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Spiritual Marketing Month at Spiritus, the Spiritual Marketing Directory!

Shelagh Jones - SMAMSpiritus, the Spiritual Marketing Directory, is hosting the Spiritual Marketing Awareness Month!

Starting yesterday and going all the way until the end of October, Spiritus is celebrating and working to greatly expand the awareness of how we can all build our practices, business and marketing upon spiritual values and pricinples – and not only survive, but flourish!

(Impatient? Check out Spiritual Marketing Awareness Month here – my article is up today! And more to come… here:

If you love the idea of using your values and ideals as a platform on which to build your business and marketing strategies – whether on or offline or both – you’ll love what you’ll get from this FREEbie month-long expo!

What you DON”T get (yay!):

  • A million teleclasses you have to show up on live
  • A million bonuses you’ll never even look at or use…
  • A million pitches from subsciber-hungry marketers (yes, you can check out and sign up for the experts’ stuff, but you don’t get pitched every other second or have to opt-in to anything you don’t want!)

But you DO get:

  • A series of great (shorty) articles by biz experts that you can read at your leisure
  • Opportunities to connect – real-time – with internet, marketing and business coaches and experts who all put their values first.
  • Their tips, tricks, techniques, strategies, stories and inner secrets for creating online success with your deeply value-driven business.
  • A chance to register on Spiritus and set up your biz there – even if you aren’t tech savvy or hate online stuff. Set your biz up there and just leave it! (Already know you want to list your biz there? Here’s where you can do that:

I know you’ll LOVE Spiritus! Go here to get to the Spiritual Marketing Awareness Month party!:

Part One: What is Spiritus, what's good about it, and why would we care?Part Two Spiritual Marketing Awareness Month: Who's Up?NOW: Here are Parts One and Two of my revealing interview with Shelagh! She peeled back the curtains so you could see what spiritual marketing is, why you can do it if you want, why you should even care! Click on the One and Two, or on theI Dare You logos to the left to get to the interviews!

How do you align your spiritual values with your business and marketing?
Who else is doing it, and what are their results?

Shelagh clues us in. Whether you’re an MLMer, a coach, energy worker, plumber or graphic designer, if you like to embed your values into your business and marketing, this is for you! We’re creating critical mass!


List your biz with Spiritus, the Spiritual Marketing Directory


Angela Treat Lyon Interview: Transitions Radio in Santa Fe, NM!


I had the wonderful honor of being interviewed by Levi Ben Shmuel, who writes a great blog post for the Huffington Post, on the Sunday radio show in Santa Fe, NM that he hosts with 2 others.

I invite you to listen in on this shorty (5 minute) interview, where I describe graphically how big the problem of the Great Garbage Patch is:

They question me about my Paint 100 Paintings in 100 Days project to raise awareness of the problems around our consumption and discarding of plastic water bottles, and about the Great Garbage Patches in the oceans (there are five) – in the post called The New Good Life – John Robbins, Maitreya & A Floating Garbage Patch (show 1386) Sep 19th, 2010 Posted in Ecology & The Environment – Look for Hour #1. I was on the air from about minute 46 – 53.

And…as an extra bonus

I’m including Levi’s latest blog post – The Festival of Sukkot: 7 Nights, 7 Guests, 7 Inspirational Ways of Seeing.

I enjoyed it because he described a Jewish festival about which I had not one clue before. I was fascinated to discover about each of the 7 Guests, their essences, how they offer different gifts, and how to use these in your own daily life.

Read it here:

Pamela Bruner: The Key to Marketing Mastery for Energy Practitioners

Pamela Bruner Marketing MasteryIf you hate marketing or feel overwhelmed, stressed out or short on time and the very thought of marketing makes you want to bolt, this interview is for you.

Pamela Bruner was a struggling EFT practitioner who finally found the secret to marketing success. Her first foray into the world of big success was her masterful book, EFT & Beyond, in which she gathered the wisdom and stories of 29 EFT experts. Now she’s back with another fantastic offering.

Are you a Transformational Entrepreneur? Isn’t that a great name for someone who is an energy or health practitioners in business to help others expand their health and consciousness?

If you are one, you’ll do yourself a big favor to listen in on my short (30 minute) interview with Pamela, where she gives us 3 major tips (and a couple more) on how to shift your marketing from drudgery to delight. AND…she tells us what kind of numbers her own income in the past 18 months has been – woohoo! A far cry from struggling!

The Daring Dreamer Showcase: Interviewing Pamela BrunerI felt honored to be given a sneak peek into the Key to Marketing Mastery, her new course exclusively for Transformational Entrepreneurs, so I invite you to get the same revealing sneak peek – listen to this shorty audio: CLICK HERE or on the logo to the left to get to the interview.

Have fun! And here is where to get her program:


Daily OM Course: Medical Intuitive Carolyn Sutherland


Carol Gold: Bronze Sculptor

Carol Gold, Sculptor

Carol Gold and her sculpture, Time

CAROL GOLD: “I sculpt in wax, then cast into bronze.

“I have chosen to work with human and animal forms to best express my feelings about nature and the human condition.

“I strive to convey a mood as well as create a sense of motion in space. Through the years my sculpture has moved in the direction of increasing simplicity….”

I had the very good fortune to live in the same area as Carol in the early 90s, and was able to visit her in her studio.

I was so impressed with her ability to get so much movement and depth of emotion in such simple forms.

Her handling of the wax she uses as her base medium is exemplary – using it sparingly, details forgone in stark, yet incredibly soft, powerful movement.

Carol doesn’t go in for the loud, jazzy patinas you see on a lot of contempoary bronzes. She sticks with accentuating the form and feeling of each piece by using graduated bronze coloring or the soft greens found on old statuary.

Carol is a true master of her art. Through spare detail and restraint of line, she expresses the full range of the essence of being, and the elegance of the physical form as it moves through emotion and the natural world.

The Daring Dreamers ShowcaseTo listen in on our complete interview (31 minutes) on Outdoor Sculpture and all about it, how Carol got commissions, makes her art, and more, go HERE or click on the I Dare You Radio logo to the left.

Carol was Featured Artist of the Month on the International Association of Women Sculptors website last month – see images of her work HERE.

And you can see the beautiful article about Carol and me on pages 33 through 39 at the online magazine, Artizen Magazine this month HERE.

Daily Om Deepak Chopra

Read More

Alyson Stanfield: Art Business Coach

alyson stanfield ArtBizCoach.comAlyson B. Stanfield was a museum curator for a number of years, so she has quite a background in the making, presenting and marketing of art.

She also worked in a surprising place you’d never think anyone in the arts would work – you’ll hear about that, and how it affected her life and expertise!

IDYR-logo-1009-94sq-siteI was really pleased to be able to interview Alyson and hear her expertise and insights about marketing. I’ve gotten her newsletters for years, and highly recommend her to you as a coach.

I invite you to listen in as she gives us inspiration and Alyson Stanfield I'd Rather Be in the Studioinsights about what she’s dared to do in her life and what you as an artist or business owner can do to spark up your own life and biz.

Click HERE or on the logo to the left to go to the podcast.

And you can get a copy of her fantastic book, I’d Rather Be in the Studio, by clicking HERE or on the book cover image to the left.

Daily Om Weight Loss

Jerry Gillies: Author of Money Love

jerry-gilliesOne of the foremost authors and speakers on how to build wealth and prosperity reveals how he was an achingly shy kid who, at 19,  decided to change his life and go on the radio.

You’ll hear how he did that, how he wrote two popular books after quitting that job, moving to anotherstate on a whim and a prayer.

When a book he was asked to write was nixed by his publisher, he then wrote Money Love in two weeks. Find out why it was rejected and then published almost immediately…

And how Jeerry, after a surprisingly uncharacteristic mistake, went to jail for 12 years!

IDYR-logo-1009-94sq-siteNow he’s back, passionate about helping people becomeing wealthy – from the inside out.

Here’s where to go to listen in on this fascinating story: click HERE or on the I Dare You Radio Logo to the left.

Daily Om Medical Intuitive

Tara Reed, Artist and Art Licensing Expert

tara-reedThis week’s Daring Dreamer: Artist and Art Licensing Expert Tara Reed.

I invite you to pay close attention to this Daring Dreamers Showcase, because in a time when more people – especially artists! – are complaining about how hard it is, Tara has only seen more and more success. (Find her at

Listen to this – it will surprise you and blow you away!

At a particularly powerful time in her life, she was smart enough to ask herself the right questions and listen to the answers and take action on them. She has given herself the gift of a powerful marketing seminar, which allowed her to learn how to do what her dreams came up with.

In this interview, you’ll hear how to ask the same kinds of educational questions so you, too, can fly through this trying time with freedom, fun and financial gain.

Artist Tara Reed is a mom and an artist whose business is licensing her art: making it available to compaines who place it on various merchandise. She calls herself an artist “by passion, not education,” because she has no formal art training, yet has made her work work for her.

During her 2004 divorce, she realized she had to make a decision:  take the safer route and get a traditional job with a boss and benefits, or continue with her desire to build her own business on her terms. As a Daring Dreamer, you can guess which she chose!

Only four years later, Tara created – the go-to site for artists to learn from a variety of experts in the art licensing industry. She’s passionate about teaching other artists what licensing is all about, why do it, and how to take the steps to do it.

IDYR-logo-1009-94sq-siteClick on the logo to the left or HERE to listen to our interview.

AND: This is fantastic – wait until you see this! If you are a creative professional, looking for a better way to work and grow your business, you’re going to love it!

Tara created The Goal Wheel for Artists™ (I use it, myself and love it – it’s easy to use because it’s designed for us right-brainers!). It is created specifically for artists and creative professionals who want to set & achieve goals while still working from a place of inspiration. Click HERE or on the logo below to get it!


And if you would like to hear a great call Tara did for SEO (search engine optimization) for artists, go HERE.

Did you find this article and interview useful? Comments are open!

Angela Treat Lyon: Interviewed on Success with Kate Radio Show


Today the tables are turned!

I was interviewed by Success Coach Kate Beeders on her Success with Kate Radio Show this weekend. Find Kate here:

It was such fun – Kate’s a good interviewer. You’ll hear all about passion, creativity…how I first decided never to be bored and always be as passionate and alive as possible…and my renegade EFT ideas that say don’t neutralize that energy!

I also fill you in on why I believe my tapping books are the best around; my how-to-get-out-of-being-broke money books, and lots more.

HERE’s where to get Part One, and HERE’s where to get Part 2.


Jobie Summer: Financial Advisor on Socially Responsible Investing

jobie-summerMy guest this week on the Daring Dreamers Showcase is Financial Advisor, Jobie Summer. Jobie specializes in advising other financial advisors, particularly in the area of Sociall Responsible Investing.

When we first met, I didn’t realize how relevant the information she shares is for those of us who are not financial advisors. But when it became clear to me that her knowledge and her products would be as interesting and helpful to others, too, I asked her to be my guest so she could talk about what you need to know as an investor or future investor.

You’ll hear:
•  how Jobie helps other advisors market their practices
•  how she helps create change in our economy
•  why Socially Responsible Investing is so importnat
•  what to do to get your financial advisor up to date
•  what you can do to make a huge difference in the economy and environment as a shareholder

Jobie Summer is the founder of Resources for Advisors. She has been a leading financial advisor for nearly 15 years. She has been recognized with many National awards as well as having many designations: she is a Certified Financial Planner, Certified Estate Planner and Certified Fund Specialist.

What is unique about Jobie is that she has combined her extensive knowledge and experience as a financial advisor with her background as an educator to teach financial advisors how to integrate Socially Responsible Investing (known in the industry as SRI) into their practice. She also delights in helping financial advisors  have success in the marketplace.

She does this through private coaching, educational seminars and her proprietary system called the SRI Marketing Kit.  Jobie has created tools to help financial advisors build their SRI practice faster, smarter and with the least amount of effort so their clients can make a bigger difference in the world with their resources.

IDYR-logo-1009-125sqTo tune in to this week’s Daring Dreamers Showcase with Jobie Summer, click HERE or on the logo to the left. In order to learn more about Jobie Summer and resources for financial advisors, visit


Daily Om Debbie Ford

Kate Beeders, Business Success Coach

kate-beedersKate Beeders, Business Success Coach, uses MTT/EFT and LOA tools to get her clients out of the mud and into success. Listen in as she tells us about the hell-trip she transformed into “I can do anything I want!”

Kate shares with us what she does to increase her success; a couple of new business tips; and how the revelation “that I really could change my thoughts” has completely changed her life.

You’ll be inspired to hear how she left “safe corporate America” to live the life she chose, and how she is creating her independence; why climbing Le Gros Piton in St. Lucia was such a pivotal experience for her; and what she will be doing in the next 12 months – it’s NOT your “regular” goal!

Kate helps people eliminate whatever obstacles are blocking their success.  The powerful technique she uses is a Meridian Tapping Techniques (MTT/EFT). Kate combines the Law of Attraction with tapping to get optimum results.

Her radio show, “Tapping to Success with Kate,” can be heard on 1120 AM (in Boston) and also can be heard/seen live over the internet.  Kate’s show can also be heard on Energy Talk Radio in San Francisco and Spirit Bond Radio in the UK. She has articles published on and

IDYR-logo-1009-94sqI invite you to check out her website:, and you can either click on the logo to the left or CLICK HERE to listen to this week’s Daring Dreamers Showcase with guest Kate Beeders (approx 25 min).

Chaney Weiner, Trusting Yourself and Wealth Mastery


Chaney Weiner lost $30,000 and looks at it as a gift. Find out why, and what he heard the night before he moved all the way across the country….

Do you thank goodness for your so-called ‘goofs”?

How do you trust yourself after making such huge “mistakes”?

Chaney Weiner is an inspirational and transformational speaker and Founder of the Wealth Mastery Success Program.

12-11-logo-4-1hClick on the logo to the left, or Click HERE to find our interview–listen in and see what daring things Chaney’s going to do next!

He’s had 20 years of work and study from various disciplines that include fitness, psychology, communication, physiology, and neuroscience, and how to apply these disciplines into every day life in order to live an inspired and magnificent life.

weiner-bkChaney is also a facilitator of the Demartini Method which was developed by Dr. John Demartini

Get Chaney’s book here: Because This Is Your Life…: How To Live A Meaningful Life While Feeling Respected, Appreciated, And Recognized For Who You Are And All You Do

Chaney inspires people worldwide to achieve wealth in each of the 7 areas of life by discovering their own uniqueness based on what is most important to them, while reducing any fear they may have so they can live a magnificent and extraordinary life. You can find Chaney at

Brian Jud, Author, Publisher, Marketer: New Ideas & Tips


Brain Jud, powerful publisher, author and marketer, is my guest this week.

If you are an author, whether new or seasoned, or a budding writer, you’ll definitely want to listen in on this one, because he discusses a couple of crucial items you need to know.

jud-bkFind out how Brian wrote the book that helped his two college-age kids get out of the house and get jobs.

You’ll hear how he left his corporate job, created – and then lost! – his own business, compelling him to create and succeed at his next business, publishing and marketing.

12-11-logo-4-1hCLICK HERE to hear about what he does for, the amazing success that that has become in just 18 months, and what he believes that will become.

He also reveals a different way you wouldn’t ordinarily have thought of to get your books published!

Click here to get his book:
How to Make Real Money Selling Books


Annabel Fisher: Courage and Determination Help Her Found AAMET


Annabel Fisher is the founder of AAMET (Association of the Advancement of Energy Techniques). I want you to see how her courage and determination helped her continue on through a terrible illness to come out the other side and create a world-wide organization that helps thousands of people become emotionally free.

In today’s chaotic world, her story serves to remind us that we really can persevere and triumph.

IDareYouRadio.comClick on the icon to the left to listen in on our interview as we talk about how she and I both used EFT (tapping) to relieve ourselves of very intense, chronic conditions that we feared would be with us for the rest of our lives.

Take careful note of what she did to help herself, and how at first it seemed like it backfired on her!

She had been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and was very painfully going about her life feeling ill, exhausted and in a wheelchair. I suffered from suicidal depression. We were both filled with anger, fear and resentment–and ended up clearing it all.

OK, you’ve heard of people using tapping to get rid of illnesses, depression and pain before, but I bet you didn’t know that, for a while, tapping felt like it was making things worse for us both!

Backwards? Huh?

I had been tapping for 4 or 5 weeks (this was 2002, when I was an Artist-in-Residence living in New Zealand), and I thought I was the only one this seemingly backwards experience happened to, and felt very discouraged. Find out why that happened to us, and what our answers were–hers in the UK, mine halfway across the world in NZ.

AAMET in Canada

You’ll also find out about why she started AAMET in Canada, where else it is now available, what her trainings are like and who else she recommends for those of you who want to become top-notch practitioners.

If you are attracted to becoming an EFT practitioner, please know that there are very good training and certifications available other than Gary Craig’s.

These workshops and programs help you get hands-on training with other live students, so you not only increase your knowledge and understanding of tapping, but also your ability to work one-on-one with other, real human beings. This is training you won’t get sitting there watching DVDs.

annabel-bkI highly recommend Annabel’s trainings.

She is the Creator of The Healing Game Process, and is the leading authority on using this process to reclaim vibrant health and true authenticity. She is the host of the radio show, The Healing Game.

Annabel Fisher has worked with thousands of chronically ill clients from around the world since 2004. Her journey with this work began when she healed a chronic health condition of her own, in which she was wheelchair-bound. As a result of her work in the field of chronic illness, Annabel wrote the book, The Healing Game: Transforming Chronic Illness Using EFT

Samantha Hartley, Branding Expert: Hints & Tips for Your Biz


I’m delighted to bring you dynamic entrepreneur, Samantha Hartley, who is an expert at helping business owners recognize and create their business brand identity.

If you have a business, this is important – and even more so if you have no brand identity, you’ll really want to listen to this week’s show.

What, exactly, IS branding?

Why do you need to be so conscious of it, and careful in its creation?

Most of us think of branding being your business card, how your brochures and other promotional materials look, your office, your websites, your Facebook pages and Twitter feed – even how you answer the phone!

Your brand identity is more!

Your Brand identity is at the root of all the things I listed above. Once you have created a brand identity that is aligned with your values, talents, gifts and the value you bring to the marketplace, it expresses

  • who you (or your business) are,
  • what you do for your clients, and
  • is your representative even when you’re not there to speak.

IDareYouRadio.comI invite you to click on the link or the logo to listen in to our powerful conversation where Samantha shares lots of hints and tips about branding, what it is and how you can up the oomph of your own.

Her tips will help you consolidate your thoughts and ideas about getting your brand created in a way that concisely and clearly communicates the value of your business.

Take her great brand assessment (free) at her site to see where your understanding of your business and its value and how you express it stands–you’ll get back a 5 to 11 page report according to the answers you give on the assessment. I took it, and learned a lot!

MORE: Take Your Biz to the Next Level!

I interviewed Samantha again for more info on branding, in case you’re at the point where you’re ready to take your business to the next level. I call it: Can People Find You Amidst the Marketplace Chaos?

IDareYouRadio.comClick on the I Dare You Radio logo to the left, or Listen to this important information HERE.

 We also created a shorter (12 min.) audio for you about the Branding Action Roadmap Course, which you can hear here (hear hear!): Are You Invisble in the Marketplace? The Branding Action Group will Save Your Pretty Butt!

Pamela Bruner, Millionaire Energy Coach: 5 Steps to SuccessClick on the Daring Dreamers Radio logo to the left, or LISTEN HERE


Dr. Mark Starr: Hypothyroidism and What to Do About It


“I never imagined I would become the modern-day expert on thyroid and its impact on chronic illness. When I researched mitochondrial disorders and thyroid, I realized they were one and the same.

The last landmark book written about hypothyroidism was by Dr. Broda Barnes in 1976. I hope my book will allow me to help doctors and patients get back in touch with this basic tenet of medicine.

Without this knowledge, patients go from office to office, searching for answers and too often getting just superficial treatment of symptoms.”

Dr. Mark Starr,

IDareYouRadio.comI invite you to join me on Daring Dreamers Radio with my special guest, Dr. Mark Starr. You can find this interview on iTunes, as well. Search podcasts for Angela Treat Lyon’s Daring Dreamers Showcase!

As you listen, Dr. Starr will answer these questions:
•   What used to be the name for what doctors now call fibromyalgia?
•   Why do fibrolmyalgia sufferers usually have hormone problems, predominantly thyroid?

•   How did Dr. Mark Starr come to realize that his muscle pain was because of hypothyroidism (low thyroid)?
•   What is a basal metablism test, and why does Dr. Starr consider that type of test for the thyroid more comprehensive and conclusive than the standard thyroid testing done by blood?

•   Why does Dr. Starr believe that the synthetic forms of thyroid hormone don’t work as well as the “old fashioned” dessicated form?
•   Why did the drop in deaths by infectious disease result in more heart attacks and other previously unknown diseases in the mid-1900s on?

•   Why, if you eat a low amount of fat in your high-protein diet, does your metabolism actually slow down and your need for thyroid skyrocket?
•   What will you get when you buy a $20 portion of a cow? (!)

•   What do milivolts have to do with your teeth, infection and health?

•   How many mercury frequencies are there in your aura?
•   Why does raw milk not get infected the way ‘they’ say it does, and what are the advantages of using it?

Get his book here: Hypothyroidism Type 2: The Epidemic


•   Raw milk in your area?
•   Dr. Jerry Tennant:
•   Prill Beads – try getting them on (get the $8 ones, not the $3 ones)

Important info:

There’s voltage in your teeth? Their relationship to your pH is important? Who’d have thunk it? Check this out:
Dr. Tennant’s amazing story HERE.
Healing is Voltage 2 HERE.
How Mercury Damages your brain HERE.


•   Solve the Riddle of Heart Attacks
•   The Demise of the Cholesterol Theory
•   Breast Cancer and Iodine
•   Iodine: Why You Need It and Why You Can’t Live Without It
•   The Roots of Disease Connecting Dentistry and Medicine
•   Root Canal Coverup
– by the man who invented the root canal procedure!

Dr. Starr is a medical doctor who specializes in integrative medicine, pain, hormones, and the prompt rehabilitation of acute and chronic sports injuries. He utilizes a wide array of alternative methods that allow the body to heal itself naturally. These methods include desiccated thyroid, bio-identical hormones, nutrition, homeopathics, trigger point injections, Hans Kraus’ protocols and exercises, Tennant Biomodulator, low-intensity lasers, and other energetic modalities.

Dr. Starr’s progressive approach to alternative medicine offers cutting-edge therapies designed to accelerate the healing of hypothyroidism, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, fibromyalgia, Candidiasis, arthritis, sprains, strains, and fractures.

Saskia Roell: Pulling Up Stakes and A Suitcase Full of Faith


Can you imagine yourself walking in the door one day and announcing to your 5 kids and husband that you want to close up all your affairs where you are, and move–lock stock and barrel–all the way across the ocean to another country? Where they don’t speak a word of the language?

It’s a true story! Saskia Roell rallied herself, her husband and their 5 young kids, and moved from Holland to a tiny seacoast town in Massachussetts.


roell-bookFind out why on earth she would want to do such a thing out of the blue, and how she did it–seamlessly and in fun.

12-11-logo-4-1hClick on the Daring Dreamers Radio logo to the left to get to my 32 minute interview of Saskia.

You’ll be inspired and moved at how one person can create such a sense of adventure and excitement that a whole town ends up supporting them – even right up to when their household possessions come – how the kids learned English in only a few months, and what kind of job opportunities presented themselves right at their feet

You can get Saskia’s wonderful book about her amazing journey and how she and her big family found Home on the shores of the US here: A Suitcase Full of Faith

Pamela Bruner & John Bullough: EFT and Beyond: Personal Transformation


Maybe you haven’t heard of EFT and Beyond, Cutting Edge Techniques for Personal Transformation yet. If you are an EFT student, practitioner or trainer, you definitely want to know about it.

Yes, there is a plethora of basics articles on EFT Founder Gary Craig’s site, including how-to information and thousands of case stories and anecdotes.

But where do you go for advanced tapping techniques, ideas and processes?

12-11-logo-4-1hI urge you to catch my 14 minutes with Pamela. Click on the Daring Dreamers Radio Logo image to the left and listen in! Pamela answers your questions.

Well, here it is:

bruner-bkEFT and Beyond, Cutting Edge Techniques for Personal Transformation.

I interviewed co-author/co-compiler Pamela Bruner to ask her what’s so special and extraordinary about this book that anyone who is familiar with tapping should rush out and get it.

Who’s it for?

Those who are already familiar with tapping, energy and EFT / MTT practitioners, trainers, experts and masters.

This is an enormous–literally–resource to which you will want to refer for a long time to come.

I am impressed!

EFT and Beyond, Cutting Edge Techniques for Personal Transformation is a 561-page tome, full to the bring with articles by 22 of the 29 EFT Masters and other tapping experts who share their own particular techniques

Get the book here: EFT and Beyond: Cutting Edge Techniques for Personal Transformation


How EFT Expert Judith Albright Helps Angry and Sad Dogs


Although much of Judith’s career was spent in corporate America, now she taps on dogs (and humans!)!

Take hope and inspiration from this, especially if you have a job you hate or that doesn’t pay you much–you, too, can learn to tap and help people.

Listen in as she describes how she helped her friend’s angry, sad and confused pooch stop acting out after his best friend died.

Judith Albright is an advanced Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner, PSYCH-K® facilitator, Out of the Job Box Career Expert” and Small Business Idea Consultant, an artist, educator, published author and world traveler….

12-11-logo-4-1hClick on the I Dare You Radio link to the left to get to my interview with delightful Judith Albright!

You can find out more about Judith at her site,

Two Crazy Artists: Ron Schmitt & Ric Hall

The Daring Dreamers Showcase

Ric Hall and Ron Schmitt are a couple of guys living in the Pacific Northwest who produce the most unusual pastels and paintings I’ve seen in a long time. As soon as I saw their work I knew I had to interview them!

I invite you to click on the IDareYouRadio logo above to listen in as I interview them. They work on the same pieces at the same time, side-by-side, totally defying the myth of the Artist Ego!

Ironing Out A Relationship

One is a veteran world-traveller, one is a love-to-stay-at-home guy, happy to never leave his backyard.

One is a let’s-just-do-art and nevermind the galleries guy, the other markets.

As they leave their egos behind, they create these marvelous, compelling images. The ones you see here are only a few of their huge collection. Click here for their site: Run your mouse over each image for its title, and click on any one of them to go to the interview.

I think their work is amazing, mysterious, and really powerful. I really love the color, the emotion and the sheer mystery in each piece which allows the viewer to make up his own story about what’s going on.

Shadow Interruptus
Striving for Judicial Heights

Elaine Nitz: Jumping from Programmer to EFT and Healing


Elaine Nitz is a Success Coach and Energy Healer, and is my guest this week on the Daring Dreamers Showcase.

Her new book, Release Your Limitless Self, Disarm Your Self-Sabotaging Trigger Phrases, is a fantastic resource of an enormous pile of setup phrases that you can tap on and use to literally disarm the phrases you hear in your everyday life that keep you from moving forward and creating the success you desire.

IDareYouRadio.comClick on the IDareYouRadio logo to the left to listen in as she tells what it took to move from being a programmer in the ultra-left-brain world to an intuitive energy healer!

You can find her at

Click right here to get her book, Release Your Limitless Self! Disarm Your Self-Sabotaging Trigger Phrases

If you have ever felt confused as to what to say when you are tapping using EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques, relax and let this book serve you!

Release Your Limitless Self! Disarm Your Self-Sabotaging Trigger Phrases is a powerful collection of phrases and setup statements that help you find just what to say to get through the limiting beliefs and habits that have thus far stymied you in your quest to create and live a better life.

What Really Happened to the Signers of the Declaration of Independence?


Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? (This is from Larry James’ website,

For the record, here’s a portrait of the men who pledged “our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor” for liberty many years ago.

Just 56 men

Fifty-six men from each of the original 13 colonies signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Nine of the signers were immigrants, two were brothers and two were cousins. One was an orphan. The average age of a signer was 45. Benjamin Franklin was the oldest delegate at 70. The youngest was Thomas Lynch Jr. of South Carolina at 27. 

18 of the signers were merchants or businessmen, 14 were farmers, and four were doctors. Twenty-two were lawyers – although William Hooper of North Carolina was “disbarred” when he spoke out against the king – and nine were judges. Stephen Hopkins had been governor of Rhode Island. 42 signers had served in their colonial legislatures.

John Witherspoon of New Jersey was the only active clergyman to attend. (Indeed, he wore his pontificals to the sessions.) Almost all were Protestants. Charles Carroll of Maryland was the lone Roman Catholic.

7 of the signers were educated at Harvard, 4 at Yale, four at William & Mary, and 3 at Princeton. Witherspoon was the president of Princeton, and George Wythe was a professor at William & Mary. His students included Declaration scribe, Thomas Jefferson.

17 signers fought in the American Revolution. Thomas Nelson was a colonel in the Second Virginia Regiment and then commanded Virginia military forces at the Battle of Yorktown. William Whipple served with the New Hampshire militia and was a commanding officer in the decisive Saratoga campaign. Oliver Wolcott led the Connecticut regiments sent for the defense of New York and commanded a brigade of militia that took part in the defeat of General Burgoyne. Caesar Rodney was a major general in the Delaware militia; John Hancock held the same rank in the Massachusetts militia.


The British captured 5 signers during the war. Edward Rutledge, Thomas Heyward, and Arthur Middleton were captured at the Battle of Charleston in 1780. George Walton was wounded and captured at the Battle of Savannah. Richard Stockton of New Jersey never recovered from his incarceration at the hands of British Loyalists. He died in 1781.

Thomas McKean of Delaware wrote John Adams that he was “hunted like a fox by the enemy – compelled to remove my family five times in a few months.” Abraham Clark of New Jersey had 2 of his sons captured by the British during the war.

11 signers had their homes and property destroyed. Francis Lewis’s New York home was razed and his wife taken prisoner. John Hart’s farm and mills were destroyed when the British invaded New Jersey, and he died while fleeing capture. Carter Braxton and Nelson, both of Virginia, lent large sums of their personal fortunes to support the war effort but were never repaid.

15 of the signers participated in their states’ constitutional conventions, and 6 – Roger Sherman, Robert Morris, Franklin, George Clymer, James Wilson, and George Reed – signed the U.S. Constitution.

After the Revolution

After the Revolution, 13 signers went on to become governors. 18 served in their state legislatures. 16 became state and federal judges. 7 became members of the U.S. House of Representatives. 6 became U.S. senators. James Wilson and Samuel Chase became Supreme Court justices. Jefferson, Adams, and Elbridge Gerry each became vice president. Adams and Jefferson later became president.

5 signers played major roles in the establishment of colleges and universities: Franklin and the University of Pennsylvania; Jefferson and the University of Virginia; Benjamin Rush and Dickinson College; Lewis Morris and New York University; and George Walton and the University of Georgia.

Adams, Jefferson, and Carroll were the longest surviving signers. Adams and Jefferson both died on July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Carroll was the last signer to die in 1832 at the age of 95.


Freedom often has a high cost: dedication, commitment, love, sacrifice, heart and more love, even your life. What are YOU willing to pay for your freedom? aloha – Angela


NOTE:  If you received an e-mail describing what “really” happened to the signers of the Declaration of Independence that describes their many tales of woe, don’t believe it!

The stories can be about “how the signers suffered” or “the price they paid” spiel contains numerous errors. (Click here for the full story that debunks the Internet e-mail hoax. Need more proof?  Click here.)


Sources: Robert Lincoln, Lives of the Presidents of the United States, with Biographical Notices of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence (Brattleboro Typographical Company, 1839); John and Katherine Bakeless, Signers of the Declaration (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1969); Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774-1989 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1989).

Vicki Warren, Psychic: Uncurable with Only 6 Months to Live


Vicki Warren is a psychic who works with people on any number of topics, including archetypal patterns, health, relationships, police cases and many others.

She was told 17 years ago that she had only 6 months to live because she had an ‘uncurable’ condition.

IDareYouRadio.comWell, either I just interviewed a ghost, or she had the guts and wherewithal to buck the odds she was given to create her own choice in living!

The Internal Switch

When you listen in to my interview with Vicki, you’ll hear how she created her own internal ‘switch’ that helped her heal, (getting the amalgam out of her teeth was critical).

And why she made the decision to NOT go to doctor or hospital-recommended ‘support’ groups, and the dynamic thing she did instead.

My session….

When I had a session with her, she zeroed in on some issues I’d never spoken about with anyone, ever. What a surprise to hear her coming out with it all! And she also helped me resolve something I had been dealing with for over 50 years.

Get the demo

Coffee Doughnuts & God by Vicki WarrenWe also give you a short demo of how she works – you’ll hear at one point a surprising bit about my vertebra I hadn’t known about – and that checked out later to be right on!

As you can probably gather by now, Vicki lives for living, not for getting ready to die.

 If you’re on the same wave-length, you’ll enjoy this interview. I hope you’ll be inspired by this well-known and highly respected psychic.

You can also find her book, Coffee, Doughnuts & God) HERE.

Either click on the logo above, or go HERE to get to the interview.

Photo credit: Boardman Tree Farm


JoAnn SkyWatcher: How to Let Loose and Tap and Bitch!


You’ll enjoy this short (13 minute) interview with Spiritual Coach JoAnn SkyWatcher, who specializes in Love Your Body pounds-dropping programs and Bitching and Tapping!

JoAnn is a fantastic Twitter-er (spell-check loved that one!), so I invite you to follow her – and see her increasingly more and more gorgeous nature photos of her off the grid mountain paradise in California!

12-11-logo-4-1hClick on the Daring Dreamers logo to the left to listen in as she tells what it took to move from being a programmer in the ultra-left-brain world to an intuitive energy healer!

bitch-bkGet Joann’s book here: Touched by a Miracle: EFT Healing Stories

Touched by a Miracle: EFT Healing Stories is both a primer on this important advance in energy psychology and a collection of 50 of JoAnn’s favorite EFT healing stories.

From alleviating back, shoulder, neck and other joint aches and pains, clearing phobias, working through emotional trauma from a relative’s suicide or moving on from a past relationship, Touched by a Miracle: EFT Healing Stories is sure to amaze, inspire and bring hope to many long-time sufferers of both physical and emotional pain. Everyone deserves the miracle of alleviating emotional or physical wounds.

Not familiar with EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques? Go HERE!

Nanette Geiger: How to Create the Love of Your Dreams!


Today’s guest is Nanette Geiger, author of Best-Selling book, Create the Love of Your Dreams.

If you are still wondering what to do to create your dream-love and have not gotten her book yet and, I suggest you get it now, so you can do it, too.

IDareYouRadio.comI invite you to click on the Daring Dreamers Radio logo to the left to go my interview with Best-Selling Author Nanette Geiger.

geiger-bkGet her book here: Create the Love of Your Dreams: The Essential How-To Relationship Book using the Law of Attraction

I know how much value I’ve gotten from coaching, myself, over the years – coaches hold the space for your best Self, and don’t do the critical or unceasingly endless self-defeating mind-trip your own mind does on you.

If you have never had a coach, I invite you to explore the possibilities of havng Nanette on your side, every week encouraging you and opening your mind to new options and possibilities you never saw before.