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Dr. Stefan Ripich: Can You Cure Diabetes in 30 Days? Really?

ripich2Diabetes has to be one of the most controversial subjects people are discussing nowadays.

Controversial doctor Dr. Stefan Ripich says if people follow his program, in just 30 days he can help them get rid of symptoms and meds. Many would argue. Let’s see what he says about it.


What one item can you add to your food intake every day that will lower your blood sugars by one third? What one food is more dangerous than sugar? Why did the ancient Greeks diagnose diabetes using ants? How do your cells refuse sugar, and you end up with diabetes? Why doesn’t Dr. Ripich weigh people when they come to him?

Find out now – your life may depend on it!

“Don’t believe what you’ve heard about diabetes, ” Dr. Ripich says, “It can be completely turned around – even Diabetes Type 1 people can reduce their meds or even eliminate them.”

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Dr. Miranda Jorgenson: Why You Gained So Much Weight After Your Gall Bladder Was Removed

Dr.Miranda JorgensonHave you or anyone you know said this? “I Gained A Zillion Pounds After Having My Gall Bladder Out….”

Today I want to introduce you to Dr.Miranda Jorgenson, who will help us understand exactly why that happens. Discover why so many people gain uncontrollable weight after gall bladder surgery, and the six critical things you or someone you know can do about it.

(Special surprise! At the end of this article you will find a surprise goodie for you!)

Even if you still have your gall bladder, you may be experiencing pains, unwanted, uncomfortable symptoms, and uncontrollable wight gain.

If you know of anyone else who has this problem, or who has had their gall bladder removed, I invite you to share this particular show with them, because it may help them out, too.

Did you know that over half a million gallbladders are removed every year in the US? It is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures.

What’s really distressing is that even after having had their gall bladder removed 87% of men and 68% of women experienced weight gain after their gall bladder was removed. Many people still experience the same symptoms as before!

So … what can be done about about all this?

I invited Dr. Miranda to be my guest after reading articles about this problem on her site. Because I, too, suffer from massive weight-gain after my own surgery, and like many others, find it impossible to lose it.

12-11-logo-4-1hCLICK HERE or click on the Daring Dreamers Radio icon to the left to listen to our conversation, because you’ll learn a lot about what you can do now to alleviate symptoms and drop extra weight.

Dr. Miranda Jorgenson is a health and weight loss strategist, licensed Chiropractor and co-owner of Baton Rouge Chiropractic & Injury Center.

Bone Broth RecipeShe was the Physician Advisor to a large physician-grade supplement company for 6 years, and has had numerous articles published in DC Product Reviews, Chiropractic Economics, and The Original Internist.

She is the author of two physician references – ‘The Drug Induced Nutrient Depletion Index‘ and ‘The Ridiculously Easy Way to Introduce Nutrition & Evolve Your Practice To The Next Level.’ 

She is currently writing her book on weight loss for people who no longer have a gallbladder.

CLICK HERE to download the FREE printable Bone Broth Recipe!

Dr. Pamela Wible, Creating Unusual, Ideal Health-Care Clinics


Dr. Pamela Wible is an amazing, off-the-wall, screw-convention, super-caring doctor who is creating major ripples in the health care world with her new model of health-care providing.

But she didn’t come by her ideas for that new model easily!

See, Dr. Pamela was born to a family of physicians…who all said, don’t become a doctor! But she decided to and went for it, anyway. And found that many med students were committing suicide!

Why were med students doing this?

These med students had become disillusioned and felt cut off from their dreams and ideals within a very short time. She said that she did, too, after a while – even though she had been so gung-ho to become a doctor.

Imagine the love, joy and fulfillment of your calling being destroyed because of too much stress, not enough sleep, too many hours worked. How soul-crushing.

Many doctors and interns who teach and mentor them have become so sarcastic and cynical a to further beat any remaining dreams to death.

What finally happened?

Dr. Wible: Pet Goats and Pap SmearsDiscover what happened to Dr. Wible when she finally caved in to her own despair and exhaustion.

You’ll be surprised and delighted to find out about the epiphany that led her to start the amazing, incredible, powerful project that is counteracting this very critical problem.

Pamela Bruner, Millionaire Energy Coach: 5 Steps to SuccessCLICK HERE or on the DaringDreamers icon to the left to listen in and hear her fantastic solution, as well as the response she’s gotten to her ideas.

Why Pet Goats and Pap Smears? You’ll find out why the name in the interview! You’ll find Dr. Pamela at

Click here to get her book: Pet Goats & Pap Smears: 101 Medical Adventures to Open Your Heart & Mind


Gary Null, America’s Leading Health Expert & Investigative Reporter

I am so pleased and honored to have GARY NULL, Health and Freedom expert, as my Daring Dreamers Radio Featured Guest this week.

He’s such a brilliant man – it was like being in the same space with a tornado for an hour! It took me a week to recover from the sheer intensity of the man!

If you’re at all familiar with him and his work, he’s an adamant supporter of freedom, clean food and enviroment, green practices, health, longevity…

I was so pleased that he took my Big Question and ran with it, and reveals what he’d do if given only 30 more minutes to live, tips on living well, healthy and happy…and way more.

Gary’s entire adult life has been spent fighting for a better way for all of us to live. Through his New York Times Bestselling books, documentaries, and daily radio show Gary has continued to be a strong voice for the consumer, standing up against big pharmaceutical corporations.

Time Magazine called him “The New Mr. Natural.” My Generation Magazine dubbed him one of the top health gurus in the United States. For over 35 years, Gary Null has been one of the foremost voices of the health movement.

CLICK HERE for PART ONE (29 minutes) of my talk with him, and CLICK HERE for Part Two (15 minutes). You can also tune into Daring Dreamers Radio on  iTunes for Part One.

Through his New York Times Bestselling books, documentaries, and daily radio show Gary has continued to be a strong voice for the consumer, standing up against big pharmaceutical corporations….

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Dr. Eric Pearl: The Reconnection

Dr. Eric Pearl, who used to be a practicing chiropractor, was awakened one night by the lamp on his bedside table going on all by itself.

If you don’t know who he is, you’ve really missed out.

I wanted to interview him ever since I read his book, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself, and I’m so pleased I was able to get into his busy schedule!

He discovered how to heal with energy w/o even touching anyone. He now teaches how you can do that, too. Listen in as he describes how that knowledge of healing came to him right out of the blue, and how he didn’t even believe it, humself.

“When we connect with this energy, there’s an optimal regeneration, a reorganization of tissue outside the illusion of time and space,” he explains.

You can get his book, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself at the major online bookstores, and at

CLICK HERE or on the IDareYouRadio logo to the left to listen in and find out how he was suddenly able to heal in such an amazing, completely new-to-him way!


Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos: Intuition, Prophetic Dreams, Stubborn Doctors and Breast Cancer

Ever had a dream where you were told it was imperative that you go see your doctor…after he had just sent you home with an “all-clear” bill of health?

He had, after all, said, “You’re only 44—too young for cancer, you know.”

You might have thought to yourself, “If he isn’t worried, why should you be? After all, he’s the doctor, right?” So you get dressed and head for home, worry free.*

That’s exactly what Kathleen did. She went home, worry free.

And then, her dreams kicked in! Listen in as Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos tells us about the amazing, intuitive, prophetic dreams she had in her journey through not just one, but two bouts of breast cancer almost exactly five years apart.

Fortunately enough for her, she paid attention, and took action, even when her doctor adamantly refused to do what she asked him to do. It was a race for time!

Perhaps knowing me and my penchant for alternative health practices, you might expect that she went that route. But no, she went the conventional route. Adding her own versions of right-eating, right exercise, etc. Led by her dreams and intuition.

If you ever doubted your dreams and your intuition, this story will help you trust again. Listen carefully to how Kathleen saved her own life by trusting her dreams and intuitions.

Kathleen, now an advisor to the R. A. Bloch Cancer Foundation, showed what real courage and real inner knowing is when she stood up for herself and said to her doctor what she KNEW was right: “I KNOW something’s wrong, help me…NOW.”

Find out what she did, and what new policy she got the hospitals to initiate after she was told, “sorry, we can’t help you!” She’s a force to be reckoned with!

PLEASE JOIN ME ON MY SHOW to find out more – click the IDYR logo to the left, or HERE to get to the show.

I invite you to get her powerful book, Surviving Cancerland, The Psychic Aspects of Healing here:, or click on the blue book cover in the banner below.

And connect with Kathleen on Facebook here:

(*Mini-summary of a part of Kathleen’s book, Surviving Cancerland)


Zoe Walton: False Emotions & How to Relieve Depression


I read this newsletter by a friend, Zoe Walton, who helps her clients with EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, and thought you’d appreciate it. So I’m reproducing it here for you. Pretty important stuff.

From this point on, it’s Zoe talking:

zoeThis is about “False negative emotions” and neurotransmitters. True negative emotions are genuine responses to challenges and difficulties that arise in our life.

They are feelings of loss, disappointment, abuse, shame, etc, arising from the past or present. We grow from feeling and dealing with these types of emotions and situations. They are a natural response to life.

‘False emotions,’ a term coined by one of my teachers, Julia Ross, are caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. You might be tipped off that you are feeling false emotions because:

  1.  these emotions have no identifiable  cause
  2.  you just feel a low level of blues, hopelessness or anxiety;
  3.  you have been unsuccessful in resolving depression, anxiety, sadness, even with years of therapy;
  4.  you have problems sleeping through the night.

A neurotransmitter is a chemical messenger in the brain that carries, boosts, and modulates signals across gaps or synapses of brain cells and between other cells in the body. Most neurotransmitters are made from protein or its subunits, amino acids. Serotonin, Dopamine and GABA are neurotransmitters that are essential for a positive, calm, happy outlook and a sense of well-being.

When Neurotransmitters are out of balance (or when receptors on cells responsible for receiving neurotransmitter signals are impaired) they have a significant impact on our mood and behavior.

When we are deficient in specific neurotransmitters a number of emotional symptoms are likely:

  •     Deficits in serotonin can lead to depression, aggressiveness, anxiety, panic attacks, food and alcohol cravings, irritability and insomnia;
  •     Deficits of dopamine include depression, stress, mental exhaustion, fatigue, low sex drive and low motivation;
  •     Noradrenaline is important for alertness, concentration and attention. Deficits of noradrenaline have been linked to depression;
  •     Deficits in GABA can lead to feelings of anxiety.

Brain cells need three things to survive and be healthy:

  •     Oxygen (so exercise daily);
  •     Glucose ( the brain uses 20-25% of all the glucose we take in as food);
  •     Stimulation – Neurotransmitters help to keep your brain cells healthy by stimulating them. Stimulation of brain cells lead to ATP production, this is the energy that runs all the billions of functions in your body.

If you are deficient in a particular neurotransmitter you will experience very specific emotions, sleep patterns and cravings. You can increase the amount of a particular neurotransmitter in your brain by taking some amino acid supplements. I have been doing this work with clients for 6 years with great success.

If you suspect you might be feeling false emotions due to imbalanced brain chemicals, my recommendation is to start with the following suggestions prior to embarking on a specific amino acid protocol.

  1.   Eat 4 oz of protein (about a chicken breast size of meat) three times per day. Or eat 40-50 grams of protein per day of you are a woman or 50-60 grams if you are a man. Write down your menu of a few typical days’ diet, then Google “protein content of foods” and check to see if you are getting enough protein.
  2.   Make sure you are either eating a ton of veggies to get your vitamins and minerals, or supplement what veggies you do eat with a good Multi Vitamin. Neurotransmitters are made from protein but they need “Co-Factors” ( B Vitamins, zinc etc.) to facilitate their cross-over to other brain cells.
  3.   Take Omega 3’s (fish oil, flax seed oil) because the brain needs Omega 3 to make Neurotransmitters.

Here are some reasons, and I am sure there are more, why you may be experiencing an imbalance of neurotransmitters:

  1.   Genetics- take a good look at your family members. If most of them are anxious or depressed, this may point to a genetic deficiency in one or more of the neurotransmitters
  2.   The standard American Diet- does not supply the proper nutrition needed to turn food into neurotransmitters and co factors
  3.   Dieting or eating Disorders- you may not be eating enough protein and vitamins because you are dieting or restricting food intake
  4.   Prolonged Stress will deplete neurotransmitters
  5.   Toxic substances like heavy metals, pesticides, illicit and some prescription drugs can cause permanent damage to the nerves that make neurotransmitters.
  6. This is can be a stressful season, so get plenty of rest, take time for yourself, and eat well.

Wishing you all a wonderful Holiday Season –

© Zoe Walton, Zoe Walton L.Ac , Certified Pro EFT, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner, San Rafael,CA

Dr. Eric Pearl: The Reconnection

Dr. Eric Pearl, The ReconnectionI had the honor of being able to interview Dr. Eric Pearl last week.

If you don’t know who he is, you’ve missed out! I’ve wanted to interview him ever since I read his book, The Reconnection, Heal Others, Heal Yourself.

Dr. Eric Pearl, a practicing chiropractor, was awakened one night by the lamp on his bedside table going on all by itself.

The ensuing adventure in Energy healing he took after that is pretty astounding. All the way from hearing his clients say there were invisible people in the room to suddenly being able to heal people even without touching them….

Dr. Pearl confirms that just hearing about Reconnective Healing can trigger change. “When we connect with this energy, there’s an optimal regeneration – a reorganization of tissue outside the illusion of time and space,” he explains.  He now spends 45 weeks a year traveling all over the world, teaching people how to do the very same thing he does to heal himself and others.

To listen in, click on the logo to the left, or on this link HERE.

You can get his book, The Reconnection, Heal Others, Heal Yourself at the major online bookstores, and at

Sally Fallon: Nourishing Traditional Foods You Can Make


I love this book!

Did you know that:

* That patients with severe burns are often force-fed huge quantities of eggs as a source of protein to rebuild loss of skin?

* That a study done with over 800,000 people by the American Cancer Society revealed that “non-egg users had a higher death rate from heart attacks and strokes than egg users”?

* The word ‘marathon’ actually means fennel?

* That you can make an immune-boosting drink from beets that has been consumed in Europe for thousands of years?

Where am I getting all this good stuff?

fallon-nour-tradFrom an absolute must-read, must-keep book by Sally Fallon: Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats

“This well-researched, thought-provoking guide to traditional foods contains a startling message: Animal fats and cholesterol are not villains but vital factors in the diet, necessary for normal growth, proper function of the brain and nervous system, protection from disease and optimum energy levels. Sally Fallon dispels the myths of the current low-fat fad in this practical, entertaining guide to a can-do diet that is both nutritious and delicious.”

I believe it will have more of an eventual impact than the ones Adele Davis wrote in the 60s that spurred such a health-food revolution.

Nourishing Traditions is not just full of plain old same-old, same-old recipes, it’s recipes that are geared to help you be well, often derived from folk tradtion based on regional foods that were used for various health-giving properties.

Stories Galore!

She includes pages and pages of anecdotes, scientific research, stories and folk tradition passed along for centuries, all rolled up in the one 600+ page book.

I thought you’d love this book if you are fed up (LOL) with being fed hype, BS and lies by the big food processors. Wait til you read what she says about cream and butter (page 88)! And on page 130, one small sentence about using MSG *only once* gave me chills. And why raw honey helps you digest bread and other starchy foods (page 490)!

All kinds of great recipes that, in very simple and do-able form, allow you to build your immune system, add vitamins and enzymes, and create incredibly good-tasting foods. I’ve been experimenting with these for a couple of weeks and haven’t found one I didn’t like or enjoy. I especially love the lemon drink made with whey that tastes almost like beer, but is not fermented with alcohol!

Click to get the book: Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats

More cool things about food

And here’s a good one: Patricia Hardman, PhD., who is the Director of Woodland Hall Academy, a school specifically for kids with hyperactivity and learning disabilities in Florida, says “We can change a child’s behavior dramatically by lowering his or her intake of sugar.”

She goes on to say that one child, who was tested 140 on his IQ test, was retested after a weekend stay with granny, who plied him with sweets.

This time, he came in at 100. After 3 days he was tested again and – you got it – back to 140.