When I had surgery a couple years ago, my friend Stacey Vornbrock helped me heal so much faster that my doc told me I was 2 whole weeks ahead of where ‘normal’ people would ordinarily be after the type of surgery I’d had. He shook his head and told me ‘just keep at it, whatever it is.’ Too bad he wasn’t interested in how I did it!
I’m pretty accustomed to big, rapid results. But when she used her protocols on me, I was astounded at how *much* better I felt and how very fast it happened. I was able to sit up for longer periods of time and have the clear head I needed in order to continue my work. I know I’d have been in pain and a mush-head for far longer without her help.
From shy beginnings….
I watched Stacey start out as a nervous practitioner about bringing EFT to the golf world. Over the past several years she has evolved into an incredibly experienced sports performance expert whose clients are so famous she can’t even talk about them!
She’s gone way beyond the EFT basics, diligently using her very targeted and specific protocols to help people not only excel at sports, but relieve travel trauma (jetlag, altitude and weather changes…) and recover from body injury and surgery. She takes it even further to help bring back natural balance.
I’m so pleased to be able to introduce her to you and the beyond-the-beyond value of the information in the ebooks she has released!
(Can’t wait? Get her books right here!)

I’m particularly pleased to recommend Stacey and her ebooks because I’ve experienced the results of using her methods myself, so I can recommend them 100% assured that they are not just good, but utterly amazing.
*And,* because I was lucky enough to have the privilege of designing and building the ebooks for her! So I have had pretty intimate contact with each and every page of all four books, cover to cover.
A process she took me through, herself, helped me help my body get rid of the anaesthesia and the chemicals used in surgery, as well as the antibiotics and pain-killers I was saturated with. I felt nauseous and weak, couldn’t sleep well, and felt as if my guts were in backwards.
After we did the session using the body recovery processes, I felt immediate relief, and my belly felt more like the one I had been born with.
I won’t kid you – I still had low-level belly ache for the week before the last tube was removed – but these protocols (I used at least one of them them every day – I’m no fanatic!) helped me so much I hate to think how I’d have fared without them. I do *not* like pain, so I have been so grateful to have access to these processes!
In Hawaiian, there’s an old word, hele – pronounced HEH-lay – which means ‘get on it and get going’. I invite you to hele on over to her site and grab your own ebooks for yourself!: Get her books right here!
What’s very cool is that Stacey thought long and hard about exactly what you’d need to make your experience using her processes really effective. Here are just two of all the things I love about her books:
1. Rather than getting a book you have to scroll up and down to read (annoying!), she had me design it so it fills your screen horizontally for greater ease of reading, comprehension and tap-along-ability. And yes, you can print them out, of course.
2. And, rather than just getting an ebook, she also took the time to record a full MP3 of the same information so you can listen and tap along as you drive, run, race, walk, and play.
Having worked with her to create these books, I can tell you personally how picky (compliment!) she is – she likes to get things right and make them as clear and usable as possible. She didn’t let one thing get by her!
So – if you want to:
1. perform at peak levels on a consistent basis
2. heal quickly after trauma or pain
3. significantly reduce soreness & pain after workouts
4. recover physically and mentally after competition
5. travel anywhere without jetlag, and adjust to new time zones, weather conditions and altitudes easily and quickly
6. eliminate drugs, antibiotics and other harmful toxins and chemicals from your body
7. resolve dehydration, extreme fatigue and over-acidity
8. clear your energy of people, places and substances in your body and system
9. bring your body back to its natural balance….
…then hele on over (with aloha) to Stacey’s site and get your own copies!
I won’t tell you which is my favorite, because you obviously have different needs. Whether you want to get well or get more fit or travel painlessly, you’ll find your own book to suit.
aloha –
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