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MILANA LESHINSKY: The Magic of Group Coaching

If you’re a coach or teacher, you will definitely want to know about this.

Listen in as Milana describes CoachingGenie and how to use this fantastic all-in-one platform.

I bring it to you here because as a coach, myself, because after checking it out if there was any other platform like it, I know there just ISn’t anything like it, anywhere else!

After researching and trying dozens of different platforms, Milana could not find anything that would allow her to easily deliver group coaching programs. Either they weren’t designed for coaches, or you had to duct tape a bunch of tools together, making it too complex and time-consuming.

So, she created CoachingGenie, an easy-to-use coaching software with a 20-minute learning curve that gives you an all-in-one dashboard for delivering your programs, managing your coaching content, and communicating with clients.


If you want to up-level your business and get beyond 1-on-1 Coaching: Groups, programs, and other fun ways to make money as a coach, listen up!

Milana shares the most important keys to designing a lucrative coaching program clients will love. Who wouldn’t want to know that?!?

Quick and dirty practical steps you can take, all drawn from the biggest lessons Coach Milana Leshinski learned after creating and delivering 100+ programs, herself.

•   Discover the secrets of group coaching
•   Find out how to leverage your expertise through creating programs
•   What are the first few steps towards leveraging your expertise as a coach?
•   How does your role in the business change as you start expanding beyond 1-on-1?
•   What are some of the challenges in creating programs and groups?
•   What tools and systems do you need to easily manage your coaching products, and build a multiple-income-stream business?

What if you could create multiple revenue streams on one platform? That would make things SO much easier, right?


Make sure to WATCH/listen all the way to the end, so you can find out what Milana’s special gift for you is!

Watch the podcast video here on this page, above.

On the go? Listen to the audio on

You can find Milana at

“I Just Want to Be Me” – FREE Ebook – No Strings


Who said we had to be serious all the time?!?

If you’ve ever wondered about ‘having’ to exercise, ‘having’ to ‘eat right’ or ‘having’ to market or go to a J.O.B. (just over broke) – you’ll enjoy this little poke at our society’s rules.

Who said we had to be serious all the time?!?

Go HERE for other books by Angela. And more at

Here’s what a friend of mine wrote about me:

“Angela Treat Lyon is a professional painter and sculptor, author, publisher, Business and Marketing Success Trainer, and EFT Instructor/practitioner.

Maybe you can tell Angela has a bit of a maverick streak: not only is she crazy enough to carve stone by hand, but has traveled all over the world…including riding across the US on a motorcycle, sailing from Hawaii to California, and traveling for two years in her truck in the late 80s, just because.”

Get the book – you’ll like it.

Get it here – for FREE!

Angela Treat Lyon: Entrepreneurs, Artists, Coaching & Creating Passive Income with Your Kindle Books

angela-treat-lyon-051613Join me on BlogTalk Radio with Solo Pro expert, Barbara Sunders as she grills me: HERE

Creating Books for Passive Income: Professional artist, EFT trainer, business coach, and best-selling author Angela Treat Lyon shares her life-long journey as an entrepreneur.

She began as an artist and sculptor, and now works with authors and business owners.

She shows you how to take your own brilliance to create income through your books.

In her program at MonthAfterMonthMoney.comAngela trains authors to start with the marketing before they’ve even started the book. Listen in now and hear how she does it . . . HERE.


Wendy Lipton-Dibner, the Move-People-to-Action Master


I’m so delighted to have as my Featured Guest this week someone I highly respect and admire: Wendy Lipton-Dibner, Internationally Acclaimed Speaking Expert and Best Selling Author.

I had the very good fortune to attend one of her speaking programs, and was really impressed with Wendy’s knowledge, expertise, kindness and understanding of why people do – and don’t do – what they do.

If you want to accelerate your business success, you’ll want to listen up, because Wendy has a unique twist with her proven strategies that help you increase your income and your impact through effective speaking.

In every industry from health care to hair care Wendy has proven time and again, “Your most powerful business asset is your voice!”

You may be familiar with how people buy a program or product…but then never take action on what they learn.

Wendy has an unusually high implementation rate: over 93% of her surveyed audiences have received measurable results from her training. She is internationally recognized as an authority in both personal and organizational change and the psychosocial factors that move people to action.

Crowned the “female Zig Ziglar” by author/publishing expert, Rick Frishman, she is the author of two bestselling books, Shatter Your Speed Limits®, and M.A.D. Leadership for Healthcare…and she serves as a trusted advisor, trainer, consultant and coach for doctors, executive leaders and top influencers worldwide. She’s helped hundreds of thousands of people get what they truly want.

Join me and listen in, and find out:

  • Why people don’t take action
  • What to do about it
  • What they need
  • What internal rules hold them back
  • How to propel yourself, your clients or listeners to a new level!

For information about Wendy’s latest programs, go here:

CLICK HERE or on the IDYR icon to the left to go to the show with Wendy, or go to iTunes, search Daring Dreamers Radio, and sign up for the RSS feed so show updates come to you automatically!

Stacey Vornbrock: Pioneer Sports Performance Expert

Stacey Vornbrock is well known as a highly successful Sports Performance Expert, who works with professional athletes to help them increase range of motion, reduce and heal from injuries and perform in top-notch form..

She has pioneered massively successful work with her specific, targeted injury recovery and high-performance tapping protocols using EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques for pro athletes.

Did you know that your emotions come across as actual chemicals in your body?

How do you unweave trauma and the pain, fear and chemicals from your system? How do you stop that flinch in your body when it’s afraid and anticipates more pain?

Listen in as she makes the underpinnings of the actual chemical make-up of trauma, pain and injury crystal clear.

I was fascinated to hear how she helps her sports pros recover quickly, even from jet lag, change in elevation, dehydration and location change (imagine being a pro sports person and having to fly from one game to the next all over the world – you’d be a jet lagged wreck!)!

CLICK HERE to go right to my interview with her, or search iTunes > podcasts > Daring dreamers.

You’ll also want to go here:, to check out the four powerful recovery ebooks we talk about during the interview.



Naomi Tickle: Face Pattern Recognition: What Does the Shape of Your Face Mean?

What does a ski-jump nose have to do with shyness about asking for money?

What do big lips have to do with talking a lot?

What do roman noses and being good with money have to do with each other?

It’s all in your face!

I’m so delighted to introduce you to Naomi Tickle, the world’s foremost Face Pattern Recognition Expert!

You’ll be really astounded when you hear what Naomi describes in this fast-moving interview! She explains all about what it means when people with turned-up noses, inverted V eyebrows, narrow or wide faces, or flaring eyebrows!

She looked at my photo and said, “You should give workshops!” And guess what I do? Yup!

She also said, ” Strangers will come up to you and tell you their deepest secrets and afterwards they will wonder why they unburdened their problems to a total stranger.” Which is exactly true – it always amazes me that people do that – no matter where I go.

Here’s another one: “You are up front with people and very direct and to the point. In other words you don’t mince words, you let people know what you think or feel.”

How did she know all that?

Because she’s the authority on patterns in the face, and she can see it just as clearly as we see red sunsets! Pretty cool. Can you imagine what it would have been like if your parents had recognized your deep dreams and natural tendencies from early on, and guided and supported you in that?

Did you know they used face patterns to figure out what guys would be good at what in the military – and had 98% accuracy?

Listen in as Face Pattern Recognition Expert Naomi Tickle tells us all about it and how you can recognize your deepest dreams just by looking in the mirror!

CLICK HERE or on the IDYR logo to the left to get to this 32-minute, fast-moving, wish-it-was-longer interview! And, go here to get her book, What Makes People Tick and a free shorty reading:!


Rick Frishman, Author, Publisher, Business Trainer

Rick Frishman, Author, Publisher, Business TrainerI had the very good fortune to be able to interview Rick Frishman this week. Rick is an author (12 books!), publisher and publicity trainer for authors and entrepreneurs.

His publishing company, Morgan James, published the Chicken Soup book series – ever heard of those?

If you are an author or wanna-be author, you’ll really get a lot out of this Daring Dreamers Showcase. Even if you are not an author yet, you will, because he gives so many entrepreneurial tips about how to build your customer base and way more.

Rick Frishman, Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur Trainer r logo-part-3I mainly wanted Rick to give us ideas about book publishing – both ebook and print book, self-publishing and conventional publishing.

But he gave us way more than that! So much, in fact, that I cut the interview into three 20-25-minute segments for easier listening.

I suggest you download the audios – there’s so much in them you’ll want to listen several times to get it all. To get to the audios, click on the logos to the left.

Rick also talks about this year’s Author 101 University – Go HERE to find out more (and a very cool surprise that will save you money!) and get a FREE ebook from me about how to Eliminate Your Money Fears.

Rick goes over:

  • which is ‘better’ – ebook or print;
  • how and what authors get paid (or not!);
  • Kindle;
  • what media producers or show hosts look for when they’re scouting for people to have as guests on their shows;
  • tips on how to prepare to go on a show and not look like a jerk or be unprepared;
  • how to succeed at networking (when before you got the willies or didn’t even go!) –
  • the one critical question to ask at the end of your networking conversations;
  • how to handle interviews to get all your info across w/o seeming pushy….

Besides a great rundown of this year’s Author 101 U 3-day event in Las Vegas (business and publishing for authors, speakers and entrepreneurs), Rick gives us a whole slew of tips and strategies –

  • how to choose the right URL for your book,
  • how to get media interviews, and
  • build your platform as an author or speaker so you can get the media to publicize your book.

No platform = no publisher will want your book. Crucial info for both published AND self-published authors, and people who want to publicize their businesses.

Rick gives critical tips for:

  • getting a publisher
  • who you MUST have with you when you sign any contracts and
  • how to find them.
  • The tree types of publishing and their pros and cons,
  • getting into book stores or on the NY Times Bestseller list,
  • more about self-publishing and conventional publishing.

I hope you enjoy it all! Go HERE to get your FREEbie from me and to get to Author 101 University (and a very cool surprise that will save you money!)- you’ll be glad you did!


Author 101 University 2010
