some poignant anecdotes about herself, her husband and her kids–how their lives improved and how much more they understand and appreciate each other now that they get what their energy configurations are.

I wish I’d had this understanding right from the start–what a difference it would have made–maybe my  family and I wouldn’t have had the ultimate dysfunctional experience! We all could have lived our truthful beingnesses.

I strongly recommend Carol’s Online Energy Profiling system.

What makes Energy Profiling® one of the most accurate assessment tools is it’s reference to not only personality traits, but to our unique expression in body language and physical features.  Because personality can be altered, adapted, and shamed, many people are not living true to their dominant expression in all areas of life.  Consider the possibility that the way you doodle and your facial features may say more about who you really are than your personality!

Discover what Type of person you are by discovering your unique Energy Profile® today and start living true to the power of you! Pretty amazing.

Use THIS LINK to check it out and get it for yourself.

You can help get EFT into every home on the planet–just share this EFT Basics site with everyone!