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Connie Russert: Psychic, Author

Connie Russert, Psychic, AuthorConnie Russert, Psychic, and Author of Channeled Messages from A Parallel Universe, was a very straight, left-brained computer professional and then a university professor who worked as an advocate for deaf people.

After she was shown how to start channeling, she was so skeptical it took her five whole years before she believed her channeling was for real!

Not only does she now channel full-time, she also channels in ASL on Skype with people! Her transformation was pretty awesome.

If you have had inklings that you might be a channel, or want to try channeling, you’ll want to listen in.

The Daring Dreamers ShowcaseCLICK HERE or on the I Dare You Radio logo to the left to hear Connie describer her amazing transformation.

You also might want to look up this book: Opening to Channeling, by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer. This is the very same book I read years ago when I was taught now to channel – it’s a keeper book, not one of those ones you read and then pass on to the library.


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Vicki Warren, Psychic: Uncurable with Only 6 Months to Live


Vicki Warren is a psychic who works with people on any number of topics, including archetypal patterns, health, relationships, police cases and many others.

She was told 17 years ago that she had only 6 months to live because she had an ‘uncurable’ condition.

IDareYouRadio.comWell, either I just interviewed a ghost, or she had the guts and wherewithal to buck the odds she was given to create her own choice in living!

The Internal Switch

When you listen in to my interview with Vicki, you’ll hear how she created her own internal ‘switch’ that helped her heal, (getting the amalgam out of her teeth was critical).

And why she made the decision to NOT go to doctor or hospital-recommended ‘support’ groups, and the dynamic thing she did instead.

My session….

When I had a session with her, she zeroed in on some issues I’d never spoken about with anyone, ever. What a surprise to hear her coming out with it all! And she also helped me resolve something I had been dealing with for over 50 years.

Get the demo

Coffee Doughnuts & God by Vicki WarrenWe also give you a short demo of how she works – you’ll hear at one point a surprising bit about my vertebra I hadn’t known about – and that checked out later to be right on!

As you can probably gather by now, Vicki lives for living, not for getting ready to die.

 If you’re on the same wave-length, you’ll enjoy this interview. I hope you’ll be inspired by this well-known and highly respected psychic.

You can also find her book, Coffee, Doughnuts & God) HERE.

Either click on the logo above, or go HERE to get to the interview.

Photo credit: Boardman Tree Farm
