It’s an amazing thing to have thousands of people read your emails weekly.
It used to frighten me at first, because my mailing list grew so fast, and I had never written to more than one person at a time before. I was so afraid I’d put people off.
But as I went along, I got more and more comfortable, because I shifted from, “Oh no, what if I blow it, what will they think about what I say,” and a whole slew of other fears. I was afraid of what you, the people on my list, thought of me, my work and what I had to say.
How do you sit down and write thousands of people?
People ask me all the time:
- Isn’t it hard?
- How do you keep from feeling overwhelmed?
- How do you know what to write?
I was speaking about this the other day with a friend who also has a large mailing list. We were laughing about how hard it was at first to write these newsletters until we started thinking about it differently.
I told her how I think about my readers and carry them all around with me wherever I go, and she laughed and said, yeah, I do that, too.
Do you care? Really care?
After a couple months of writing my list, I realized how much I really do care about my readers, and how passionate I am about what I do and believe in, and about wanting you to have the very best of anything I can create or make available to you.
I started seeing that, if I didn’t believe in myself
or my work, my readers certainly wouldn’t!
So I asked myself this: if I was Jack Canfield or Oprah or one of those “out-there” people who are so passionate about what they do, what would I write and say?
What results would I want my readers to have?
How could I write about it all so my readers would really get what I was saying and get the Goods from my products and services?
Ahhhh, relief!
As soon as I started writing from that frame of mind, I felt such relief, because I understood that you wouldn’t have signed up for the newsletter if you weren’t attracted to *something* about what you see on my sites.
And I saw that the ones who unsubscribe are not criticizing or mad, they’re just not interested anymore, or feel overwhelmed, and my stuff is low on their priority lists. It’s OK. I stopped taking it personally, and started to get really excited about writing every week about what is important to me with people to who appreciate and get great benefits from it, too.
I take about an hour every day to cruise online, looking for things that tweak my oh-this-is-cool buttons. Stuff from TED.com, funny stuff, stuff from folks who have great programs or ingenious or innovative energy therapies or consciousness-raising ideas and solutions.
And I take the best of those and share them with you. It used to feel like work, long ago. But now it’s fun and I look forward to writing you, because I’m passionate about what I do.
The results I see people get from using the info I share is well worth the time it takes, and I get tremendous pleasure from carrying you around in my heart!
Are you just starting up?
So if you are writing or starting up a newsletter and you don’t know where to begin, start with what you love, what you are passionate about.
Tell your readers a little story like I just did–doesn’t have to be a long, drawn-out thing–and let them know who YOU are. We all crave connection, so give it to us who read you–don’t just tell us you have this or that to sell, week after week, because then it feels like all we are to you is a possible income source.
We want to know about you, what you think, and how your heart feels. Write from there, and your aligned readers will love you and your products and services. Anyone else will unsubscribe, and that’s OK!
Write from your heart!
Share yourself and your best offers!
Show us that you really understand and care about your readers!
We will then feel that, and respond accordingly.
p.s. Make sure you check out the EFT Grab Bags–the first one is only a buck! Highly concentrated, intensely powerful audios and ebooks in each Bag. When you start with #1 and move through each one, you get exactly what you need at each stage to get you to the next step.
p.p.s. Thanks so much for all your wonderful comments about my audios and article on InspireMeToday.com! It was such a honor to be invited to be one of their Luminaries! Here it is if you missed it–just put my name in the search box.