Have you felt the energy lately?
Doesn’t it feel crazy?
Pay attention here, because this can be one of the most powerful times of your life.
The lull
As a kid sailing out on Long Island Sound and on the Atlantic, I learned about the lull.
Each time I encountered storms I noticed a funny thing. That almost always before a storm – even a small squall – there was a split-second lull before the energies shifted and the storm came and broke on top of us.
Where we had been cutting clean through the water, all sails smooth and everything functioning well, there was an almost indistinguishable moment when everything seemed to just *** pause.
Just for a moment
You could see the waves flatten out momentarily, feel the wind get shifty and the eyes of your crew as they look at you for direction. The air gets a yellowish tinge, and a fine, smooth greyish line of light on the horizon starts to approach you on the water as the darkening skies lower themselves atop your boat.
As skipper, your attention has to include your crew and what each one is doing, your boat and how it feels under your seat, the helm and how it’s acting in your hands, the wind and what it’s doing on the water and in your sails, the water and what’s under its depths, where you are n relation to everything around you, and, of course, the weather in general.
Life-changing choices
You suddenly feel very small on a very vast ocean. And you know instinctively that the choices you make in this split-second lull are paramount to your survival.
If you’re close enough to one, you might make it to a sheltering cove where you can drop sails and a wind-anchor, and point your boat upwind to keep it steady as the storm rages around you.
But if you can’t, you need to move fast.
Switch on your GPS beacon.
Reef or drop all sails immediately, secure anything movable to the decks, make sure all crew has life jackets on and are tethered to the boat – including yourself – and again, head into the wind.
Listen to what I just said:
You stop, pay attention, make a choice.
When you’ve chosen, you take action: you stop all generated movement, take precautionary measures to protect your self and crew and possessions, and face the wind.
Why face the wind?
Because it means you’re offering the least resistance to the storm. The bow, or front, of your boat is pointed, and cuts through the water and helps you climb over the waves, even if they are three times higher than your mast.
Because if those waves hit you side on, you’re toast – they’ll flip you over so fast you won’t know left from right. And they’ll keep pounding you.
Because if you face the wind, you can ride it,
rather than being ridden.
It takes strength to ride a storm. The wind will try to rip you around and propel you where you don’t want to go. The force of the water will try to take the helm from your hands, and the gusts, rain and swells will try to sweep you overboard, fill your bilges and try to swamp you.
But if you’ve been smart enough to be prepared, if you keep your mind clear and calm, your crew ready and efficient and your hands firmly on the helm, even if the storm lasts for a day or three, you’ll make it. You’ll make it.
Your mast and other parts of your boat might get broken or washed overboard, you may be mighty hungry from not being able to take time to eat, you may be exhausted, cold and soaked through to the bone, but you’ll make it.
Right now
Right now, in our specific time, I can feel the air like the frisson of electricity in the air before a hurricane.
Right now is the time when you need to make your choice: run for a safe cove or haul all your sails down, make sure your crew is safe, lash everything securely, head to the wind and keep your helm with courage, strength and clarity.
Most of us don’t have a safe cove, whether financial or otherwise. Without making a clear, conscious choice right now to create safety and even a new reality for themselves, people are sitting ducks for a reality of crisis and disaster. Since ‘news’ about that is consistently regurgitated on the news day in and day out, it’s easy to buy into.
Don’t be like them.
Make the choice to ride the storm with calm and grace.
Pull as many sails down as you can – cut your excesses and clear out any distractions. Maintain your headway – be clear on your purpose, intentions and destination.
Keep your crew safe. Make sure your family, friends and loved ones are safely ensconced within your heart, and tell them how important they are to you. Do everything you can to support their lives and potential.
I’m not saying be a sappy-corny mush-mush! Just look them in the eye and smile, or squeeze their hands, or say quietly that they’re the most important thing in the world to you. Be real, and say it as often as you can from your heart – even if it’s in actions rather than words.
If you’ve had a crisis where people have helped you out,
you know how important being loved is.
Dish it out the same way you’d like to receive it.
Make sure your life-jacket is on
Make sure your inner GPS is connected – that inner light within you that knows exactly what to do how and when. And LISTEN to it.
Always, always hang onto your helm.
Never, ever let go.
You’re the caption of your destiny. Even if you have only a sliver of an idea where you’re going, your inner GPS and your determination to hold onto the helm – your integrity, your knowingness about who you are and your values – will get you through any storm.
If you panic now, during this lull, well, I wish you the best. If you keep thinking fearfully about the disaster, disaster is what you get.
If you understand that even things that look ‘bad’ can turn out to be miracles and blessings, miracles and blessings are what you get.
If you can keep from panicking and hold onto what is dear to you and keep imagining that something amazing is about to happen, it will.
In the accelerated energies of now, things shift in the blink of an eye – can you keep up with it? Can you let go of the flotsam and jetsam of old beliefs and judgments enough to see the gleam of the sun as it begins to shine through, even as the storm rages?
Head into the wind!
Face your daily circumstances with courage and the conviction that you can and will not only make it through this storm, but end up in an incredible harbor you never realized existed.
What’s that new harbor like? If you could have any wish, and could create that harbor, what would it be full of? Fill it now in your mind so you can head to the wind and end up there.
Take advantage of the lulls. Don’t be fooled into thinking everything will return to what we used to call normal. It won’t. We’re in a time of massive shift, and it’s our opportunity to face it and create, even under what seem to be the most dire circumstances.
Stop trying to Get
Get more status, wealth, money, success – whatever it is you constantly strive for. None of that is important now. Take a breath and let material things be material things, not the focus of your attention.
Give it up. Literally – raise your hands above your head and shout, I give it Up! I give it all to That, the I Am! And trust that the Great I Am has had you in its hands all along.
What IS important is to expand your inner knowing, your inner light, to live it and share it. Strive to Be – the clearest, hummingest, brightest light you can be. That’s it. Simple, but by no means always easy.
You’re a part of the Great Circle, and we all need you and your clear energy, just as you need us and our clear energy.
It’s Time. Right NOW.
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