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Stacey Vornbrock: Pioneer Sports Performance Expert

Stacey Vornbrock is well known as a highly successful Sports Performance Expert, who works with professional athletes to help them increase range of motion, reduce and heal from injuries and perform in top-notch form..

She has pioneered massively successful work with her specific, targeted injury recovery and high-performance tapping protocols using EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques for pro athletes.

Did you know that your emotions come across as actual chemicals in your body?

How do you unweave trauma and the pain, fear and chemicals from your system? How do you stop that flinch in your body when it’s afraid and anticipates more pain?

Listen in as she makes the underpinnings of the actual chemical make-up of trauma, pain and injury crystal clear.

I was fascinated to hear how she helps her sports pros recover quickly, even from jet lag, change in elevation, dehydration and location change (imagine being a pro sports person and having to fly from one game to the next all over the world – you’d be a jet lagged wreck!)!

CLICK HERE to go right to my interview with her, or search iTunes > podcasts > Daring dreamers.

You’ll also want to go here:, to check out the four powerful recovery ebooks we talk about during the interview.



Dr. Mark Starr: Hypothyroidism and What to Do About It


“I never imagined I would become the modern-day expert on thyroid and its impact on chronic illness. When I researched mitochondrial disorders and thyroid, I realized they were one and the same.

The last landmark book written about hypothyroidism was by Dr. Broda Barnes in 1976. I hope my book will allow me to help doctors and patients get back in touch with this basic tenet of medicine.

Without this knowledge, patients go from office to office, searching for answers and too often getting just superficial treatment of symptoms.”

Dr. Mark Starr,

IDareYouRadio.comI invite you to join me on Daring Dreamers Radio with my special guest, Dr. Mark Starr. You can find this interview on iTunes, as well. Search podcasts for Angela Treat Lyon’s Daring Dreamers Showcase!

As you listen, Dr. Starr will answer these questions:
•   What used to be the name for what doctors now call fibromyalgia?
•   Why do fibrolmyalgia sufferers usually have hormone problems, predominantly thyroid?

•   How did Dr. Mark Starr come to realize that his muscle pain was because of hypothyroidism (low thyroid)?
•   What is a basal metablism test, and why does Dr. Starr consider that type of test for the thyroid more comprehensive and conclusive than the standard thyroid testing done by blood?

•   Why does Dr. Starr believe that the synthetic forms of thyroid hormone don’t work as well as the “old fashioned” dessicated form?
•   Why did the drop in deaths by infectious disease result in more heart attacks and other previously unknown diseases in the mid-1900s on?

•   Why, if you eat a low amount of fat in your high-protein diet, does your metabolism actually slow down and your need for thyroid skyrocket?
•   What will you get when you buy a $20 portion of a cow? (!)

•   What do milivolts have to do with your teeth, infection and health?

•   How many mercury frequencies are there in your aura?
•   Why does raw milk not get infected the way ‘they’ say it does, and what are the advantages of using it?

Get his book here: Hypothyroidism Type 2: The Epidemic


•   Raw milk in your area?
•   Dr. Jerry Tennant:
•   Prill Beads – try getting them on (get the $8 ones, not the $3 ones)

Important info:

There’s voltage in your teeth? Their relationship to your pH is important? Who’d have thunk it? Check this out:
Dr. Tennant’s amazing story HERE.
Healing is Voltage 2 HERE.
How Mercury Damages your brain HERE.


•   Solve the Riddle of Heart Attacks
•   The Demise of the Cholesterol Theory
•   Breast Cancer and Iodine
•   Iodine: Why You Need It and Why You Can’t Live Without It
•   The Roots of Disease Connecting Dentistry and Medicine
•   Root Canal Coverup
– by the man who invented the root canal procedure!

Dr. Starr is a medical doctor who specializes in integrative medicine, pain, hormones, and the prompt rehabilitation of acute and chronic sports injuries. He utilizes a wide array of alternative methods that allow the body to heal itself naturally. These methods include desiccated thyroid, bio-identical hormones, nutrition, homeopathics, trigger point injections, Hans Kraus’ protocols and exercises, Tennant Biomodulator, low-intensity lasers, and other energetic modalities.

Dr. Starr’s progressive approach to alternative medicine offers cutting-edge therapies designed to accelerate the healing of hypothyroidism, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, fibromyalgia, Candidiasis, arthritis, sprains, strains, and fractures.