
Why is inspiration so important to me?

Because when we are inspired, we do and be things we’d never think of in an uninspired state.

Because I love to see people light up when they feel connected to their deepest soul’s commitment.

Because if people feel great, they act great.

112815-CYM-BAS-COVER-3D-5h-MCBecause if we all felt great the majority of time, we’d create one of the most incredible realities any of us could ever dream of.

Because it’s exciting! And when we are excited we feel good, and when we feel good we radiate that feel-good feeling out and out and out into the entire universe, spreading it out to everyone and everything.

Imagine if we all felt good all the time! Woo-hoo!

How do you get there? Change your limiting beliefs!

Here’s where you find out how: Change Your Mind with EFT: The Basics